Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been around for a little while. Work is wonderful but very tiring. I'm running on adrenalin the whole day. I will get into the swing of it soon, I know that from experience. Most of the others in my department live on my side of town. One young girl just a few blocks away. She and I have found a yogalates class that we can do together and will start next Thursday. I just knot I will be very sore the first few times we do it. My neck & shoulders are so seized up with all the manic cutting and sewing. It will be good.
NNG one of our theatre shows is or has been on in Washington...it's called Rupert (about our worst export, Mr Murdoch)...if you look it up online there may be some pictures. Anyway, I did costumes for the woman playing his wife Anna.
I must go now, but just wanted to say that I've been very happy with my modding progress lately. Every second night is AF and sometimes two nights in a row. Been slow to drink on the nights that I choose to, and no hangovers with it!
Goodnight all,