Trying to Taper
Well I guess the way to start off is by saying I went through an incredibly hard breakup with my girlfriend of 2.5 years last September. When It happened, I turned to the bottle to ease my pain. Eventually I was able to cut down on the everyday drinking and get back to my regular routine. Sometimes red wine at night but not everyday.
Lately I have turned to the bottle again to deal with my frustrations about work. I hate my job and do not believe in their mission statement. I have excelled at this job over the past year so no one really gives me shit when I am having an "off" day.
But lately it has gotten bad, I am experiencing pretty intense alcohol withdrawal symptoms daily and from everything i've read on the internet, I need to stop this behavior or else I going to seriously hurt myself. My drink of choice has been Smirnoff Vodka because it's cheap but have made the pledge today to start tapering off with beer as I read it is very helpful.
I guess I'm writing this as a way to get my thoughts down and to help with the process, I would sincerely appreciate any support from you guys as I know this road shall be tough, I just dont know how long it will be. My biggest issue that I have been facing is insomnia and anxiety. But last night I had a panic attack and my girlfriend is worried. Wake up call.
I know I need to cut back and stop using it as a vice to deal with my problems. Anyone have any insight?
Thanks guys.