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August Mod Sqaud

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    August Mod Sqaud

    I have that happen to sometimes, well, a lot, especially in NYC, I sleep better in NE, but even then some times I can have a hard time sleeping. The traveling could do it also.

    So, this was one of the reasons my wife hated me also I think. Only two days into my "cleansing" and I've already lost 5 of the 10 pounds I need to take off. I did also just get back from a 6 mile run, four of those miles at a tempo space. I have a hockey game tommorrow, so I should hold off that weight, if not lose more.

    Overall feeling really good.


      August Mod Sqaud

      Holy Smoley, Stewarts! You are doing great on your cleansing! Way to go! Wish the weight was dropping off me like that... I think you are just right with your discussion of boredom and drinking. And also the phantom "thirst" that makes us head back to the bottle. If I take a break and have a big glass of water instead of the next glass of wine, I am always much better. And I have really gotten in to my knitting to help with the boredom thing. Knitting and drinking don't mix at all, at all.

      TMH, I am in total amazement of your number of marathons and ultras. I have done two marathons, (may possibly have one more in me some year,) but I have really found that I love the half-marathon distance. I can really empathize with your not sleeping. I hate it when that happens - all too often. I usually get out of bed to read if I lay there too long.

      Lots of forest fires around. The smoke is really depressing and makes it hard to be outside. I am blessed to so far not be in danger, but the fires aren't far away.


        August Mod Sqaud

        NNG, I'm sorry to hear about the fires and it bringing you down.

        Old habits are hard to break. Like I mentioned before, I drank all those light beers that day, that's because they go down like water. I got into that habit in my twenties, when I would drink more often and handle it, fine, because my attitude was, "why all the extra calories." I'd probably be better off drinking one or two real beers.

        Wine is ALWAYS tricky, because it too, goes down quite easily, even though you're not supposed to chug it, it's still easy to have another and another, then it creeps up on you and the sugar can make you feel weird, that is what will keep you up at night.

        It's funny, I was thinking about other drugs I used to do, even hard ones, and in an odd way, they were easier to monitor and control, eg, cocaine even. Now, I have no desire to do that anymore, but after awhile, getting to my late 20's, sleep was more of something that I wanted or needed. And it's funny, because back then if I felt like it, or someone offered, which was more the case in my late 20's to early 30's, I got passed the staying up to 7 or 8 in the morning phase of my life, I was very careful when I did that, and even was concious to check the time, I knew, "take one more of those, and it will be a strung out day."

        It's funny how with AL, at least for me, I have more of a chance of that happening with it, than any other drug, even hard ones.

        Anyway...just my thought for the day.

        Happy Wednesday to everyone.



          August Mod Sqaud

          Stewarts;1545736 wrote: One thing I wanted to share was Boredom. I think it is safe to say many of us will take a drink if we're simply "bored".
          Hey Stewarts and everyone else,

          Interesting how we all have different triggers. Mine is feeling sad about something. Want the nice little buzz to make me feel better but being AL is a depressant...well, duh, I usually end up more depressed the next day. But when I have those "binge" occasions of drinking more than intended, it is usually because I am upset about someone doing something or not doing something and I start to drink to forget my troubles.

          I have a toxic friend who people keep saying I should put up on the shelf. Lies about things constantly and disappoints me more times than I'd like to admit, even to myself. But we have a long history and it's hard to let go sometimes, even when some friends are not bringing out the best in us. Also, the ups and downs of my teen and his problems have been stressful so I definitely went over limits the other night. Tried to set a goal on Ruby Tuesday to not drink alone and totally did the opposite. So, it's back on track for me. Thank goodness we modders believe in Youturns!

          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            August Mod Sqaud

            "Youturns" I like that Eve.

            Yes, everyone has their own triggers. I know with me, sometimes women that like to drink can cause me to fall down a dangerous's kind of like getting all caught up in the moment.

            I had a hockey game with the guys last night. I did have three light beers after the game, which I don't feel bad about. When I got home, I was going to try and experiment and go into a bar and just order a club soda...which I have done before, on many occasions, but not after a game. I usally walk in after a game because I can't sleep. My rationale was, well, if I can't sleep and I'm bored, I can at least hang out, put some music on and chill, right?

            So, I look in...crowd looked boring. The bartender, I knew, not a terrible person, kind of a cool person, the wife of the owner, but not someone I ever felt really compelled to chat with outside of the normal cordial pleasantries. The cocktail waitress, I knew, she was ok to talk to, then a bunch of loser guys were in there.

            So I decided, "screw this, I rather go back to my apt., watch the finale of Longmire season 1, maybe make some chamomile tea, or take some valerian root and go to bed." Which is what I did.

            Oh, and Allen Carr's book on drinking, really does make you think why you should ever want to drink's so blunt and so subtle at the same time...I know sounds weird, but it is!




              August Mod Sqaud

              HI, everyone.
              I need a shoulder to cry on. A very dear friend and my teaching partner of ten years died of a sudden heart attack night before last. I found out about it yesterday morning and spent part of the day with his sweet wife, part of the day in his classroom crying. Then I had to go to my volunteer position... and after getting home from that at 3:00 I just kept hoping my husband would come home from work early. But, no. He called at 6 and said he wouldn't be home until at least 7. It was hard waiting, but when he did get home I told him and we cried together...But I kept to my promise to myself and didn't have the glass of wine I wanted until he got home. I knew if I started drinking by myself I'd be a complete mess by the time he got home.


                August Mod Sqaud

                NNG, cry away. So so sorry for your loss of a good friend. Good you were so strong in spite of feeling devastated.

                Eve, i also like You-turns. Sorry you had an 'off' night. At least you stepped up to the plate and admitted such. Know your life is stressful right now so please don't be so hard on yourself. Normal for you is being in control.

                Did my first 4 days of lifting workouts. She advises no cardio for Phase 1, 4 weeks. Wt came on each day. Not! I'll contunue the plan but this body needs to move. Most days I got in 5-7k steps. Instant weight gain. This am I was out door before 7:30a, walked a brisk 3 miles, then went shopping with friend. At 13k now.

                Have a great weekend everyone!!

                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                  August Mod Sqaud

                  Talking to myself here. LOL. Having a good controlled weekend. One day left with a 7:30a tee time and having company for dinner so will be busy all afternoon preparing.

                  NNG, are you in western. U.S.? Has the rain come in yet? Part of country is burning, and we are drowning. Well, not quite as bad as July but daily rain. Picked up 2 of your recommended books yest, thanks for those.

                  Eve, how are you? Things any better?

                  Hi to Stewarts, DG, Lila, Lasha, where's Farfalla?

                  The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                    August Mod Sqaud

                    Hi, TMH.... just lost my response to you, so this one is going to be a bit shorter. Thank you for your kind words. It has been hard, and brings back very bad memories of when my first husband died.

                    I do live in the fire area. Last night I watched as ash fell on our front lawn, like slow rain or grey snow. Not good.

                    Congratulations on your fitness work! Sounds as if you are doing great things. I am proud of you! I have a 4 mile race scheduled today, but if the smoke is too bad, I will cancel my involvement. The fires bring on deep depression for me - hopefully I can avoid it this year.

                    Thank you for being here.:l


                      August Mod Sqaud

                      NNG, did you do the race? If so, how did it go? Sorry about the depression. Can't remember, do you take anything for it? Thanks for kudos on fitness. Barely starting. Yest I struggled doing back & biceps as I was tired from golf. Sounds dumb I know, but we're in hottest time of year so it takes more out of you. Plus did not drink so, of course, did not sleep well.

                      Got invited to join yesterday's golf partner for dinner tonight. Noticed 1st time we were together they do not drink. Woman orders Perrier served in a wine glass. If comfortable, I may inquire as to their story. It's always interesting.

                      Off to get ready for gym.

                      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                        August Mod Sqaud

                        Hi, TMH and everyone.
                        Yes, I did the race on Sunday. It was only a 4 miler, but the smoke was just starting to cloud the valley so it might have been better. My heart definitely wasn't in it, but I knew that if I didn't participate I would be disappointed in myself, and so I did it in honor of my friend who died. Still trying to come to grips with that.

                        Step by step in the right direction. We'll get through fire season and we'll get through this, too. Take care, everyone.


                          August Mod Sqaud

                          Good for you, getting out there and doing it. And if it helps in even just a very small way - I, too, ran today in addition to regular workout. Took Jeff Galloway's advice to not do too much at first - did 18 min. alternating walk/run.

                          So see you are a good influence!

                          The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                            August Mod Sqaud

                            Hey, everyone.
                            I hope your weekend is a lovely one. I am looking forward to some time with my sweet husband, letting him help me heal from losing my friend. I will exercise, maybe eat some ice cream, pet my puppy and - if the smoke in the air permits - get some sunshine.

                            May your weekend be perfect, whether it is a long one (as it is here in the states) or just a regular weekend. Take care of yourselves, my friends.

