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    Moderation Management defines moderate drinking as no more than 9 drinks a week for women and 14 drinks per week for men with no cheating on the size of the drink. :H If I could do this, I would be happy as a pig in a puddle.
    AF as of August 5th, 2012



      Since I lead a very social life, it's difficult to go completely sober. My goal is to be able to go to social functions (once or twice a week) and have 2 or 3 glasses of wine with food, and stop there. I still have a long way to go, but I think I am on my way. Since I started with the supplements the kudzu and the L-glutamine, I have been able to control myself a little better.
      Today I am sitting on my couch and there is a bottle of red wine in the wine rack and a six pack in the fridge. I have no urge to touch it. I thought of going to the local bar which has free yummy food ,movies and lots of cheap booze, but I got this creepy feeling in my belly and decided to stay home and log on. I am so happy I found MWO. :h
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



        Reached `my` decision.

        O.K., deep breath here, as this debate has been really bugging me for quite a while.

        SO!!!!, have decided that for me, in the long-term, moderation will allow me, as a woman, up to the maximum recommended 14 units a wk.. although think initially I would struggle with getting the balance right, as in managing to spread those units throughout a 7 day period.

        However, am only in my 3rd wk of moderation, so am trying to keep to 9 units( 1 btl./wine) a wk until I really trust myself.

        Feel better for having made my personal decision on this.

        Starlight Impress



          Chillin, Just a comment on your thoughts on being a drunk. You're not a drunk - it's a behavior that you're trying to overcome and don't ever let people tell you different. You as a person has so many positive qualities and all you have to do is think of those qualities that makes you different from everyone esle. For me I'm a hard worker, like to make people laugh, loyal to my family, fill a home with things I love, work outside in a garden - all kinds of things. Don't get caught up in the trap of being a drunk. I did for too many years. We are so much more than that.



            Hi All,

            Just wanting to add my bits and pieces here, moderation to me is to be able to stop at drink nr 3 ie whether it be 3 beers or 3 glasses of wine the alcohol content at the end of the day is very similar... and I am moderating by not drinking in the week at all and only allowing the 3 drinks/units per day over a weekend, hopefully I can continue to do this and even try and reduce the limit..... body definitely can feel it after a while ;0)



              Hi Everyone,

              Good topic Chilli. Moderation to me is to have 1-2 drinks and not want anymore. I'm a newbie so this is hard. I'm starting to think that this will never come to be but after reading this thread, and if I work hard at it, it could be a possibility. I do feel good that I'm not drinking 2 bottles of wine - 4 to 5 - days a week. I'm not feeling as good as I thought I would feel but I guess it just takes time and I have to wait it out. I do know, that I don't ever want to drink as much as I did. Life is too short. I also want to add that you guys have really helped me. For a good part of my life I have felt like an outcast who drank alone. After reading this thread I can see that I'm not the only one. We really shouldn't put ourselves down. We just happen to be the "lucky" ones who acquired a lousy gene (my dad and his dad). I always remind my husband how forunate he is to not have this gene. He's the poster guy for moderate drinking - I envy him. Chili- I'm trying to give myself goals (sometimes I make them sometimes I don't but I am trying). Next week my goal is to go AF Monday-Thursday and moderate on the weekend. If I find this is too hard I will try to go AF for awhile. Easy to say - right?

              Good Luck



                I agree- my definition of moderation is being able to say, eh I have had enough, before the point of buzzdom. For some people, this is 1 drink, for some its 4.

                For ME, moderation is 1 drink alone, with food, and max 3 drinks if I am in social situation (out with hubby or girlfriends), and not more than 3 drinking days per week.


                  WHAT IS MODERATE ANYWAY

                  Hmmm.... My mind is thinking, if this is moderation, what's the point? What's the point of drinking 2 or 3 drinks? When I drink I want to DRINK.
                  Mods is surely not for me. Not yet anyway.
                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                    WHAT IS MODERATE ANYWAY

                    Wow...lots of interesting descriptions.

                    To me moderating means that one know for certain that we can stop, willingly and freely after one or two. When our attitude towards alcohol has changed to a truly casual attitude. No more thinking about the next drink before the first is even finished.

                    For me, I know that I until I am certain that my brain has changed as far as alcohol, the only way for me is AF..........Perhaps someday I will be a Mod, perhaps not, eith er way, I never want to be a drunk!

                    Best Wishes to All,
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      WHAT IS MODERATE ANYWAY

                      Hi all - Just checking - I thought that a bottle of wine was 7 units and that two bottles of wine a week for a woman was the federal guideline? Is that wrong?
                      Anyway I think of moderation as two drinks a day
                      (or three drinks every other day/ every couple of days) so you end up drinking 14-18 units in a week. I know 14 per week is the
                      (female) max for the feds but at 18 this week I had no hangovers or drunkenness at all, so it sure feels moderate.


                        WHAT IS MODERATE ANYWAY

                        i laughed @ your comment, 'my own woman' ... but in an uncomfortable 'oy, i recognize myself in that' sort of way. that's how i was feeling @ first (if i can't have more than that ... why bother?)

                        but after tapering down and adding kudzu, i'm finding that i get a good buzz going off one or two (before, it used to take the whole bottle & i'd still want to keep going). particularly when i'm drinking more slowly. it's sort of like food .... you need to give your system time to process what you're putting into it. so i'm realizing that, indeed, there is a point to moderating ... if you can. for me, the moderation goal is 4 AF nights a week, then no more than two when out drinking (except, maybe, on very rare occasions when out w/friends for a big celebration or dinner or whatever). and no more than 1 when home alone. ever. i'm hoping to get that to NOTHING when home alone but we'll see.


                          WHAT IS MODERATE ANYWAY

                          Was having some luck moderating for a few months, but seem to have fallen into a canyon lately. The Campral isn't helping, my Doc. says theres a once a month injection he can try also.

                          Think I will give a go....


                            WHAT IS MODERATE ANYWAY

                            my brain is just like urs bella!


                              WHAT IS MODERATE ANYWAY


                              Yes, great topic!!! I am new to MWO-- last week I started the sups and hypno.... my topa. Rx is ready, I pick it up tommorrow. I'm embarassed to admit (thank God this is a safe place) that I normally drink every day, and prior to last week, it was a bottle of wine each day, plus a diet coke and vodka... or two if it were a particularly "bad " day.... oh my goodness, a bottle a week for a female is classified as mods.... YIKES! It's good for me to hear-- I know what to aim for!

                              Since starting the sups and the hypno, even w/o the topa, I'm happy to report I'm down to 3 drinks a day, which may still seem like a lot, but to me, it's a HUGE improvement! Plus, I don't think about drinking during the day like I used to.... although as a mom of 4 small ones... I still feel that 5 o'clock pull to have a cocktail. But on the whole, I am thrilled with the results, I can't wait to get my Rx and get a couple more weeks into this.....

                              Would love to hear other's reponses. I think for me personally, I'd be happy to ultimately achieve one glass of wine a day, with dinner. If I go out, a cocktail or 2, with three being my absolute, "Wow-that-was-a-crazy-night" max.

                              Just my 2 cents....
                              All the best to you!!!!


                                WHAT IS MODERATE ANYWAY

                                I forget the exact measure guidline...
                                But i do remember a post that we had on here years ago where Becca was threatening to have a sex change operation...:H
                                Aparently men are allowed to drink more than women according to the "medical reccomendations" for moderating...

                                Teamom, sounds like you're doing great! Welcome aboard!
                                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

