Well, I was drinking last night. The Rangers had a big game and they won. The only thing I did that I regret and its not a big deal I emailed my ex.... I simply said, "I hope your well, I know your father is having a rough time and it breaks my hurt, I know your birthday is coming up in June I want you to have a great birthday and hope you had a great mothers day... " I was feeling very drunken gleeful from that win.
I got the response in the morning..."don't contact me again." So I didn't. An hour later I get this response, "j., I don't know what you're talking about with my father and my birthday is not in June. If this continues I will have to file charges."
I think that is extreme, and again, why not just "block sender" I was going to write back and say, sorry July (I forgot), regarding her dad, when we were still friendly, her dad was suffering from cancer...which that reference was... I was going to explain all this...but I didn't.
At first I felt bad, a little, but then I was thinking, "file harassment charges for that." One, and if there are any lawyers here, chime in...is that even possible? There's no threats... what's the charge, this person sends me nice emails from time to time?? Second, more practical matter, it only opens up the whole can of worms with her extra-marital affairs...
So, what did I do? Nothing. First, I don't understand why she just does not respond or block my email. Second, I see this as a test as some dark force trying to hurt me...not necessarily her, just some dark force. third, I'm thinking, I don't need this... being made out to look like a criminal for something so jovial...maybe a little non-sensical and silly...but really??
I actually ended up blocking her email address now and...the most important thing! To ensure no trouble...and I didn't know you can do this... I wish I knew earlier...deleted the email address from the recents in my iphone!!!! I wish I knew that trick earlier...because that's how I pick up her email address all the time...
Besides being slightly hung today...I think I am doing ok.... I'm not going to lie, it does hurt feeling that someone I loved and care still do care about hates me.... but I really can't do anything about that. I can't make this person make me feel like I'm a bad person....I'm not...I don't think...