Hi All,
Good to hear from you Stewarts. Yes, I think posting daily does really help. Have you thought about 'projects' that you can do at home when you're alone that will take your mind off yourself? Are there things that need doing? A kind of distraction? Even if it's only writing to old friends, planning the next vacation, sorting paperwork, bills etc. Rearrange the furniture, put your music in order, or get some books from the library? I find that this kind of stuff keeps me from wallowing and I tend to feel good about getting things done no matter how small. I know in your mood it can be hard to get the starting motivation so I break things down into steps and even starting them half heartedly will get me into it it fully by the end.
Perhaps the idea is to stop yourself from thinking too much in general?
Any of this sound like a good idea?
For me this week work has been problematic and I'm disappointed that I'm not finished yet. Some costumes are under a lot more violent action than they were ever intended to take and the quick changes are shorter than planned. It means a lot of time consuming reconfiguring if fastenings, openings etc and doesn't give the performer a chance to be as confident as they should be for opening night. I'm stressing right now that there is one dress being put to the test during a preview and I won't know until the morning whether it was a disaster or not...in front of an audience...but I am AF at least. In times gone by I would be well into the scotch by now to dull the worry.
Fingers crossed. It doesn't help that we have another heat wave in progress as well.
My sister is coming over for a long weekend and I'm hopeful that I won't be stuck at the theatre when I promised that I'd pick her up from the airport!
Bed time now, I'm thinking of all of you, and have read your posts, even though I don't have time to comment on each one.
Take care,