With the move and everything I have been just doing whatever I want in the wine department. I've not been going overboard, the most I've had in one night was 5 - even that sounds bad but it didn't feel as if I'd had too much. I've been having around 3 glasses of wine a night since voluntarily jumping off the wagon. I've not been back to the docs because I didn't like the reaction I had to the Revia so don't see how she can do anything else. I know there are other meds to try but I seem to be very drug sensitive so it doesn't really appeal to me to go back for more, albeit different, meds.
Maybe I am moderating.
Here's a question for you Modders - how much is moderation? Perhaps this question has been asked many times before but it has just occurred to me as I type that maybe I am actually moderating and maybe, just maybe I have found my "happy place"?
Am I just kidding myself? I don't know but I do know I can't seem to take meds and I don't have the willpower or desire to have nothing to do with wine.
Any thoughts/comments would be of use.
PS: Gabby ..........missed you like hell.