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Moderation Toolkit

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    Moderation Toolkit

    Great post, NNG! Last night was prime example of what I shouldn't do. Dinner was 2/$30 and a bottle of wine for $15. We got the wine. When waiter came to take dessert order, I opted instead for another chardonnay. Ugh!

    Can't change yesterday, can today!

    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


      Moderation Toolkit

      We went to dinner last night, and had a glass of wine each, then split a martini between us. That was it for the day, and actually for the whole week for me. BN mindful, and not having more than the two you've allotted yourself, you find it doesnt made a hoot of difference if you have more than two, as you'd just feel crappy as a result.

      It goes back to what seems the best tool of all, asking yourself what are you possibly gaining by drinking too much. Anymore, I just can't come up with any possible reason to over drink at all. I can come up a gazillion reasons not to

      Most days, if you really think about it , what is the reason to drink at all?

      Trust me, I used to find a reason to drink every Effin day.


        Moderation Toolkit

        Hey guapo, I have downloaded some hypnosis recordings for various things. I do have a control drinking one too. But yeah, I'll PM you and take you up on that.

        Just to follow up , I actually felt fine , mentally, the rest of the day. I think I was thinning to myself more, "damn I got my 730 and under miles back, I don't want to ruin it!" I also had late night pizza after that something I never do.

        But yes, I am thinking about my image. I'm at my marina right now , we had homemade pizza and made a bunch of clams. I went fishing earlier also. Thought the entire day, say from 2 or 230 on I had three beers. It's not ten to right and my last beer was probably at 5 or 530.

        Really not feeling the urge for any. If anything I feel way too full from the food I ate. I definitely got to running tomorrow.


        Too much fun with women I know is something I've always had to watch


          Moderation Toolkit

          My most important tools for moderation are:

          AF days every week;

          If I'm drinking with dinner don't start mid-afternoon. Procrastinate, have a non-Al drink or two, find a way to unwind after work without a glass of wine in my hand. For me, this is crucial!

          If I'm drinking with dinner, stop when the food stops and have something sweet. Then - brush my teeth (thanks NNGirl!)


            Moderation Toolkit

            Hi gang, Great thread here. One of the most important things I have learned that I want to share is BE CAREFUL with servers at restaurant that top off your glass. We went out to dinner to one of our favorite restaurants last Sat. and we LOVE the waiter. We always bring small gifts from various travels and crack jokes, etc. So, he brings a BIG glass of wine (which had to be double the size!). Then as we are chatting away with our guests, he keeps topping off our glasses and slowly I am getting drunker and drunker without realizing it. The end of the evening was not very pleasant as my cognitive functions were greatly impaired and there are parts of the evening I do not remember. Black outs are NOT a good thing, especially in the moderation world where one wants to believe they can drink "normally" and the shut off valve for "one too many" works. So, I am definitely re-evaluating my mod plan.

            Have had 1 drink this week. Did have dinner with a friend last night and felt that 2 was one too many when I needed to drive home. With eating and spending time to chat, the alcohol pretty much wore off by driving time. So, the binge episode was disappointing and one that I am going to work hard to NOT repeat or I will be faced with the ultimatim of saying moderation just doesn't work for me.
            Hanging in there...for now...

            p.s. Being honest here to help my friends who are moderating or checking our site out. Moderation is difficult, and we fall too, just like those trying to abstain do. But if we can be honest with ourselves and those we are trying to help, then to me, that is half the battle.
            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

            ~Jack Welsh~:h

            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


              Moderation Toolkit

              I am hoping to stay at having a drink (or two, max) only one night a week. Last night was the night. Fussy frustrating day, stresses with extended family, critters being a bit wonky... all added up to a day when a drink sounded lovely. My husband suggested it. And he knows that I am working harder than ever to be careful with it, so that is good. I chose to pour my glass of wine but ALSO poured a big glass of half pomegranate juice, half diet tonic, and drank that first. I have found that sometimes it is low blood sugar that gets me on a roll. I think the juice helped curb the desire to just down the first wine and get right on to the second. I did have a second glass of wine, but it was after dinner and it was smaller.


                Moderation Toolkit

                That sounds good NNG. Just one drink a week ? I'm around 15/month, which is plenty. Still able to drink on occasions, but no more drinking away the day like the good old days.

                Oh yes, oh baby, oh yes....

