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February Mod Squad

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    February Mod Squad

    Crocus, I am glad that worked out for you and your husband, must have been scary!

    I have not got into my previous good habits yet, that lasted a day. Not that I'm off on a bender or anything like that...I ate really bad yesterday and drank a decent amount of wine..a little sluggish today, but nothing terrible.... I really just want to be healthy again so I feel better about myself...that's all.

    I might force myself to the gym to run on the treadmill for a little bit.



      February Mod Squad

      Morning, all. And a very happy Friday to you as well!

      This is my last weekend alone, as my husband is coming home late Monday night. WHEW! I hate it when he is gone. I am trying to keep busy these last couple days. Tomorrow I am volunteering by helping to judge a speech meet, Sunday is still open.

      No smilies today. My smilie finger is broken. There are a few smilies I'd like to send to some of the others who are dissing one of our own, but I will refrain, because you know what? We are nice people down here and we don't do those things.


        February Mod Squad

        Here's a smilie just for you, NNG:hiya:

        And one for your husband coming home: :bigwink:


          February Mod Squad

          Thank you, Dancing Girl! hmmmhmmmm... wink wink. Can't wait.


            February Mod Squad

            Another thing that's way better when sober. (more winks and an eyebrow flash!)


              February Mod Squad

              Hi All. I keep forgetting to post here, and on the Ruby Tuesday thread. But I'm glad to see so many happy faces - and Stewarts, thanks for sharing your story - interesting to see your progress.

              I'm doing fine - some nights I pour but don't even sip, some nights I sip then dump, last night I poured and had two - so it's a work in progress for sure.

              Lent is coming up in early March so that will be a good time for me to 'give up' alcohol - at least that's the plan. I don't want to pressure myself unnecessarily though. I do have a plan and I'm going to stick with it. Bac, and nal, are doing their jobs and I'm happy with that so far.

              My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                February Mod Squad

                Hi all, I'm back from Tasmania. We had a wonderful break. My boyfriend & I can usually only get our holidays together when we travel to Europe to see his kids. This was an amazing break. Unfortunately he had a workplace accident just 3 days before we left, he was pinned under staging equipment in the back of a truck out in a country town. He rang me the day after, after he'd been sent to hospital in an ambulance. It turned out that he's ok, lots of soft tissue damage but no damage to internal organs & no broken bones. But he was still in quite a bit of pain during our trip and he doesn't like painkillers, they make him feel woozy. I'm still very angry with his employers over how they have dealt with this and am very sure that their cost cutting is ultimately the cause, don't get me started, I nearly didn't have him around at all.
                Moving on, I drank every day, moderately. It's a Great part of Australia for food, wine & art. I am beginning to see why so many of you have decided to give up drink tracker, and I will too. I think it's a good tool to create good habits but frankly, I'm sick of counting all the time. I'm just thankful that with your support, and my efforts, I've come to a point ever I can have AF days. This is ground breaking for me. And when I do drink, it's much slower and more enjoyable. I went to a 50th party on my return, it started at 5pm but I chose to arrive at 10. Glad I did. Everyone was very Merry which was nice. Lots of musicians, they all played a song, but they were all leg less. I felt sorry for the hotel staff, I was sober and so were they. There was so much for them to deal with. I stayed for a couple of hours and then went home for a cup of herbal tea. Don't get me wrong. I drank about 4 scotches while I was there , but it didn't make me want to stay.
                Sorry that I haven't been very attentive lately, it's all been about me over here.
                Take care and goodnight from Oz.


                  February Mod Squad

                  I'm glad you had a lovely break, Emmie, and really sorry to hear about your boyfriend's accident. OUCH!

                  I can understand if you have control of a moderate lifestyle, that there would be no need for a drinktracker. I'm currently a little obsessed with the one I use (which counts units rather than drinks, which are not the same thing. One normal sized glass of wine is around 2 or 2.5 units), but this is to break my habits of drinking everyday and not always stopping when I should. Yes, like you say, a good tool to create better habits.

                  It is "interesting" to be the only sober person in a crowd...


                    February Mod Squad

                    Hi, just wanted to check in. I'm up in central Vermont. One of my work colleagues dad has a house up here and we decided to get awAy, his dads hospitality is great. This kid is about 10 years my junior, grew up in a similar lifestyle as myself, definitely likes to drink, so we have been. We are getting some good skiing in though. Last night his dad and stepmom dropped us off at bar while we waited for his cousin, so that was a little hit of a longer night then anticipated. Nothing crazy happened, he is really hungover, I'm just a little, I think I'm more tired from skiing, or more likely the combo of both.

                    It will probably be a chill day/night for me this day.


                      February Mod Squad

                      Emmy! What a horrible thing to happen to your boyfriend! I am glad he is more or less okay, but definitely document everything that happens to him, injury-wise. Photos, etc, if it isn't too late. You may have a case down the road if he develops problems because of this. I am glad you had a decent break in Tasmania in spite of his accident. It must have been very scary for him (and you, after the fact.) Keep us posted on his progress.

                      Stewarts! Enjoy your ski vacation, and don't worry too much. You are doing just fine, my friend. Enjoy!


                        February Mod Squad

                        Morning Everyone.

                        Another week. Here we all are. I love that you are all out there. I appreciate you all so very much, and I took you all with me in my heart when I went to church yesterday. Just knowing you are all there gives me such hope and encouragement in every way.

                        Emmy - Whoa! I agree with NN - document everything. So glad you guys are all right. Sounds like you had an otherwise happy time, though. Bless you.

                        Jazi- Yes, Lent is coming. I have long wanted to do a Lenten Abstinence. I don't yet trust myself to undertake it, but I am formulating a Lenten plan. It sounds odd, I suppose, but I love Lent. Such a quiet, beautiful and gentle time to reflect and to re-learn how to really pray. One of my favorite prayers is from Psalms and is just this: "Be Still." Being such a dervish, that really quiets my brain down.

                        Dancing - I hate counting too. I'm averaging about 10 -14 a week which is a significant reduction for me. Problem is, I have most of them on one day. Yesterday, we watched previous Oscar winners all afternoon and evening (favorite: "Lion in Winter"). I cooked a big roast beef dinner, and had about 7 drinks over that time. I didn't get hammered, and I really enjoyed myself, but I'm not happy with that concentration.

                        Stewarts - Yes. Again, I agree with NN - it sounds like you had a fun ski weekend. You know, fun is really good for people! I too think you are doing fine with that...and I hope you are feeling better about yourself each day. Isn't snow gorgeous!?

                        NN- Welcome home to the Sweetheart! I'm so happy for you both.

                        Off to grade papers. I'm going to a wake later. Fifteen year old girl - brain cancer. Awful. Beautiful family - seven kids. Really make me re-prioritize things.


                          February Mod Squad

                          Greetings to all this cold morning. I admire Crocus and those who greet everyone individually - it's really nice, but I guess I'm just lazy.

                          I decided that I should have an avatar. It was fun looking through and recognizing other people's! I thought that books would be appropriate, partially because no one else currenly posting seems to have them, and also because I'm an academic... (yes, yes, it clashes with my name - my field of study is a type of dance, and I do know how to do it).

                          Off to edit an article with my second cup of coffee.

                          What sort of papers are you grading, Crocus?


                            February Mod Squad

                            Hello everyone, thanks for such heartfelt concern about my boyfriend. Yes, when he rang after release from the hospital I really got a shock. I'd been worried every time he went on tour that something like this was bound to happen with all the corner cutting that his employers seem to do. I think it's because the current musical audience don't want to and often can't afford the real cost of event tickets. Promoters give the work to the lowest quotes.
                            My new job is great, but I won't be getting the exercise that I had hoped for. The tram takes me from the end of my street directly to the studio gate. So I've decided to drive because it's quicker and cheaper than the transport ticket prices. I have looked for a yoga class in the area but none of the places seem to have one after I finish work...I will have to look for one on my route home. I really want to keep up my fitness. Yoga keeps me from seizing up, it tones the body and gives me a real sense of clear, calm focus in everyday life. I am not the kind of person who will do it independently though. I know I should but I've gone to classes for years and have only done it by myself at home just a handful of times.
                            My lovely boyfriend has thankfully gotten into it though. He finds it relaxing and it helps to stretch out his work weary muscles.
                            I must go to bed now, early start, but I'm looking forward to being part of such a good team.
                            I was AF last night and am tonight just finishing my one nightcap now. So it's goodnight from me, I love reading about what you're all doing and I thankyou very much for listening to me,


                              February Mod Squad

                              SUNSHINE LOLLIPOPS AND RAINBOWS! Hurray! He's home safe and sound.

                              So good to hear from all of you. Emmy, I also have gone to yoga classes for years but don't do it at home... I really like the guidance and company. I also do Pilates, but not at home for the same reasons. On the other hand, I go to, and in fact will be one of the leaders in the class to prepare for this year's marathon, and do the group walk/runs, etc, but really prefer to do walk/run/hike alone.

                              Crocus, special love and Howdy to you!

                              DancingGirl, what type of dance do you teach?

                              Love to all, and happy happy day!


                                February Mod Squad

                                EL, stretching is great for the body and something everyone should do more of, myself included.

                                Skiing was great, I definitely felt really worn down the following day, we went to one of the smaller local mountains. People were commenting on how quiet I was, I think they thought it might have been a little weird. I was having AL anxiety from the night before....strictly chemical, not because of any sort of behavioral regret or anything like that. I took a nap after skiing and felt better, we had a nice dinner at the house, my buddies stepmom is an outstanding cook. I stayed away from the wine and had A beer, which lasted me the entire night, I actually didn't even finish it.

                                We left early the next morning and my colleague asked me why I was so quiet and I told him. (keep in mind he's more of a kid than me), "Dude, you should be depressed and feel sad just because you're hung, that's stupid." Which he is right, I explained to him that it just seems to happen, perhaps it's an age thing, and the anxiety. He then even admitted he feels the same way sometimes, like a big loser or depressed after a long night...I told him I wasn't surprised.

                                I think I know what happened, and it's related to fun, I was feeling really good about myself that Saturday. Skiing got off to a little bit of a hard start, conditions were great, but I somehow dehydrated myself, I felt like I had altitude sickness, which should happen in Vermont...I just took a break, perhaps I went out too hard, it was heavy powder, that is work-out. I chugged a Gatorade and met up with my buddy and his dad, and started feeling a lot better and hitting the turns the way I like..Oh, before that, around lunch time...we had a beer, maybe two... I hate to say, it helped a lot and I skied much better the afternoon...OH, and I met some girls from Boston, so I felt good about being in the zone, chatting these girls up, flirting, etc., probably why I had the extra beet or two.

                                We saw them again when finished skiing at the lodge bar...I guess that's when I start slipping into old habits, not that I'm looking to get drunk, just the relaxing flirting after the day. Went out for dinner, then my colleague wanted to go out, out...normally, I probably just would've went home, my younger colleague wanted to get away for a bit, and I get that. SO drinking unitl midnight, meet up with his cousins, they drive us back, we frigin' start opening some wine..that was probably the bad idea....then we say, "ok, time to go to bed, let these two go to bed also" his cousin and BF

                                I guess then Reality kicks in...I'm not that young and happening anymore...maybe that has something to do with it...anyway...

