Moderation Manifesto: Appetites
You and your appetites can live together as long as it’s clear who’s in charge. Your love for each other is unquestioned, but at the same time there need to be rules and routines, places where certain behavior is okay, and others where it is not. Keeping your appetite on a leash when you leave the house is a good way to stay out of trouble. Some house training is in order as well.
Remember, you have an obligation to pay attention to these appetites. Neglect them and eventually they will erupt in a frustrated destructive fury. (I could belabor the metaphor to the breaking point by suggesting that checking into a rehab center is like sending them to the kennel–eventually they come home after being cooped up, but I’ll think stop with a mere mention of that.)
So, if you’re trying to reform your drinking, think of it as training something that you love, rather than fighting something that is your enemy.