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I am a functional subtype what about you?

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    I am a functional subtype what about you?

    I am impatient keep dreaming about the thongs, the lipstick, the coral and the men
    also waiting. ahhh. can't stand the wait
    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


      I am a functional subtype what about you?

      has it ever like dawned on you that i just saw that we've had like 3400 views for our research????? hummmmmm i wonder if anyone is doing there own research then at home. i'm sad to say that i ummmm well, don't know how that happened i went to pull out those thongs with the remote control and well battery dead. now how do you unscrew this to see what kind of batteries it takes?
      gotta love the hormones they put me on. wow, no energy really any where else but yep right there. crawling walls. hubby is hiding from me. the washer and dryer have locked me out of the room. and well i must be a woman on purpose. i'm now doing re auditions as the stable is so darn full. what boat are you all on to get here? lmao ummm slow boat from china maybe? gosh, what ever to do......


        I am a functional subtype what about you?

        I'll get there somehow. crawling on my knees.
        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


          I am a functional subtype what about you?

          Saint Jude;219867 wrote: Can you hold em for another day or two?
          It's just been beautiful here too! 75* no wind... gorgeous on the river. Kinda hard to break away right now...
          Me & my new toothbrush....just sorta "stuck" to my kayak seat...:H
          At least till my lipstick arrives...
          Don't tell me it's got teeth jude!! lol

          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            I am a functional subtype what about you?

            No, but it does have lots of silk flowers!

            Just wait till I get that cute little "water proof Travel Rubber Ducky"...
            It might have "horns"!
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              I am a functional subtype what about you?

              I've got my red pumps ready to go with that sweat me baby lipstick.
              are the boys in the corral ready?
              'cause I am
              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                I am a functional subtype what about you?

                i like that lipstick myself. yes, i've been keeping them occupied for a bit now. funny isn't it. i've had to start going out and replacing a few. i was getting bored and some were restless. i think it is time for me to start my barbie adventure out and get some new candidates. i really liked that whole interview process i was doing prior to fire season. funny i wonder if this whole thread was the cause of the fire season. we did "heat" things up around here. phewwwwwwwww smokin........... so, i'm starting to feel a bit frisky again on these hormones. so, maybe tis time to go out on the town and find some new mates for my girlies........... i'm on jury duty this week. surely that's a ggreat place to start.... i better rest up tonight..... they said i can't bring weapons. hummmm that doesn't include my llipstick...


                  I am a functional subtype what about you?

                  :H Can you imagine getting kicked off of jury duty because of a vibrating tube of lipstick?
                  You'd be famous!(somehow I think you may be already ) Definately around here...

                  I can just see the headlines..."Woman arrested for Glossing over wrong lips in Court..." or "Lips Not sealed tight Enough for Trial"....
                  "Juror over Glosses Her Duty!":H
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    I am a functional subtype what about you?

                    oh jude you're on to something
                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      I am a functional subtype what about you?

                      Judie that is sooo funny ........ LOL :H :H :H


                        I am a functional subtype what about you?

                        ah jude..... i think it was the hot mama red lipstick that did me in. so to speak. juror #14 was dismissed. maybe because i was in the front row when i went to use it. maybe it was the 6 lawyers and the doctors watching me use it... i don't know. the judge shhsssed me. but i technically wasn't really making any well noises one could understand. he said only speak when you are asked questions. okkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,. anyway, guess that is a great way to be ummmmm" releassseddd" from juror duty......
                        love my lipstick


                          I am a functional subtype what about you?

                          oh good bootsie. I was worried tha the jury duty would be taking time away from this oh so important research.
                          what would have happened to the boys in the corral?
                          You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                            I am a functional subtype what about you?

                            :H I was called for jury duty last spring & when the judge asked if I knew any of the people involved in the case, including the sheriffs officers(one of which I'd dated while I was in high school.. when I was 16! He was 24! NOT legal! and he was a cop back then!... I didn't mention anything about him... but should have!)
                            I did say, well your Honor, yourself. You convicted me of a DUI about 6 years ago in this court room. ( the case involved a boating acident & alcohol)... I also know all the local search & rescue as well as the town cops, they come into the cafe where I work, to eat...@ least a few times a week.
                            I was excused. Gotta love the small town fun... or not...

                            Ha haha the judge shhhed you... You should have shhhhed him back! Do you think you'd have gotten contempt?
                            Probably NOT a good idea...
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              I am a functional subtype what about you?

                              Hey Boots!!

                              I was watching a program over here in the UK last night called "Dr.Betty: The 77 year old Sexologist." Anyway It followed 3 women who were unsatisfied with their sex lives who traveled to New York to meet this Doctor Betty. It was quite eye opening in a lot of respects but guess what? 2 out of the 3 women came home with these vibrating lipsticks thingies you've been talking about!! I couldn't help watching the program and thinking of you and Jude!!!lol. At least I know what the bloody hell you are talking about know!!

                              I think the woman is amazing anyway!! She just oozed warmth and compassion when dealing these women and she was really hands on!!!

                              Love and Happiness
                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                                I am a functional subtype what about you?

                                "she was really hands on".........Yikes!!!!!!, don`t like the sounds of HER!!!! :H

                                Starlight Impress x

