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May Mod Squad

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    May Mod Squad

    Well....the one organization said they don't do roofs anymore..... but recommended another one... so waiting on application from them and the other one.
    After today....not suppose to rain again until Monday!
    I just really need something good to happen.... WHERE IS THE SUN?????
    I did write some last night......:lilangel:


      May Mod Squad

      HI, everyone,
      Just stopping by briefly to let you know I am still alive. I will be out of town periodically for the next month, so if you don't hear from me, don't worry.

      -143, good luck with the roof. I hope for sunshine for you!

      Stewarts, I ended up dropping my facebook presence entirely because of weird and stupid things people would post. I so much enjoy a facebook free life!


        May Mod Squad

        NNG, I see your point with FB. I kind of like it to keep in the loop with my friends all over the country...I miss them dearly. I have a lot of good friends I grew up with in NYC, but my second group of really good friends I made in college, down in Baltimore. I don't see them as much as I used to...I used to go down quite a bit.

        My sister and I are very close, but have a unique bond. I say that is we definitely don't talk every day, actually we don't call each other at all unless we want to go out or do something, catch up...but it's kind of like twins, we always know when the other needs the other one...oh I brought that up because she's a musician and travels a lot, so it's cool to keep tabs on what she's up too...FB, ie.


          May Mod Squad

          Well ending this month with an AF day. It is our anniversary. Canceled dinner out. Been sick all day. So far peppermint tea and toast for dinner is staying down. The good news is that I was looking at 4 nice cards and a dozen red roses.

          Sure tomorrow will be better.

          The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


            May Mod Squad

            Happy belated Anniversary TMH!!!!
            Thanks. NNG!!!


              May Mod Squad

              Well, thank you -143.
              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.

