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January Mod Squad

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    January Mod Squad

    Hold fast, DipGal! Don't give up and don't be too hard on yourself.

    Honestly, this is one of the things I like about Modding. It's not an all or nothing gig - I'm AF for xxx days, then Oh No! I Failed! Then alas, Day one yet again.

    You drank yesterday. Guess what - so did I. You may choose to drink today. So may I. The goal now for the next two days can be to moderate your drinking in some way. My first baby step is always having a plan about when and how to stop. A time of the evening? (Switch to peppermint tea or hot milk at 8 pm). A number of glasses? When the bottle is finished? Now, arguably, none of the above is really moderating, but it can still mean that you are controlling the situation to some degree and you can feel good about that.

    Then, AF Monday! I'll join you and ToMyHealth!


      January Mod Squad

      Wow! I checked all day long yest and no response and now both DipGirl and DG. Hooray!

      DIpgal, you really know yourself. Yes, yes Monday will work. That night is a big community wide party here. Doesn't mean I have to drink. have a big golf tournament following week and that's a lot of socializing. However, I don't want to spend any day out on the golf course hungover.

      Last night I had 1 drink. Dh needed to make an airport run so he drank an O'Douls. When he got home he had an ice cream sundae. I thought about a glass of wine and resisted. And now I am so enjoying a cup of coffee, and have an 11:45 tee time. And mid day tee times with the ladies is highly unusual. One other Sat we did that and instead of going into club for lunch we all had a glass of wine. I remember how much I enjoyed that! long as I eat something while playing I may do the same today. And dh has another airport run to do tonight so more than likely a zero night at home again, at least for him but it also makes it easier for me.

      DancG, you have a great modding attitude!

      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


        January Mod Squad

        Okay, Monday it is! TMH, are you familiar with Mah Jongg? I live in a resort community in ILL, and it sounds like you do the same in Florida. Mah Jongg is very popular now and especially in communities such as ours. I love the game, and the best part is that I don't associate it with AL! I almost registered for a tournament in Sarasota in Feb, but didn't. I was just in Sanibel in November. Actually I was in FL 4 times last year.. My father-in-law lived in Pensacola until he passed away last July. Wish I was in Florida now! We are having another snow storm! Did you always live in FL?

        Dancing Girl, so glad to have you with us for a Monday restart!!

        I would like to abstain until Feb. 1st, when I have plans to go out to a 50th anniversary Beatles concert. 2/1 was my original date to start moderating.. Oh well, had a little bump in the road!

        xoxoxo to all!
        "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
        ~John Lennon

        Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

        ~Author Unknown


          January Mod Squad

          Glad to see you here on the board, DipGal. I'm reading this afternoon and drinking Arizona Green Tea (one of my favourite non-AL drinks). With all the snow outside, I'm fighting a temptation to start sipping wine all afternoon, like I was doing a month ago.

          Today - moderate (keep procrastinating the glass-full until ... until ...) and tomorrow AF.
          Love to All


            January Mod Squad

            HI, Everyone.
            My goodness, such a lot of news! Welcome to TrueGrit, DipGal, DancingGirl and everyone else. And welcome back to Crocus! I miss you! And look who's talking, since I haven't posted in such a long stretch of days, either.

            This cold is finally working its way out, and though we (husband and me) both feel still exhausted, we are finally getting better. Today is his birthday, so hopefully things will be just sparkling! We went out to a nice dinner last night to celebrate, but neither one of us slept well last night, darn it.

            I send my thoughts to my dear Crocus in your cocoon. I feel like joining you... just no energy at all, though you are right, walks do help. And luckily our weather has been conducive.

            TMH, glad you are doing well. I will join you sometime, on the AF and diet, just not there yet. Come February, probably. OH, by the way, we cancelled our trip to Florida... you will have to enjoy it for us.

            DipGal, I am glad you have found us. Keep posting and let us get to know you. You have a lot to deal with, I can tell, and we will help.

            DancingGirl, welcome! I also look forward to getting to know you. We are really a great group, here.

            TrueGrit, I read your thread on the General Board. You are brave to post there. I don't post on other boards at all anymore. Good luck with your goal - weekends work!

            Hey, Stewarts, how are you? Check in, okay?


              January Mod Squad

              Yes, I am familiar with Mah Jongg. Lady uostairs here invited me over to play. She is from OH. I had a hard time catching on. There is a regular group that meet weekly, and they keep inviting me. I'm not good with pictures. Example- tough for me to understand symbols on car dash. Wish they would use words. I keep telling them I'll try it.

              From MN. Built in FL in 08, moved here permanently in Aug 2011. Sounds like you love FL! We do too!

              Thought I'd play well yest. Not. Oh well, it's just a golf game. We sat out on verandah after and had a mint julep. LOL, no a glass of wine. Had 2 more back home. Good thing is glasses here are a lot smaller than other condo. Sounds silly, but it 's same concept as using a smaller plate. Feel fine this a.m.

              Ok, in this great life of mine- 4 couples playing golf today, then potluck at one couples house.
              Have a nice rest of weekend!

              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                January Mod Squad

                Hey cross post NNG. So good to see you back! And glad to hear you are feeling better. Sorry a out FL trip. Maybe another time?

                Yes, Stewarts and Lasha, we miss you!

                TrueGrit, as NNG said it takes guts to hang around the General Boards, and I have followed both your threads. Boy, JMum came to your defense. You sound intelligent and determined, and I believe you can work your plan. Will you be perfect? Doubt it, but none of us are. Welcome!

                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                  January Mod Squad

                  gifted with the flu

                  Hi all

                  Returned from my vacation last week, all ready to nip into the lovely Australian wine I brought back. Reality forced me to abstain (AF 5 days) and remember that the type of drinking that I need/want to avoid is the staying at home/drinking for no reason type of drinking that got me into trouble. When I came back to this site in the summer, I was ready to abstain and quit for good. I was really surprised to learn that abstinence was pretty easy for me. I did not want to give up the celebratory drinks - the champagne on New Years eve - sharing a good bottle of wine with friends, and having cocktails on vacation. What I wanted to give up was drinking wine on a Tuesday night until I passed out because I either had nothing better to do, or all I wanted to do was drink.

                  Really glad that being ill jarred me back into reality. Still have the flu and am glad the cork is still in the bottle.

                  Going to read back over posts and see how everyone is doing.
                  10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                    January Mod Squad

                    Hi everyone, there are a lot of us here now, that's great!
                    I don't really have much of interest to add. Been working non stop. I have decided to keep checking in though, because I think that sometimes I will read something that makes me really think about things. And it's a good way to be reminded of how I want to drink when I do.
                    You're all such good support,
                    Take care,


                      January Mod Squad

                      Good morning all!

                      I'm into work very early, because I had to drop my husband at the train station. It is snowing like a bugger here - I hope it lightens up by the end of the day when I have to go pick him up!

                      I'm ready for AF Monday and my after dinner activity may (sigh) but shoveling snow.


                        January Mod Squad

                        Morning, all, and Happy Monday!
                        As Emmy said, I don't have much of interest to add, but just wanted to say hello. One thing that I am thinking about this early morning is why sleep is so D%$# elusive. Nights in a row now, many of them, when whether or not I've had my two or three glasses of wine, I just can not sleep. Last night was AF, and I may have gotten to sleep around 2 for an hour. Dang it!

                        In six days I turn 58. I usually love birthday weeks, spend lots of time thinking back and remembering as well as looking forward and planning. I would like to spend this week doing that, as well, but need some rest in order to think at all. Poop. Anyway, my husband's birthday went well, and we are comfortable, if not rested. Lucky in so very many ways.

                        Is anyone else here a Downton Abbey fan? Last night's episode was very good, but I hate what's happening to Anna and Bates. Sorry, to those of you who don't follow it. My husband's great-grandparents worked in a manor like that, as ladies' maid and valet. I wish I could go back in time and ask them what it was really like.

                        I'm just blithering, here, so should log off. But I send my thoughts to each of us, that we all have good weeks and that whatever we need to get us through a week modding or abstaining will present itself. We have resources untapped, each of us inside. Strength to slay dragons, if need be. Reach down in your soul and find what you need.


                          January Mod Squad

                          Just a short post to remind myself that I am AF on Mondays. No argument!! I'm doing nicely so no argument.

                          I won't drink, but I get fed up with the little minx on my shoulder who argues with me!


                            January Mod Squad

                            Another AF Monday in the bag.

                            Hope those who intended AF are as happy and those who moderated are too. Happy Birthday in advance, NNGirl. Are you Capricorn or is that just into Aquarius?


                              January Mod Squad

                              There seems to be an ongoing attack on moderators these days. I for one KNOW that moderation is possible and I'm happy to say it's going very well for me.

                              Those of us who want to stop abusing alcohol will learn to do so. Those who would like to have a drink once in a while will learn to solve the 'drive' for drinking, and they too will learn what real moderation means.

                              I'm so thankful that there are others here in this thread that are not afraid to say "I'm going to moderate!"
                              My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                                January Mod Squad

                                Hey, just checking in again...NNG I'm a HUGE Downton fan! Gorgeous period costumes for a start, & my uncle works for a Lord in the south of England as a dog breeder.
                                Not much else to say. Am at my boyfriends place. He's cooked a nice meal and is eager to set up his new mixing desk...exciting for him. I can't go AF with him often, so I've had a few wines while talking over dinner. It's mainly to do with not having my little projects around me at his place...perhaps I should start a project here?
                                Night all,

