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I don't want to be totally AF......,

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    Hey guys! I'm really glad your mom is doing as well as she is!!!!
    And, I never heard of harm reduction either but it sounds interesting. I'm still not modding as well as I would like to....but I'm still trying...and I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

    I won't be done Christmas shopping until Christmas Eve.
    My grandchildren decorated our tree....I was thankful for that cause my energy level has been very low....I don't know if it's the recovering from the asthma attack or a bit of depression or both.

    I'm so glad to hear you guys are doing so well....keep up the good work!!! I was missing you guys and thought I'd check in....I will definitely be back to talk to y'all before Christmas!

    Have a successful day!!!!


      Hey there - I got almost all of my shopping done. Just a couple more items to get - maybe I will do that tomorrow morning early before I go to work. The wrapping always gets me cause I always wait until Christmas eve and I can't start until after 9:30 because of other things we usually do. I'm hoping to do some tonight and some tomorrow and Wednesday to try to minimize the marathon wrapping on Christmas eve!

      Ducky I totally get the empty nester 'issue' - more free time, etc. - I sometimes think forward to that point and wonder how I will be. Especially when socializing, which I expect will increase for us once the kid obligations settle down when they are out of the house. Right now we almost never go out and do anything. Pretty boring, I know. I do think it's helped me with drinking so infrequently though.

      Hi Blue - good to hear from you!

      It's my husband's birthday so I better get to cooking his dinner :happy2: Have a good one everyone!


        Merry Christmas modders... hope you all are doing well!!!
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Same to you Samstone! Thanks for popping in!


            Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a great one!


              Hi all, started a post yest, phone rang and I never got back to it. Was wishing you all a Merry Christmas. We had 2 couples join us for dinner. Both brought 2 bottles of wine each. And, of course, we had made a Costco run and bought various kinds. I had 1/2 glass during long Happy Hour and a couple glasses while eating dinner.

              Woke up this morning feeling good and went for a workout. Now we've cleaned up the good dishes, silverware, managed to not break any crystal or special Christmas wine glasses. Dh left to go hit some golf balls. I have a book I need to finish by Monday so heading over to pool to just relax & read.

              Am so glad it's over! How about you? Not that I'm not thankful, I am. It just gets to be too much running around. Having trouble remembering what day it is. That's one of the joys of retirement.....LOL. Happy Boxing Day!

              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                Hey everyone! Hope everybody had a great Christmas!!!! Mine was wonderful. My sister's boyfriend was home all by himself so I invited him over and my children and grandchildren came over so we had a lot of company. I hadn't seen him since my sister's memorial and every time I looked at him it made me think about my sister.....

                I didn't do a standard mod....but I didn't over do it either. I ate good and danced with my grandbabies lol. I didn't drink enough water that's what I'm drinking now lol

                Hope you guys are having a successful Saturday!


                  Hi there! Glad to hear everyone sounds like they're doing well! We had a very nice Christmas and during dinner I thought to myself how different things are for me now - back 'then' I would have been having refill after refill of wine and the bottle would have been out on the table for easy access. This time I gladly drank my water and had one glass of wine during dinner. It feels so much better not to overdo it!

                  What's everyone doing for New Years Eve? My family was going to go out of town to the mountains, but work schedules aren't cooperating, and my teenage daughter prefers to be able to hang out with her friends anyway. So, we'll be in town and probably just hanging out at home. And that's fine with me!


                    Frances, I want to grow up to be just like you! Truly.

                    NYE plans were to go see War Room but out of theatres already. That and pick up some crablegs for dinner. However, our first renter of our other condo arrives the next day so had to put cleaning on calendar. We're done with major work, cleaning carpets, moved personal items. Neither of us can do today as Wed is our Volunteer Day. Working together we may get out for a movie in afternoon. We only go to a movie once a year so it is a treat.

                    January 1 we signed upfor the Bloody Mary golf tournament. So we willl go meet our renter in a.m. to check her in, then go play golf with a hundred friends or so, however many they allowed in. Fee includes food, football after in clubhouse and, of course, the ol' Happy Hour pricing. Going to start thinking club soda with splash of cranberry!

                    How about everyone else?
                    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                      That's funny TMH - I sometimes feel like I'm all grown up now- definitely much more so than when I was drinking! I have found myself thinking about your recent post where you said - if only one, why not 'none'? I sometimes wonder why I even drink when I do, even though that is pretty darn infrequent (Christmas eve was the first drink since Thankgiving). But either way, if it's that infrequent and I only have one or two, I figure what difference does it make one way or the other? I'm not going to sweat it and worry about why I drink sometimes.

                      My daughter has asked if she could have some friends over New Years Eve and we have agreed. It will only be about ten kids I think. My biggest concern is if any of them drive. There will be no alcohol allowed, but I know teenagers and I am pretty sure that if they want to do it they will figure out a way. My daughter told me tonight "I already told them that is not happening" and I said "they asked???" and she said "No, I just told them ahead of time". Then we were talking about the one person who might be driving and she said "he doesn't drink anyway". Assuming that's true, that made me feel much better. These are kids ages 15-17 but I know what I was doing at that age so I can't kid myself and think that it's not a possibility.

                      Anyway those are our New Year's Eve plans! Your golf and happy hour sounds like fun!! Enjoy that and the movie too!


                        Happy New Year modders. TMH I agree with you, I want to be like Frances when I grow up. We are smoking a porchetta today. A friend sent us a 13 pound pork belly for Christmas. I ordered a 6.5 pound tenderloin and we put the loin inside the belly and rubbed the whole thing with a salt/oil/herb mixture. Sat in the fridge on a rack for two days and the biggest piece is going on the smoker soon. Hope it is as good as it looks and smells. I am looking forward to 2016 being a better year in terms of modding. I feel like I am not accomplishing things I want to accomplish because of too much A. Hope this coming year is a good one for all.


                          Originally posted by ducky View Post
                          Happy New Year modders. TMH I agree with you, I want to be like Frances when I grow up. We are smoking a porchetta today. A friend sent us a 13 pound pork belly for Christmas. I ordered a 6.5 pound tenderloin and we put the loin inside the belly and rubbed the whole thing with a salt/oil/herb mixture. Sat in the fridge on a rack for two days and the biggest piece is going on the smoker soon. Hope it is as good as it looks and smells. I am looking forward to 2016 being a better year in terms of modding. I feel like I am not accomplishing things I want to accomplish because of too much A. Hope this coming year is a good one for all.
                          Won't get into debate here but ....
                          Why don't you just stop Ducky.? Instead of hoping for a good year - you can be guaranteed one :hug:


                            Thanks satz123, I won't get into the debate either. Honestly, I have hesitated to post for quite a long time because it has not seemed safe to post even on a mods thread without igniting the AF vs Mods debate. I appreciate what you are saying and you obviously have a very good point. I guess I am not ready to be AF right now to be honest. I will leave it at that because I don't want to stir up the debate on the mods thread again.


                              Happy New Year all! Ducky that pork sounds great - how did it turn out? I went to my mom's for dinner yesterday - she had barbequed pork and it was very good - It was very last minute and she called and invited my family but my husband is getting a cold and didn't want to go and my two kids were up all night with their friends and so were tired and lazy yesterday. So it was just her, me and my brother and it was nice to have a low key time. I'm loving having two more days of weekend left! No plans but I have a monster pile of laundry to do so I'm going to try to get that done and maybe clean our office. We need to take the Christmas decorations down too. Hmm. I guess I have a lot to do, better get to it!

                              As for 2016 goals I haven't really set any. I will have to give that some thought. Ducky good luck with yours. Even though I'm successful now, I know how hard modding is - many unsuccessful attempts in my past! For me the key to success was first breaking my daily drinking habit and then after doing that, not allowing myself to drink very often for fear of getting back into that habit. It's working so far. Successful modding is definitely a great goal to have - I'm pulling for you!


                                Congratulations Frances on your success with moderation. That's very rare indeed. Most of us with an alcohol problem can only have NONE or PLENTY. I guess that's the reason this thread will never be very active. Moderate or "normal" drinkers would never have a reason to find this site.

                                Congrats again.

