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I don't want to be totally AF......,

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    Thanks for all the concern. Went back on the supplements, got my first shot, today felt a bit better. After a 1 hr outdoor walk, I went into fitness center & used Nautilus, felt some dizziness in there. Not going away overnight.
    Tomorrow am seeing eye dr as I think I have an infection. Might be a lost contact. While there am going to ask if I am a candidate for eyelid surgery.
    Tomorrow afternoon getting my hair highlighted. Then since we have not been very social at all, (refusing invitations) I invited 4 other couples to go up to club for dinner. There will be 9 of us.
    Started to seriously work on losing some of this holiday weight gain. Kind of thought just dropping booze would take care of it. Not. Think you eat more sugar.
    Hi Stewart! Do you still keep in touch with NNG? If you are lurking, hope you are doing well! Come back & visit.
    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


      Blue - so nice to hear from you. I hope you find a job you like. And, I hope you get to go on a cruise. 30 years is something to celebrate!

      TMH, you have A LOT going on. Wow. I am working on losing my 1 1/2 year boozing weight gain. So far it is going ok, but from my monster cold/cough last week I have what I can only call a bruised rib. It hurts when I breathe, not sure I can go to the gym and lift weights. I can walk though HOWEVER I haven't been getting my 10,000 steps in : ( We are in a contest for work and I am not doing that great. Tomorrow is another day!

      Boy, some of the other threads get heated up! Yikes. Not sure I have that kind of emotional energy to put into an online forum.

      Have an easy day Friday all! Stay healthy - AG


        Just checking in - hope everyone has a great weekend! We never have plans; maybe I can try to make some for this weekend!


          Hi all - hope everyone's weekend is going well. When I left church this morning it was snowing outside for the first time here this winter. Not sticking, but pretty. I got home to see a text from my best friend telling me the brother of her daughter's boyfriend died. I don't know more than that but he's either in college or just out of college. We were going to go out of town next weekend but she thinks the services will be then. What a tragedy, and my heart is going out to the family and my friend's daughter too - this must be so so difficult I just can't image.


            Hi Frances - So sorry to hear about that young man. So tragic. That will be hard on your friend's family too, hang in there.

            I had a pretty good weekend but struggled with a strong AL voice today. Not quite sure why . . . but I stayed busy and got where I wanted to be by the end of the day. Ugh, sometimes I hate how much I think about this!! Hopefully that will get better over time.

            Have a good Monday - AG


              Thanks AG- yes, this will be very hard for all involved. My friend's daughter and her boyfriend are in their first year of college. I learned that his brother was 26. The family wants to keep the circumstances private but one thing I do know is that this young man struggled with addiction and it hits so hard when that contributes to a young person's death.

              You are doing so well with your goals - I'm so impressed. It definitely will get better over time. Your mind and body will get used to NOT drinking instead of drinking!

              I'm off to do some recycling and return some stuff I bought for my husband that didn't fit - it's nice to not have to work today!

              Hope everyone else is doing well!


                Hello all - i have decided to take a break from MWO. Feel I am in a good place and have broken the daily habit but do want to enjoy my dh, friends and this wonderful lifestyle. Even though majority of people drink, i'd have to say also that the majority of people are health conscious, active, responsible.
                Wish you all well but for now am going to concentrate on getting my health back, lose some weight, and better my golf game.
                All the best!
                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                  Originally posted by ToMyHealth View Post
                  Hello all - i have decided to take a break from MWO. Feel I am in a good place and have broken the daily habit but do want to enjoy my dh, friends and this wonderful lifestyle. Even though majority of people drink, i'd have to say also that the majority of people are health conscious, active, responsible.
                  Wish you all well but for now am going to concentrate on getting my health back, lose some weight, and better my golf game.
                  All the best!

                  Awwwwwww....wish you well TMH!!!


                    Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                    Blue - so nice to hear from you. I hope you find a job you like. And, I hope you get to go on a cruise. 30 years is something to celebrate!

                    TMH, you have A LOT going on. Wow. I am working on losing my 1 1/2 year boozing weight gain. So far it is going ok, but from my monster cold/cough last week I have what I can only call a bruised rib. It hurts when I breathe, not sure I can go to the gym and lift weights. I can walk though HOWEVER I haven't been getting my 10,000 steps in : ( We are in a contest for work and I am not doing that great. Tomorrow is another day!

                    Boy, some of the other threads get heated up! Yikes. Not sure I have that kind of emotional energy to put into an online forum.

                    Have an easy day Friday all! Stay healthy - AG

                    Thank you AG!!! Keep up the good work!!!


                      Really going to miss TMH......

                      I'm still struggling to try to get an AF day in.....I'm embarrassed to say. You guys are doing such a great job.
                      I think when I got depressed and started drinking so much has made it very challenging to get back in the swing of things....but I'll keep trying.

                      Sorry to hear about the young man passing....I'm praying for his family and friends.

                      Hope everybody is having a successful day!


                        Sorry to hear you are taking a break from us TMH. I understand being in a good place. For myself, I worry about leaving just because I might forget somehow and lose all I have gained. It sometimes feels a little 'overdone' for me (too much too often etc.?) - but I think there may be a happy medium I could find. I sure wish you well! Hearing about your life is fun for me and reminds me of my aunt and uncle who are very active and golf a lot and also socialize a lot (and drink a lot!). I can definitely see how it could be a struggle not to over-do it. Anyway - all the best to you - I will miss your posts!!

                        Hi Blue! For years I would say I wanted to not drink on any given day and then when evening came I was right there drinking again. Over and over. I know how it is! When I first came on here people said to get a plan in place. After I quit for awhile (before modding) I looked back on that advice, and for me it was primarily 1) getting a substitute in place for when I would usually be drinking, 2) a plan for how I would handle cravings, and 3) a plan for what I would tell people if they asked about it or if it came up for any reason. Maybe if you try to come up with a plan it will help? Trust me, I know it's hard - I'm glad you're going to keep trying! After all, we all came here for a reason, right?

                        Thanks for keeping my friend and her family and her boyfriend's family in your prayers. Whenever I think about them I think how the world must have just stopped for them and I just can't imagine the grief they must be feeling.

                        Hope everyone else is doing OK - take it easy out there!


                          Originally posted by frances View Post
                          Sorry to hear you are taking a break from us TMH. I understand being in a good place. For myself, I worry about leaving just because I might forget somehow and lose all I have gained. It sometimes feels a little 'overdone' for me (too much too often etc.?) - but I think there may be a happy medium I could find. I sure wish you well! Hearing about your life is fun for me and reminds me of my aunt and uncle who are very active and golf a lot and also socialize a lot (and drink a lot!). I can definitely see how it could be a struggle not to over-do it. Anyway - all the best to you - I will miss your posts!!

                          Hi Blue! For years I would say I wanted to not drink on any given day and then when evening came I was right there drinking again. Over and over. I know how it is! When I first came on here people said to get a plan in place. After I quit for awhile (before modding) I looked back on that advice, and for me it was primarily 1) getting a substitute in place for when I would usually be drinking, 2) a plan for how I would handle cravings, and 3) a plan for what I would tell people if they asked about it or if it came up for any reason. Maybe if you try to come up with a plan it will help? Trust me, I know it's hard - I'm glad you're going to keep trying! After all, we all came here for a reason, right?

                          Thanks for keeping my friend and her family and her boyfriend's family in your prayers. Whenever I think about them I think how the world must have just stopped for them and I just can't imagine the grief they must be feeling.

                          Hope everyone else is doing OK - take it easy out there!

                          Thanks Frances! Today was my first AF day in quite a while. I feel pretty restlessness and thinking a bit too much but......hey I did it! I took my benadryl and would normally be sleep by now but here I am. Oh....well I'm going to watch some more tv....and hopefully get some rest. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.


                            Awesome job Blue . . . I hope you sleep well!


                              Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                              Awesome job Blue . . . I hope you sleep well!

                              Thanks AG! I didn't go into a deep sleep until about 4am.....but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be....although I still hate being up thinking about everything that's going on in my can be very uncomfortable.

                              Hey everyone....Hope you guys are having a successful day!


                                A good day for me . . . I almost got my 10,000 steps but not quite. That has been harder for me to do in the winter.

                                I'm still working on what my long term goals are . . . TBH, I'm just not sure yet. I do know I feel so much better with AL out of the house. No more "just one" that turns into 4-6! I just started meeting with my therapist so that should help too. For me, it will take some time.

                                What are yours?? Frances, it sounds like you are living yours, correct? You are exactly where you feel comfortable and want to be? Blue? What are you thinking? If this is too personal, please just pass. No worries.

                                I'm so glad this week is almost over as its been long!! I'm ready for the weekend and a change of pace. Take care - AG

