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Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

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    Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

    I'm choosing this thread to officially say 'hello' as I'm tackling a number of issues that fit within the health/weight/moderation spectrum.

    I'll first list off a recent triumph, which is that I have not smoked for 4.5 months!!! With that accomplishment well in hand, I am now ready to start running again. Today will be my first run of that new plan for increasing my health and good endorphin.

    Healthy eating is pretty much second nature to me as I don't have much of a sweet tooth, love fresh veggies and not much of a fried food person (my big weakness is potato chips) -- BUT, I would like to increase my daily amounts of protein.

    I am also supplementing as I have struggled with pretty bad depression/mood/stress issues. I've been reading The Mood Cure, which has been very enlightening. Currently (and for quite some time), it appears that I've been deficient in a number of areas including my endorphin, adrenalin and serotonin. I'm including those supps. according to the book, but also adding many of the MWO supplements including the All One, L-G, Milk Thistle, Kudzu and Vitamin B Complex.

    Although I don't drink very many days in a week, I find that my one weekly binge night continues to take me two steps back in terms of my physical, but most especially my mental health (especially the depression/dark mood/fatigue issues). The binges need to stop for those reasons and also for the ridiculous amount of calories (Alcohol Tracker is the new toy) I am ingesting (and was afraid to face!). Yikes.

    As for the moderation, I've experienced many successes already, but I want to take it to that next level. Although I have kept my drinking to only 2 nights with AF for the rest of the days of the week very consistently for the past 3 months, one of those nights is typically an huge over-indulgence (5 to 6 beers). I would like to take that night to 3-4 over the next month (it's usually on a Friday night) with the longer term goal of only 2 to 3 drinks (and potentially only 1 night a week with the option of special occasions).

    I look forward to interacting with all of you. I've been visiting the board for many years as a lurker but I'm ready to step out of the shadows.


      Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

      Well, let me be the first to welcome you, TigerLily! Great job on getting rid of the smokes. It sounds as though you are working hard on other health issues as well. Good for you. How was today's run?

      After a night of no alcohol, I had a terrific workout today. Felt quite strong on both the ET and Run/Walk, took it a little further than original schedule, thought about doing a fair amount more as got into some sweets earlier in day but then remembered sore leg from last night and decided not to push it. The sore leg is a chronic problem. Ice helped last night.

      Again, Tiger Lily welcome. Glad you gave up lurking and joined us. Will be great to get to know you better and follow your journey.

      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


        Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

        Tiger Lily your story sounds a lot like most people here. I'm the same way, I definitely do not drink every day or anything like, but I can be good for a binge night a week or so. I think I'd consider last night kind of like that.

        Wow, my running lately is slow! I definitely need to drop some pounds. I think my average for 5 miles or so around Central Park was like 9:22 mpm ?!?!?! To give you a contrast my marathon time is like 8:40 mpm and my 10K time is around 7:45 mpm, 8 tops and my best 5K was around 7:23...

        So I got some work to do it looks like.

        Yeah, I simply just want to feel well. I to also suffer from depression and mood issues. Personal or emotionally, I had a rough two years...nothing life threatening, I just found myself in bizarre personal situations that we all know can mess with our brain!



          Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

          Hey, guys, what an evening last night turned out to be. After dinner our group stopped in bar for an after dinner drink. I had a jaw dropping moment. 2 actors graced our club bar. Do any of you have Showtime channel? Well, dh got it for me so I could watch Dexter. And, of course, I have gotten into other tv series the most recent of which is Californication. It's pretty bad, X rated I'd say. But....the guy who plays Lew Ashby was sitting there grinning because he knew I recognized him. The lady with him is the one who plays Marcy. Very long dark hair. She was engrossed in talking with one of our single guys here who I can't wait to talk to. I went to talk to the character named Lew and he finished my sentence, hi, aren't you Lew in Califor......Then when I pointed to her he said ya, that's Marcy. He really didn't confirm or deny, but I couldn't get their image out of my head while playing golf today.

          Anyway, played fairly well today even though I drank last night. 3, would have been the 2, but the stop in bar resulted in another. Should have had water. It was worth the stop, however. Anyway, just wanted to share.

          The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


            Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

            My weight/health is becoming a problem....I am being dramatic, I am not sick, and I'm healthy, I'm talking about training. I am 8-10 pounds heavier than I should be...and I'd prefer to be 15 pounds lighter.

            I did drink last night, big Rangers game and they won, but I went to the gym and watched what I ate. I think I need re-visit my nutrition and training. The good news...I'll take this, weight as an issue, then the anxiety and mental breakdowns of too much AL. I have a conference call in 15 mins. I've been wanting to get back into playing squash...I told the pro at my club I will probably call for a lesson or quick game today...but because I feel so bloated still...I think it's going to be more running...



              Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

              Hmmm... me, too, Stewarts. My clothes still fit, but the knits are kind of bulge-y and the jackets don't quite close the way they used to. I blame it on my migraines, as I really don't do well with the head aches - not training the way I should be. Supposed to do a 12 miler tomorrow, but it will certainly be a very slow one, if the $&*(# head allows.


                Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

                Amazing how we can't seem to do both - AF and lose weight. Having all those AF days I got into SUGAR big time. Clothes are tight here too.

                Too many nights out this week. Thurs night guy tells me he knows the people who I thought were tv stars. They live here and are in a band and play here often. Oh well, bet he gets asked a lot if he 's the star.

                Today is our 17th anniversary. After drinking Wed, Thur & Fri I am thinking today may be an excellent day to start again.

                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                  Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

                  Pretty much forced to start. Never got out of p.j.s.

                  Day 1
                  The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                    Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

                    Well, I got my weight down to reasonable. I'm like 2-3 pounds off what I like my ceiling weight to be. I prefer to get lower than that.

                    My running time are still way off.... I think I need to rest today though....I ran almost every day last week and had a hockey game last night, I even ran in the morning. I share the drinking story for the June thread.


                      Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

                      Made it through the last 5 days camping AF. Whoot whoot!! Had a great trip. The knee did fine. I used Traumeel before and after hiking and that really made a difference. Ticks were terrible though. Picked 7 off the dog and she's been treated with tick meds. Only saw one rattler and it was a baby about 10 inches long. The skeeters were managable but problematic. Hiked each day without a HANG OVER!! Today is 29 days AF.


                        Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

                        Congrats Ginger!


                          Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

                          Why is it men can lose weight so much faster! Not to take anything away from you, Stewart, that is fantastic. Good for you! But I think of my SIL who decides to lose wt and literally takes off 50# in about 3-4 months. I kid you not.

                          Ginger - awesome, girl! I saw another thread how you said you would muscle through hiking on same type weekends, feeling like crap from drinking. Boy, can I relate to that. Great success! And here you are on 30 days now. Except no hangovers, how has your life improved?

                          Well, gave in on Sunday night being invited to friends for steak dinner. We played golf where everyone drank beer, and I had an O'Douls. I cave when I get told well, I went out and bought you chardonnay, and they are leaving for the season so know he would feel it would go bad, etc. etc. I have to get over that. Not my problem. So yesterday I went for 3 walks, first 2 were very short as kept getting caught in rain. Finally last night after dinner, I go in 2+ miles. That was a nice evening replacement. Not much sleep though.

                          Will be back to chime in on today's workout.

                          Yest: 0
                          The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                            Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

                            TMH, Wish I could say I feel amazing but I really don't. I'm super fatigued right now. :/ I slept really well that last few nights too! I got up this AM and did my Yoga practice then walked the dog 2+ miles and it felt like a death march and it's only 9:50am. I'm just chaulking it up to PAWS for now. Hopefully it passes soon and I get back my hyper self! Going to see the doc about this freakin' whooshing ear thing. Maybe it's all related. When I get back I'll ride my bike 5 miles and call it a day! Thanks everyone for all your support. I wouldn't be where I am without you all!


                              Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

                              TMH, regarding men, it's simple, testosterone and more muscle mass....simply the way we're made.

                              So, I did drink last night, nothing major, but it's funny, even though I have these nights once, or twice a week, the same day, lately, I have been having the same thought the next morning....I really didn't need to do wasn't terribly healthy.....So we shall see.

                              I will definitely not drink tonight....Rangers game or not.


                                Where do I concentrate? Lose wt or AF?

                                I'm feeling more human today. I've been taking Zertec for this whooshing ear thing and the doc said to layoff taking it in the morning and switch to PM only. He said it zaps some people's energy. Funny how we are all so different. Sleeping like a log lately and I haven't done that in YEARS due to drinking every night.

