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Moderate May!

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    Moderate May!

    Hi all,

    Just had the nurse in and she seems really happy with my wife, no sign of any psychotic thoughts and we all had a good chin wag over a cup of tea, felt like an old get together. Very strange, can this last? Hope so!

    My consolidating is going so well I now feel a bit light headed after my 3 ciders so thinking of going lower but must not get too cocky. Don't want to end up back where I was.

    How you all modding?

    It's not what you drink, it's how much!


      Moderate May!

      nonamegirl;1508503 wrote: Hello, all,
      Hmmm.... sometimes I wonder why folks who don't usually post on the modders threads feel they need to post on the modders threads. I have been shot down and given harsh words on the Newbies thread and on the General Discussion thread when I didn't deserve it, but have NEVER heard a harsh word here from someone who is moderating. But then again, we are a welcoming group down here, and so, Kradle, you are welcome to post your thoughts.

      To all the lovely modders who offered their support... I am back from the week of cleaning out my parents' house. All in all it went better than we had any reason to hope. Just need to now go up and give everything a thorough scrubbing and get it staged and flowers planted. My brothers and I didn't kill each other, but the sister-in-law came close to being a target and we all lived through it.

      Stewarts, glad you are back. Good luck with training. I am also in training (when the migraines allow.) Our marathon is July 14.

      Lasha, so glad things are better with your wife, and I pray they remain better. Good luck, my friend.

      TMH, ... GREAT news on the liver enzymes! Keep up the good work.

      Eve, you are still in my thoughts. I know this is a long process.

      :l:l:l to all my friends.
      Thanks for the welcome, Noname and Sorry you saw my post as Harsh.

      It was written purely out of concern for Stewart and my past experience in similar situations.
      Sorry you saw a different motivation based on my posting here infrequently

      I read all the sections/ groups I can here - its all worthwhile IMO and when I have something to contribute, I try to do so as gently or informatively as i can.

      I am a MWO Poster Without Borders

      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        Moderate May!

        nonamegirl;1508503 wrote: Hello, all,
        Hmmm.... sometimes I wonder why folks who don't usually post on the modders threads feel they need to post on the modders threads. I have been shot down and given harsh words on the Newbies thread and on the General Discussion thread when I didn't deserve it, but have NEVER heard a harsh word here from someone who is moderating. But then again, we are a welcoming group down here, and so, Kradle, you are welcome to post your thoughts.
        Just my Abstainers 2cents: The reason "we" seem "harsh" is because we have standards that we try to live up to...i.e. staying completely away from alcohol. Whereas in the mods thread, it's more of a "free-for-all"...anything and everything is OK!

        And like Kradle, I read all of the threads
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Moderate May!

          K9Lover;1508722 wrote: Whereas in the mods thread, it's more of a "free-for-all"...anything and everything is OK!
          I would have to say I disagree with this one statement K9 as moderators are striving to maintain a standard of moderate drinking and "anything and everything" isn't ok as evidenced by when we share about our disappointments about not maintaining our goals at various times.

          However the approach is gentler over here, usually not a tough love approach seen on the AF boards but more of a motivational interviewing approach. MI can be explained best by helping an individual's figure out their intrinsic motivation to change. This motivation for change is created when a person recognizes discrepancies between their behavior and their personal goals. (e.g. they want to perform well at their job but the binge drinking that happened and the hangover that ensued interfered with a good performance that day). In a nutshell, asking questions or pointing out behavior in a nonjudgmental manner helps the person recognize the difference between where they are and where they hope to be.

          In Kradle's defense, she is very loving and caring and her intentions may have been misconstrued by readers so I personally took no offense to her post. She was just sharing motherly concern.

          noname, Thanks for your kind words to me. We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It's a one day at a time process for sure. At least I haven't let my little family crisis put me into "I've gotta have a drink" mode. Rather than that, I have been doing some great hypnotherapy and am immersing myself in my new lifestyle of healthier eating and finding like minded new friends. It's all good.

          Here's to a great hump day everyone!

          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            Moderate May!

            Hello, All,
            Eve, thank you for your input on this one. I did read the lovingness in Kradle's posting. And I also thought that K9's "Free for all" hit a bit below the belt. But we accept all kinds here, and I have ALWAYS felt welcome on this board, unlike the others. Kradle, continue to be a "Poster without Borders." You, and all, are welcome. Gosh, I am the newcomer here, not you.


              Moderate May!

              I apologize...I didn't mean to be rude!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Moderate May!

                Eve11;1508975 wrote:
                I haven't let my little family crisis put me into "I've gotta have a drink" mode. Rather than that, I have been doing some great hypnotherapy and am immersing myself in my new lifestyle of healthier eating and finding like minded new friends. It's all good.

                Psalms 119:45

                ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                St. Francis of Assisi

                I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                  Moderate May!

                  K9Lover;1509012 wrote: I apologize...I didn't mean to be rude!
                  K9, you were just stating what you thought, and it is welcome. To clarify my previous remarks about other boards and threads, I have never felt that you, K9, were anything less than supportive of my posts. Others were, but not you. You have a very calm and loving attitude. In this case, perhaps a bit below the belt. As Kuya would say, sometimes that is needed (referencing what the name is an acronym for.)

                  We are all on the path together; just in different places, with different origins, with different motivations and different needs. I would hope that with time I will become as wise in my advice to modders as so many of the Senior Members are to abstainers.


                    Moderate May!

                    Thank you for the kind words Noname! Sometimes the buffer between my brain and my mouth (or in this case, is broken. LOL

                    And KUYA's acronym cracks me up...she's a hoot! :H
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Moderate May!

                      Hi fellow modders! Just checking in today to keep myself accountable to my goals. I have been going AF during the week (Sunday through Thursday dry). However, this last weekend I had three beers on Friday and four on Saturday. Weekends are definitely harder for me as I completely associate them with letting loose. Staying AF during the week has been so much easier for me than I could have ever imagined it being. I am not obsessed with coconut water though and just found out today how much sugar they have!

                      I am going to dinner with some girlfriends tonight who I know will be drinking. I am going to stick with my goal of remaining AF tonight. It might be a challenge as this is my first outing with fellow drinkers since I have decided to not drink during the week. I know posting it here will keep accountable.
                      I have vacation in a few weeks and the day after I get back I am going to try to go 30 AF for the first time since I was pregnant.

                      I am certainly not perfect yet, but definitely feel pride in my accomplishments. Now to figure out how to treat Friday and Saturdays as just any other day........hmmmm.....I am determined to figure that out!

                      Hope you are all doing well in your moderation goals.

                      I see some here are having some life struggles that have nothing to do with alcohol. I hope all of you will have brighter days ahead!


                        Moderate May!

                        Correction to last post....AM obsessed with coconut water!


                          Moderate May!

                          Hey Modders, Modders want to bees and those in the cheap seats as a favourite MWO'er would say!
                          Just gave another MWO'er, kind enough to inquire, an RC 2013 Report and thought I'd post it here too.
                          RC 2013 Report:
                          shared bottle wine January 14 birthday
                          shared bottle March 29
                          6 beer May 2
                          1 beer another day in May....forgot to mark down
                          all other days ZERO!
                          Keep setting goals and moving forward folks!
                          Psalms 119:45

                          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                          St. Francis of Assisi

                          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                            Moderate May!

                            Texas40;1509664 wrote: Now to figure out how to treat Friday and Saturdays as just any other day........hmmmm.....I am determined to figure that out!

                            Hi Texas40,

                            K9 actually posted a great saying about that struggle to want to drink on week-ends so hopefully she won't mind that I share it with you:

                            Remember that Fridays and Saturdays are just DAYS, not a pass to drink. A craving will never last as long as a hangover, and you'll never wake up wishing you had drunk the night before.
                            I really liked/like that saying as the week-end thing has always been my struggle too. I don't get crazy cravings on week-nights, don't need to relax after work with a drink or cook with a glass in hand or have a drink before bedtime. Easy to just say no, as I do sleep better without AL in my system. But because I enjoy a couple of drinks weekly I do really look forward to the week-end. Problem is I have a faulty shut off valve. Can have two and feel satiated and totally done for the night. And other times, have my limit of two and REALLY, REALLY crave more. In the wrong setting I can drink more than intended. So I have learned to be careful who I drink with (#1 for me) and to try to take better control in party or big functions where drinking goes on for hours. My trick is to start late, have my two and leave. I am no longer the last girl at the party and haven't been for a long time (since I started moderating 5 years ago). So keep coming here as there are lots of pearls of wisdom in old posts and will certainly be good advice in new ones.

                            :welcome: as I haven't had a chance to talk to you yet.

                            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                            ~Jack Welsh~:h

                            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                              Moderate May!

                              Texas40;1509664 wrote: Now to figure out how to treat Friday and Saturdays as just any other day........hmmmm.....I am determined to figure that out!

                              Hi Texas40,

                              K9 actually posted a great saying about that struggle to want to drink on week-ends so hopefully she won't mind that I share it with you:

                              Remember that Fridays and Saturdays are just DAYS, not a pass to drink. A craving will never last as long as a hangover, and you'll never wake up wishing you had drunk the night before.
                              I really liked/like that saying as the week-end thing has always been my struggle too. I don't get crazy cravings on week-nights, don't need to relax after work with a drink, or cook with a glass in hand or have a drink before bedtime. Easy to just say no, as I do sleep better without AL in my system. But because I enjoy a couple of drinks weekly I do really look forward to the week-end. Problem is I have a faulty shut off valve. Can have two and feel satiated and totally done for the night. And other times, have my limit of two and REALLY, REALLY crave more. In the wrong setting I can drink more than intended. So I have learned to be careful who I drink with (#1 trigger for me is when with big drinkers) and to try to take better control in party or big functions where drinking goes on for hours. My trick is to start late, have my two and leave. I am no longer the last girl at the party and haven't been for a long time (since I started moderating 5 years ago).

                              At times, I have even listened to K9's pearl of wisdom above and said to myself, "Just because it's Friday, it doesn't mean I have to have a drink." So, there have been week-end nights where going to a movie and home afterward or going to a function where AL isn't served and coming home and refraining from drinking have become a new reality because I remind myself that just because it's the week-end I don't have to give myself the excuse of the week-end pass to drink.

                              So keep coming here as there are lots of pearls of wisdom in old posts and will certainly be good advice in new ones.

                              :welcome: as I haven't had a chance to talk to you yet.

                              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                              ~Jack Welsh~:h

                              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                                Moderate May!

                                Yeah, the weekend drink is the one that lets me down as well.

                                After a good week modding, I've slipped into the habit of having a couple of pints with two retired ex workmates and friends at 12 o'clock midday at their local pub. We all drive there so no chance of going beyond the 2 drinks but it turns out they stop drinking after that for the day and one mate only has that two drinks all week.

                                I didn't go last week but when I met them this Tuesday walking our dogs in the forest I could tell they thought I didn't want their company any more. They normally say see you on Saturday but they didn't.

                                How embarrassing, I feel like I should have a drink with them but I know I'll keep on drinking that day and regret it the next.

                                The tribulations of being an alky.
                                It's not what you drink, it's how much!

