The Four False Mood Types
Each of the four mood engines in your brain, as represented above, needs a different amino acid fuel. The lower your access to amino fuel, the more False Mood symptoms you develop. The four emotion-generators in your brain are actually called neurotransmitters. Each one powers a different emotional zone in your brain and each has a distinctly different effect on your mood:
- The Dark Cloud of Depression
If you’re high in serotonin – you’re positive, confident, flexible, and easy-going.
If you’re sinking in serotonin – you’ll tend to become negative, obsessive, worried, irritable, and sleepless.
The Blahs
If you’re high in catecholamines – you’re energized, upbeat, and alert.
If your catecholamines have crashed – you’ll sink into a flat apathetic funk.
Anxiety and Stress
If you’re high in GABA – you’re relaxed and stress-free.
If there’s a gap in your GABA – you’ll be wired, stressed, and overwhelmed.Oversensitive Feelings
If you’re high in endorphins – you’re full of cozy feelings of comfort, pleasure, and euphoria.
If you’re near the end of your endorphins – you’ll be crying during commercials and overly sensitive to hurt.
Also -- Holistic Addiction Recovery
Resources- Updated
The hard back version of the Mood Cure listed several holistic treatment programs, that are no longer in existence or recommended. The following resources are
listed in the paperback edition (Penguin 2004) and will be continually
updated as new information becomes available.
Treatment Resources
Holistic Outpatient Treatment Programs
Recovery Systems, Mill Valley, CA
415-383-3611 or recoversys@aol.com
This is Julia Ross's outpatient clinic near San Francisco, where she and her staff provide assessment, nutritional therapy for detox and long-term recovery, and help in creating whatever holistic program is needed for recovery, whether inpatient or outpatient, combining psychological, spiritual, and nutritional components.
Health Recovery Center, Minneapolis, MN - 800-554-9155
This is a six-week outpatient programs that combines high-quality nutritional therapy with psychological components. Condos close by are available for out-of-towners and their family members. You can call for information on their original program and for a listing of other facilities in Texas, Colorado, and Connecticut based on director Joan Mathews-Larson's wonderful book, Seven Weeks to Sobriety, or check the website at www.healthrecovery.com. IV nutrients provided.
Holistic Inpatient Treatment Programs
Desert Canyon Treatment Center, Sedona, AZ
888-881-8371 or www.desert-canyon.com Full-scale nutritional and medical support, counseling and education programs, plus acupuncture and other holistic treatments. Not Twelve Step, but they will take you to local meetings at your request.
Drayton House, Winchester, VA
866-711-1234 or www.bridgingthegaps.comSmall, long-term residential program in a historic house with nutritional and holistic medical support, counseling, and Twelve Step programs. IV nutrients available.
San Francisco Bay Area Programs
Twelve Step oriented. Group and family programs. Though the directors are open to nutritional rehab, they do not provide supplements, so come to my clinic for a work-up on your way (we're close to each other), as many people do. Good meals that they'll tailor to our recommendations. No IV nutrients, and most residents are not on a holistic program.
For other programs near you, including outpatient recovery programs, see your Yellow Pages under "Alcohol" or "Drugs."
Twelve Step and Other Peer Support Programs
yle="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;">For live and on-line meetings and information:
Alcoholics Anonymous
Grand Central Station,
P.O. Box 459, New York, NY 10163,
(Website has links to contact info by state and country.)
Narcotics Anonymous
818-773-9999, ext. 771, or www.na.org.
Marijuana Anonymous
800-766-6779 or www.marijuana-anonymous.org.
Women for Sobriety
215-536-8026 or www.womenforsobriety.org. Life Ring (secular society)
510-763-0779 or www.lifering.com.