As for me, I've actually been doing really well. I definitely would like some AF days as well. I don't drink everyday, far from it, but when I do, lately, I've been going past my 2-3 beer limit; nothing to be totally concerned about, but I started losing weight again and this is more of a health thing for me. First, I am already in good shape, but between work and grad school your health choices are compromises at times, which actually isn't so bad sometimes when hanging with your cohorts.
I survived a trip to Ireland - yes, it is hard to NOT drink there, so I didn't try, but I did have two AF days.
I was victim of a corporate cou de tat which resulted in me being downsized, but I got a much better position rather quickly.
My running times have been slow! I'd like to get that up. I think I need to get some strength back.
I can't really complain, but there's always room to be better.
Oh, it looks like I have another girlfriend now. I shouldn't complain, she's actually a really great girl.
speak to you all soon! I am in school right now actually.
Oh, I did get over the fact I turned 40....finally.