Ah, EM. Dang it! I am so sorry about your friend. It must be a worry for you, knowing that when they need help they don't tell anyone. I also respect their privacy, but when things are the worst is when they need friends. Perhaps when you see them this weekend you can remind them that though hiding makes them feel protected, friends worry most when they don't know. I wish them and you my very best.
A dear friend of mine went through a similar experience. Lost her breast and then shortly thereafter her husband left her for another (harder drinking) woman. Her first round of chemo, my friend allowed help from her large group of supporters...but just recently I had heard from her that she has gone through another round and a bout with depression and did it all on her own. Now she wants no contact from anyone and it is frightening to me.
Not having gone through cancer myself I do not know how I would react. Perhaps withdrawing IS what I would want to do.
In any case, Emmy Lou, I send you prayers that you are strong enough to handle seeing your friend and lavishing her and her husband with the love and care you so obviously feel. Good luck.