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I don't want to be totally AF......,
yeah, overall it's been really good. I can't call it an "AF" free month, but the drinking has been to a minimum. I went to the Jets game (it was the early game) with a friend. I did drink, I wasn't driving. I had a hockey game later that night, I knew all I needed to do was take a nap, which I did, but I picked up some bad Chinese food before that. I think it was the mixture of all the salt and MSG (with the AL of course earlier that day), made me kind of sluggish, but still played ok... looking back, I may have done things differently, but no harm, no foul... I really can't complain, I do wish my wife was back though
Hi and happy halloween! Is your wife back yet Stewart?
I was out of town for the weekend - for daughter's softball team in Florida - sunny and 85 degrees, can't complain! As I've said before, traveling and outings with the team and families is one time when I tend to drink and this trip was no exception - I did have a beer one night out with dinner and then a glass of wine at the airport again. Nothing I regret so all is good here.
Just checking in....Hope you are doing well!
Hey, my Halloween was very uneventful and I mean that in a good way. My month of October was great for modding... I didn't really drink at all... maybe 4 times the whole month and only one time I would say I had a little too much, but nothing terrible. I did drink too much last night though. I have some good news, well one, nothing bad happened, my wife was a little annoyed when I got him, but nothing crazy, but I know why I did. I am training for a 15K (which is 9 miles). I haven't trained for something in awhile, so this will be good. Anyway, I did a speed workout earlier that day, 400m X 8. I haven't done one of those in awhile. Anyway, I felt really good after that. And I was craving wine, not beer, but wine. which I thought was a little odd. I had an event that night and figured, I'll have a glass of wine, well, had more than just a glass, and went to my club after as well - should've had beer, wouldn't have drank that much. Got home, had a late dinner, annoyed my wife a little and went to bed. I think I figured this out though. After intense activities, skiing, hockey, speed running, etc., I can only speak for myself but beer, wine, Al tastes so good.. it's kind of like a speedball with your adrenaline. I just told my wife this and she also added that I am not drinking enough water, which is also true. She says my skin looks dehyrdated. I am lucky to be this active at my age, but I am getting older. Funny how I said I wouldn't do this and did... but at least i know
That's awesome that you're doing a 15K! I don't exercise at all and I hate that. I know I would feel so much better if I did. Well, now that you know how you want AL after intense exercise you can try to get a plan in place before those so you can help yourself avoid it. Not drinking really does help with appearance - I have looked so much fresher since I stopped drinking (well, basically stopped, you know what I mean). The average amount I drink in a month now is less than what I used to drink in two days! I was looking at my AL 'numbers' other day and thought that was pretty funny.
I have no trips this weekend so it will most likely be an AF weekend for me, which is good. I will try to get some stuff done around the house. My husband is on the jury for a murder trial right now. He started this week and thinks it should be over by the end of next week so that's not too bad. I can't wait to hear all about it when it's over!
Keep it up Stewart, you'll never regret NOT drinking!
Checking in - had a good AF weekend here - planning to have Thanksgiving and there is a lot to do. My husband painted the kitchen ceiling which had a stain from a leaking roof. That stain has been there for a very long time - it's so nice to have that taken care of!
I've been dieting over the last week or so and it's working - I've lost about 5 pounds. Not sure if it will last since that seems like a lot but I'm happy to see the numbers going in the right direction! My pants were getting uncomfortably tight and with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, I really needed to do something NOW!
We had beautiful fall weather - I was outside quite a bit yesterday for my daughter's softball practice - it was nice. I kept thinking I'd go home and do some walking but of course I didn't do it. Maybe a gym membership would work better for me. Who knows?
Anyway - hope all is well with everyone and anyone who is reading this!
Congrats on the diet and weight loss, thats great! My November has not been as good a start as my October was. My weekend was uneventful at first. Friday my wife and I did a cooking class, we did bring a bottle of wine. Saturday I did a run. I had tickets to the NYC marathon-eve dinner. I am not running this year, but after you run a bunch of these things, you at times get invited to these things. Sunday was the marathon and we both did drink, which was interesting because we both were planning on initially taking it easy. We ended with a buddy of mine at a bar before we went home, and then one of her gfs wanted to meet us. I so just wanted to go home and was cranky. I knew we were both done and should go home. After eating bad bar food we did go home. Watched some TV and went to bed. My stomach has been bothering me all morning. SHe was in much worse shape. I told her it was because she was mixing wine. She's usually pretty good about this stuff. Anyway, it's just time to get back on track... (sigh)
Hi there Stew how's it going? Has November gotten any better? I have not had a drink this month so far. It crossed my mind two nights ago to unwind after a stressful evening, but I had a tea instead. My drinking was primarily at home (of course when I was out I drank a lot too but I just didn't/don't go out much) and that's something I never want to get back to.
Hi there just checking in - hope everyone (ha-ha, well, anyone who is here) had a great Thanksgiving! Mine was good and we had everyone here at my house for dinner which was very nice. Had company again on Saturday night for a football game which was also good.
I joined a gym with my daughter the day after Thanksgiving! We've been going just about every other day. I'm so happy to finally be doing something physical - it is a good feeling!
Stay strong out there!
Yeah, I was good for awhile, but last I was at a grad school friends party, I wouldn't say I was wAsted, but shouldn't be driving me and my friend home last night. Today my stomach is killing me. I am going for my checkup soon, which I never do, it's been years, but I really think I want that shot. I hate this yoyoing. I just want to feel healthy. I did run a 9 mile race Saturday though.
Hello and Happy New Year! The holiday season is over; time for a new start!
I had a good holiday but it was very hectic. I did have a few days around the holidays where I had a drink or two. I'm glad there are no 'events' planned this month and I haven't had anything to drink since Christmas day. I expect it will be quite awhile before I do again. For some weird reason over this past weekend I found myself missing sitting around drinking wine on days off like I used to do. It just seemed so appealing. I had that stupid feeling that I'm not as fun as I used to be. The thing is, I wasn't fun then - so who am I kidding? I absolutely do not want to start drinking again like that. So I need to be careful. I didn't act on it which was good but I was quite surprised to have that longing feeling like that.
how's it going out there?
Me again - here 4 days later and still having the same issue I mentioned in my last post. I have a couple of coworkers who have given me bottles of wine for gifts - I kept one under my desk for a couple of years after he gave it to me and then the other one gave it to me just the other day after the break. i decided to bring them home and have them here so I could bring to a dinner or to have with dinner if we have company or something like that. Well over the past couple of days I'm still thinking about wanting to have a glass of wine and knowing those bottles are there certainly hasn't helped! I think I need to give them away rather than keep them here. I haven't had any issues so far with my moderate drinking but I've always said that I don't want to get back to drinking at home in the evenings because that's what I did every single day for years and years and i think if I did that again it would be trouble. I had my usual seltzer and tea last night but the thought of opening a bottle of wine crossed my mind multiple times.
Part of my success with drinking moderately has meant no drinking alone or at home and that is working very well for me. I do not want to risk it and try anything different.
I really hate to give these away because they are from Georgia (the country) and they are special because they were gifts. But I'm thinking I might have to do that.
hi Frances and Happy New Year to you. There is no al in this world that is special! Get rid of it. You are doing so well in your journey so why obsess/think about these bottles. They mean zero especially if they have you thinking about going against your plan of not drinking at home or alone etc.
I am glad to see you around so thought i would pop in. xxxAF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
Ava thank you, you are absolutely right! I will get the wine out of the house. I agree with you, no al is special! I wasn't feeling 100% and so those thoughts were not there at all yesterday, but who knows when they will rear their ugly head again?
I'm around still checking in (at least reading) regularly thanks for popping in and a happy new year to you too!!
Morning! Quick check-in for me. I've had about a week with this rash/hives situation that has been annoying and uncomfortable. Before that I had already gotten into a rut with exercise for about a week, and then this was another reason for me not to go to the gym. I'm on an allergy med that seems to have remedied the situation, at least for now, and so today I am planning to get myself back to the gym for the first time in a little more than 2 weeks. I was so happy about how things had been going - hopefully I can get back in a groove quickly!
Still no drink for me here since Christmas day - - nothing has come up socially and so I haven't. I'll be going out tomorrow evening for a family celebration - at the moment I'm thinking I won't have a drink at that either.
Take care out there!