Thanks for the welcome, everyone. Glad someone directed me to this thread. Frigid sudden cold here prevented a visit to the outdoor holiday fare - going to Australia in a few weeks then I can complain about the unbearable heat. I'm (hopefully) at the end of a downward depressive cycle - have packed on some pounds, no exercise, given myself permission to eat junk, everything and anything for the last 2 months, and feel very unwell. Cleaning out the fridge and cupboards now that houseguests have departed. I'm starting eating nutritarian again next week. Maybe a few days of juicing will give me a jump start. With upcoming trips over the holidays, my meals will be mostly whatever my host is serving or restaurant menus. Probably will have to wait until next month to wean myself of all the unhealthy eating. I really thought not downing several bottles of wine a week would lend itself to some weight loss, but that didn't happen.
No announcement yet.
December Mod Squad
December Mod Squad
Thanks for the welcome, everyone. Glad someone directed me to this thread. Frigid sudden cold here prevented a visit to the outdoor holiday fare - going to Australia in a few weeks then I can complain about the unbearable heat. I'm (hopefully) at the end of a downward depressive cycle - have packed on some pounds, no exercise, given myself permission to eat junk, everything and anything for the last 2 months, and feel very unwell. Cleaning out the fridge and cupboards now that houseguests have departed. I'm starting eating nutritarian again next week. Maybe a few days of juicing will give me a jump start. With upcoming trips over the holidays, my meals will be mostly whatever my host is serving or restaurant menus. Probably will have to wait until next month to wean myself of all the unhealthy eating. I really thought not downing several bottles of wine a week would lend itself to some weight loss, but that didn't happen.10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.
December Mod Squad
Well, I survived my holiday party. I got there quite late and I didn't drink. Even though it was demanded every do a saki bomb. I even went out with the crew's amazing how boring loud bars are when you're sober. I also didn't feel like talking to anyone, which is kind of bad.
My office mate was pretty bombed, but he kept cracking me up, he's a pretty funny guy and he was definitely letting loose.
When we went to the bar, my boss kept on buying buckets and buckets of PBR's (yes one of those type of places, believe it or not we have them in NYC) and one was given to me. I actually did something I never did before....I did take it, I held it, even cheers peopled with it, but I never drank from it.....
Now, if I would've had a couple of sips or even drank that one, it wouldn't have been a big deal, but I decided not to, still. Only one person picked up I wasn't drinking it, it was our new research girl, she was like, "Oh, you got a drink now, cheers," she noticed, unlike everyone else that I wasn't taking a sip, she looked at me and said, "You're not drinking that are, you?" I looked at her and smiled and said, "Nope."
Anyway, that is my latest....
December Mod Squad
You know Emmy Lou, I'm with you. This restricting myself is not working. Our life is always social but even moreso in Dec. my plan was to not drink Tue or Thurs (parties) and I did both nights. I did start with a large tonic water but then had wine. Also, today I had a "Welcome to Medicare" physical, and I didn't want any alcohol in my system. But then I thought this is my lifestyle, and I would rather be my normal self and find out if it indeed is affecting my health - other than how we all know too much does.
Crocus, you seem to be finding the same. Very interesting.
Yes, welcome ISIC. Glad to have you on board!
NNG, I responded similarly on Tues nite. I was upset with dh and it set me off or I allowed it to. Who do we hurt? I didn't over imbibe either nights but it still wasn't according to plan.
Am not being insensitive to the depression discussion. Been there myself. Do want to share that this Medicare physical included a 2 pg questionnaire. At the end I answered "very happy" to a question about how I felt about my life. The dr. said I was in a very, very small minority to answer like that. Really?
Well, I hope you all have a good weekend!
TMHThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
December Mod Squad
Happy Saturday, my dear friends!
Stewarts, good for you on how you handled yourself at the company party! That is fantastic, my friend! You know why you made the choice and it was important to you to stick to it. I am really proud of you. And it sounds as if it wasn't too difficult to not drink. Hurray for you!
TMH, so good to hear about the Medicare physical. I am glad to know a bit of what to expect, though I am a few years away from it... not many, but a few. And I agree with you and Emmy, that beating ourselves up during the holidays to stay completely AF on any particular day isn't necessarily necessary for us, as long as we keep it under control. I would also be able to answer that question "Very happy with my life." Aren't we lucky? What a blessing.
My dear Crocus, I think of you at your Christmas tree and just smile!
Have a great day, everyone. It is about -15 degrees here this morning, and the race I had signed up for has been cancelled. Can't tell you I am disappointed!
December Mod Squad
NNG, that is exactly what I said to the dr. Really? I am so blessed. And i'm glad you feel that way too! So your race was canceled. I used to do The Reindeer Run 1st Sat in Dec, a 5k. How far was this race?
Means you must have been training.
Woke up to beautiful sunshine, lanai door open.alm: Have a 11:48 tee time, should be 82 deg by 1:00. Going to do a crockpot dinner and start decorating tonight. Admit it takes a lot longer to get in the Christmas spirit in this part of the country. But I'll take it.
TMHThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
December Mod Squad
Lasha;1593443 wrote:
Getting back to depression my al advisor told me alcohol destroys Dopamine and we stop producing it by the age of 21 hence as you get older the more al makes you depressed. He also said al destroys the nerve ends and that's why alcoholics are usually flat footed. Who wants to be a depressed flat footed person?
Gorgeous sunny morning - no hangover, but a sinus headache. Doesn't frigid cold kill off all the allergins?
I'm coming up to a rough 2 weeks. Actually, I'm thinking about that in the wrong way. I can handle this with some planning. Hubby is going away on business and I normally spend that time holed up, depressed and drinking. I know I have not done that in months, but I just want to remind myself so I don't fall back into the old patterns. I may have to try going to the gym (yikes), going for a swim, bubble baths and shopping. I just get bored and lonely and don't want to do anything or speak to anyone.
Hope you all enjoy a sober Saturday and a guilt-free, non-hungover Sunday morning. (And you Aussies already into Saturday night - enjoy the Ashes!)10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.
December Mod Squad
Hi all, welcome S&IC... Thanks for the Ashes quip, everyone is hooked on it and it always drives me crazy! Such a boring AFL football is another matter, but the season is over alas.
I went out last night, and was designated driver...a first for me. Very pleasant evening, until I got hit on by a very drunk Irishman. We'd stopped at a bar near my friends house to chat more before home. Oh if only he could see a video of his behaviour the next day...I had to push his hands off me twice, he was swaying and slurring. Eventually he and his friends continued their pub crawl elsewhere... Thank goodness I'm not shy about putting that kind of behaviour in its place! But it did lead to interesting conversation about why it's usually men and not women who get grabby when drunk?
Anyway, I've had a great afternoon. At the Xmas party of my very favourite bar. Saw three bands, had BBQ lunch and even got a little present from the staff. I had five drinks, went home early& have been watching DVDs with lots of glasses of tonic. It's an early night for me. I hope you all had lovely weekends and a great week ahead.
December Mod Squad
Hey Everyone! Well here we go for a new week. Greetings to S&IC and to everyone. I love reading all your posts and getting to know you more and more. PBR - Pabst Blue Ribbon! What a riot! You should listen to Zak Brown's song "Life is Good Today."He mentions it.
I too have decided to enjoy this season without the plotting and planning of "drink or no drink." It actually seems to provoke me to drink. I had six wine punches last night staying up late with my husband, the Christmas tree, music, food etc. I wasn't drunk, but it was more than I had planned. So today I decided it would be an AF day. Once I did that I could NOT stop thinking about how I wanted to have maybe just one. Finally, tonight before dinner, I relented, and poured myself a drink. Once I did that I didn't even WANT it! I ended up taking a few sips and dumping it out. Is that nuts or what?!
NNG - knitting? I can knit the most wonderful flat creations. Have never tried to make a bend, or a curve. It's on my list. I have exams to give and grade this week, so it won't be this week.
Winter is sure here! Not as cold here as for NNG and S&IC and Em, but 20 degrees here in Boston. No snow yet. plan for this week is to stay aware of my triggers, have a drink or two if I want to, and not declare ultimatums that make me want to break them.
We have zero point zero events to attend this month, so I don't have that temptation, but I'm good at social events. It's always lonely Friday nights when hubbs hits the hay by 7P.M. that can do me in. But he stayed up with me this weekend, and it was so nice!
I too can say I am very happy with my life. So grateful for that. I have to take the medicare quiz in 2014, and I too, am just going to be me. I have my regular physical in Jan. WHen my doc asks me how much I drink, I'm going to tell her the truth..."More than I should, but much less than I used to." And I'm working on it.
TMH- Those temperatures sound pretty nice. I have a son in Newport Beach, CA, and he's enjoying the same.
Sending you all my very best Christmas wishes!
December Mod Squad
I can knit a really long chain. Last christmas I received a children's "how to knit" book. I'm still on page 5. It did make me put the wineglass down. I am going to take it up again-the KNITTING, not the wineglass. I think it's something I would like to do if I ever get the hang of it. I get frustrated - when I make a mistake I can't figure out how to fix it.
We have snow here this evening. I told you all earlier that I often drank alone when my husband was out of town. I wasn't sneaking it - quite open about it - I was lonely, bored and depressed. I'm not going to drink this week.
I've been doing really well these last 2 months and started having a drink socially. Thanksgiving went really well, as did our trip to San Fran. Maybe I forgot that I have a problem. We were out shopping yesterday afternoon and I suggested we stop for a glass of wine, enjoy the holiday decorations, etc. We would usually go out to dinner or for a drink before hubby travels. I was making a nice dinner (as he'll be eating in restaurants on the road for the next few weeks) and suggested we get a good bottle of red wine to go with the lamb. Then I drank the bottle of white wine that has been in the refrigerator for months. My first hangover in a couple of months. I can argue both sides on this and will get myself centered. This is not the person I want to be or the life I want to live. Yesterday after I had that first glass of wine, I started plotting the next one - rather than consciously think of whether or not I wanted more. Frenzied drinking - totally unmindful. It may very well be that I cannot predict or control and I need to decide if that is the life I want. I'm not drinking today. I'm not drinking alone. I'm not drinking tomorrow.
On a funnier note - had no idea they still sold Pabst. American beer is really bad. At least have a Stella!!!!!10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.
December Mod Squad
Happy Monday, all my friends!
Sounds like this was a weekend of choices that maybe we could have made better... me, too. I also, sad to admit this, drank more than I wanted to last night, and yes, it was just as ISIC said, unmindful. I tend to drink more when my husband is out of town, as well, but he is home and I am so grateful for that. SO why did I over-do last night? No idea. Stupid.
On to PBRs... yep. Lots of better beers out there. We have some great micro-brews here in Montana, really really good breweries. Can rank right up there with good German beers. But this is not something that I over-indulge in. Thank goodness. Oddly enough, even though it is not a warm climate, we also have some great wineries nearby.
Okay, now I have my own question. What is "Ashes"?
December Mod Squad
Same kind of weekend here. We got the tree up and other decorations out, I made a batch of cookies for a Cookie Exchange, played 18 on Sat and 9 holes yesterday. Unfortunately, I associate both decorating and wrapping presents with drinking wine. My tongue is sore. I drink lemon water plus the wine and figured out yesterday why it's gotten sore. Jolly Ranchers. Had 1 both Sat & Sun. Too much citrus.
I would like to start knitting. But then I think of how much I read and wonder where i'd fit it in. Plus I sit enough as it is.
Tonight is our Annual Tree Lighting party. Cash bar and free appetizers. Santa arrives in a golf cart. We bring a toy for Toys for Tots.
TMHThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
December Mod Squad
Last week I had a bit of a struggle deciding whether to go to dr. on Fri after an AF week or drink as normal. A year ago I had slightly elevated liver count. Blood test was taken when I hadn't truly fasted. Did a repeat and it fell back to normal. I drank regularly last week, had test on Fri, just got results. Cholesterol somewhat high (need to research if I can lower with diet) quit taking Vit D as that was also high, liver count normal. Yay! Now I am so glad I did it that way. Not a license to continue drinking, I know, but I think you modders will know what I mean.
TMHThe pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.
December Mod Squad
My weekend was rather uneventful. I did go to the Jets game on Sunday with some friends, hs friends on top of that. I actually did have a few beers, I stress only few. It was over a long period of 3 or 4 and it was the early game. During the game, I think I had like 1/2 one, a friend and I were splitting it, so maybe it was 3 1/2, whatever. I got home early. Got a bite and just chilled's funny, but I don't consider that drinking...anyway...
P.S. PBR = Pabst Blue Ribbon