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May Mod Squad

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    May Mod Squad

    Hey, Bear! Are you really a roller derby queen? It has always been a fantasy of mine. Not that I could do it, as I don't even skate, but the chuztpah of those girls! We do have a bunch of runners/walkers here, though. Lots of marathoners and half marathoners. So being fit is something we all look to. Roller derby, eh? You go, girl!

    Eve, thanks for your kind response on the April thread. Much appreciated! Glad your evening with your son and his little family worked out well.


      May Mod Squad

      Hi all ~ having a good weekend. Went to 5p church yesterday, face timed with 2 granddaughters last night, and got Bible Study questions out to group this a.m. for Wednesday. Feels good to be productive.

      We are having a beautiful day here in Paradise alm: No. FL, as I'm sure you know, got hit hard with flooding. That was a nasty storm that moved through the Panhandle. We have a tee time this afternoon and invited another couple to join us. The guy hasn't played much, has a lot on his plate, and we thought if we could get him out for an afternoon he may feel better. Also having them and another couple over Friday for dinner as an early surprise 70th b.d. for same friend.

      Welcome Bear! You have a good plan!

      NNG and Eve, both your responses on the April thread were spot on. And I don't blame Frances for wanting to speak her mind. It was obviously bothering her. Agree - let's all BE NICE.

      Shout out to everyone else! Hope you have a super Sunday!

      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


        May Mod Squad

        Happy Monday everybody! I had a fairly good weekend I had a few drinks with my hubby but not over board. My daughter is going to the er today cause she started spotting on Saturday but stopped.
        I am choosing to be af until Thursday or Friday. This will be a first in like forever lol!

        Sounds like everybody had a productive weekend!
        Eve..... glad your sticking to your guns with your son!


          May Mod Squad

          Oh.....and Bear... we all gotta start somewhere! You're doing great!!!


            May Mod Squad

            Thanks 143,I'm AF now for 2 weeks now,spa day next sat and gym session Friday night,never want to drink before or after spa. Yesterday was AF and so is today, such a relief to be not feeling pressure of constant AF. I've been to gym this weekend and played roller derby,gym tomorrow,roller derby again wed and gym Friday. I'm working on planning healthy food for week today and cooking chilli for evening meals today for the out for lunch in a bit,done some laundry later will clean kitchen and bathroom.
            Zoom zoom, going to start food diary this week with calorie count.
            Have a great day.
            one day at a time


              May Mod Squad

              Eve, tough love can be brutal, but sometimes a necessity. I hope it works out....these situations usually have two outcome...the person wakes up, or well, they don't and become lost...we are all hoping for the prior and not the latter.



                May Mod Squad

                Eve, I picture my youngest Canadian grandson (age 16) having to do what your son is doing. What a way to have to grow up! ((hugs)). Heartwarming to hear he is good with the baby. How old is your grandbaby now?

                Bear, I've always wanted to grow up to be like Eve (successful modding) and your take on all or nothing has resonated with me and has calmed me so thank you!!!! I want to get to a place also where I allow some drinks on the weekends but totally abstain during week no matter what party is going on. I recently bought a 12 pack of AF beer. If invited out, I'll just cart it along. And I know as Eve says we are feeding the craving or HABIT but it has got to be a lot better than almost daily drinking!

                NNG, so glad to hear dh is doing better. Did you have a long walk this weekend? You have group outings more than once/week, right? How's it going?

                -143, saw you commented on the Ice in drink rather than having a 2nd. Should do that more often! LOL

                Know we wouldn't want to say this elsewhere but CHEERS to a good Mod week! My plan is to be AF until at least Friday, if not longer.

                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                  May Mod Squad

                  Hello, my friends,
                  Well, the week is definitely starting out on an up note. My husband was worried that his new job (worked one week, then off last) would ditch him, but they seem to be anxious to have him back. Good for him - IF his health gets back on track.

                  Bear, you sound like a very strong and happy person. So glad you joined us!

                  TMH, my workouts haven't been exactly what I might have hoped for... too many migraines (like that one is a surprise... stress brings them on and it was certainly a stressful week. I do not like being a home-healthcare-nurse when it causes my guy pain!)
                  But at least I slept well last night, and today's headache is low-level.

                  Also, TMH, I did think about you when I saw the weather reports about Florida. Hope you are drying out okay!

                  I send out a big hug to everyone here - Stewarts, Eve, -143, Emmy, Lasha, and all the others who aren't posting anymore. Thanks for being here, thanks for being nice, and have a really really nice week.


                    May Mod Squad

                    Hi All, gee I REALLY have to remember to change threads with each new month! I stupidly log on and wonder why it's so quiet! I'm glad you're all still here!
                    Welcome Bear, it's nice to have you here. I have quite a few girlfriends who do the roller derby thing. It's a big scene here, lots of bands and fashion stalls at the bouts. Good for you, sounds like you're already so very active with all that exercise! I struggle to get to yoga or Pilates every few weeks!
                    Eve and 143, I truly feel that your sons are very lucky to be trying so hard with them. They dont know it now but when their lives feel more in control I'll bet they thankyou for not giving up on them.
                    NNG I'm so sorry to hear that your hubby is still having post op problems. He sounds like a wonderful person and no wonder they want him back at work. I would get such a thrill out of meeting you at a festival! What a great surprise!
                    Stewarts you sound a bit happier, which is good to see. Just keep at it, you've had so many successes along the way and they will keep on coming.
                    I'm afraid I haven't seen the news lately, how bad is the situation in Florida? I feel for those having a rough time of it.
                    Well, the weekend was for celebrating my birthday, no party but two nights of drinking. First a cd launch then the next night a roast duck dinner party. I did wake up with a headache after the again...ugh. I'm glad I cancelled the date I had with a friend at a local bar the next lunchtime. I've rescheduled and she made me change the restaurant because they dont serve alcohol...a bit annoying.
                    Annoying that she made me change it because it's a new Korean place that I really wanted to try, and the other girl who's coming can no longer drink for medical reasons. Oh well, my yoga teacher once told me that we are born into this world and we must live within it. I was pooh poohing fast food 'restaurants' at the time I think...imagine that? My yoga teacher eats MacDonalds?!
                    It's bedtime here for me, the cold weather has finally hit Melbourne. I have two blankets on top of my quilt tonight... I will install heating one of these days!
                    Oh, and the last two days were two drinks each but tonight is AF.
                    Goodnight all,


                      May Mod Squad

                      I had a hockey game last night. So I had a few beers after it. No big deal. I feel fine today. When I say I had a hockey game, one that I played. I am going to try the hypnosis thing again, but more supervised. I think I mentioned last time, the beer tasted nasty, this time, it tasted good. I was away this weekend at my summer house in Rhode Island, and I did drink, I mod drank, which was good, but I could tell it was more because of habit. I had a date up in Boston, which I drank, didn't get drunk, but I knew I was drinking because I was nervous. Another day, having scallops for lunch, just tastes good with wine.

                      Am I happy, I don't know. I am pretty sure I saw my ex-gf, the adulterer, at a bar near my place, one I knew she goes to a lot, last night. I was tempted to walk-in, but I didn't. I think that was the right move.

                      Well, I got to get ready for some meetings..



                        May Mod Squad

                        Hey everyone,jut checking in briefly, working at home today,loads of IT probs,but finally got access to the system.
                        Eaten pretty well today, bagel,banana,courgette and cheese omelette,and apple v peanut butter,turkey chilli v wraps and avocado for dinner.I was meant to do circuit class this lunchtime but was so behind on my work!I'm thinking I may do thirty mins run walk as its a nice blue sky day,I could do with starting run walk programme to build my fitness back up.
                        Otherwise I may change the bedding as well,may make tomorrow my weigh day,feel like I've gained since last weigh in few months back.I think with being moderate,rather than striving for total abstinence then I can actually stand a chance of losing some weight and getting fit.have a great day everyone.
                        one day at a time


                          May Mod Squad

                          Well I blew my af Monday...... but today is a new day!!!
                          And.....we have a due date!!!!!....... Christmas Day!!! Her daughter was also due on Christmas but came two weeks early. She got to see the baby and see the heartbeat! I'm feeling a bit excited now! I could choose to still be angry and disappointed but for what? It won't change anything! So I'm choosing to be happy about our new addition! She also started taking the prozac again and says she feels better.... and she has her first parenting class today! :woot:


                            May Mod Squad

                            Morning, all!
                            Emmy, so good to hear from you. Your birthday sounds lovely, though it intrigues me that your friend would make you (Birthday Girl) change restaurants when one can't drink and one doesn't want to drink. Ah, well. Live and let live.

                            -143, your attitude is so good. I wish you and your daughter all the luck in the world. Your daughter has chosen a route that will make her grow up sooner than she might otherwise have wanted, but with your guidance, she can do it.

                            Stewarts, I am glad you are feeling a bit better. Hockey! Good for you! The weekend at your summer place sounds lovely - mmmm...summer. I think it might come someday.

                            Hey, Bear, I feel for you on the whole weight thing. Now when I go to a place where I have to be weighed, I just ask them not to tell me. I know I am okay, a bit heavier than I want, and I'll weigh myself when I want. Just a number, right? And your fitness level is obviously good.

                            Husband went off on his first day at work back after the major health set-back. Hopefully all will go well. He is nervous, as he really doesn't feel 100% yet.

                            Take care of yourself, each of you. I depend on you all so much, for your input, your support and your friendship. Thank you for being here!


                              May Mod Squad

                              -143 that is great! Yes, you are attitude is perfect. It sounds like daughter is accepting accountability and perhaps even growing up, we all do at some point. I'm glad that is all moving in the right direction and children should be a blessing. I don't have any of my own, but my ex was sure "kind" enough to tell me I got her pregnant and then she had a miscarriage while horseback riding in Ireland...right after we had a random "romp." (we were broken up at that point).

                              All be well.



                                May Mod Squad

                                Thanks guys for ALL...... YOUR...... support!!!!! And NNG so glad your hubby felt well enough to go back to work!!!!

