I'm choosing this thread to officially say 'hello' as I'm tackling a number of issues that fit within the health/weight/moderation spectrum.
I'll first list off a recent triumph, which is that I have not smoked for 4.5 months!!! With that accomplishment well in hand, I am now ready to start running again. Today will be my first run of that new plan for increasing my health and good endorphin.
Healthy eating is pretty much second nature to me as I don't have much of a sweet tooth, love fresh veggies and not much of a fried food person (my big weakness is potato chips) -- BUT, I would like to increase my daily amounts of protein.
I am also supplementing as I have struggled with pretty bad depression/mood/stress issues. I've been reading The Mood Cure, which has been very enlightening. Currently (and for quite some time), it appears that I've been deficient in a number of areas including my endorphin, adrenalin and serotonin. I'm including those supps. according to the book, but also adding many of the MWO supplements including the All One, L-G, Milk Thistle, Kudzu and Vitamin B Complex.
Although I don't drink very many days in a week, I find that my one weekly binge night continues to take me two steps back in terms of my physical, but most especially my mental health (especially the depression/dark mood/fatigue issues). The binges need to stop for those reasons and also for the ridiculous amount of calories (Alcohol Tracker is the new toy) I am ingesting (and was afraid to face!). Yikes.
As for the moderation, I've experienced many successes already, but I want to take it to that next level. Although I have kept my drinking to only 2 nights with AF for the rest of the days of the week very consistently for the past 3 months, one of those nights is typically an huge over-indulgence (5 to 6 beers). I would like to take that night to 3-4 over the next month (it's usually on a Friday night) with the longer term goal of only 2 to 3 drinks (and potentially only 1 night a week with the option of special occasions).
I look forward to interacting with all of you. I've been visiting the board for many years as a lurker but I'm ready to step out of the shadows.