i just got back from the dr. to see about this very subject and she told me about beta blockers. these are supposedly pretty safe and calming. i don't know much about them but it might be worth asking your doctor to see about getting off the benzos and replace it with that. if any one has any information about beta blockers please share!
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Zoloft Xanax users
Zoloft Xanax users
i just got back from the dr. to see about this very subject and she told me about beta blockers. these are supposedly pretty safe and calming. i don't know much about them but it might be worth asking your doctor to see about getting off the benzos and replace it with that. if any one has any information about beta blockers please share!
Zoloft Xanax users
Beta blockers
G'day freckles,
I do have some info on beta blockers. In fact, my doctor once prescribed them in conjunction with Xanax to deal with heart palpitations (that was in a hospital in BKK). When I went back to Europe, my family doctor told me to get off them. Fortunately, he's one of those doctors who do not prescribe medication willy-nilly.
Yesterday, I went to a new shrink just to ask on how to proceed getting off Xanax and Zoloft. Believe it or not, she could not really give me an answer. It seemed that I was more informed about withdrawing from these medications than she was. In any case, she gave me great advice on how to use breathing exercises to counter anxiety attacks. And that's exactly the road map I'm going to follow. First off the benzos, and not replacing it with another evil.
It has to be said, though, that there are people who require medication, such as Zoloft. But at least one should try alternatives before hooking on to some 'magic' pills.
Anyway, as for the Xanax and Zoloft issues, I found Prof. Ashton's manual to be of real help -
benzo.org.uk : Benzodiazepines: How They Work & How to Withdraw, Prof C H Ashton DM, FRCP, 2002
It outlines concrete steps on how to withdraw.
Well, that's all folks. :thanks:Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
Zoloft Xanax users
Zoloft Xanax users
You're so right. Just got back from the doctor, who actually prescriped Rivotril (Clonazepam) to help in tappering off Xanax.
I'm not going to take it, though. I'm not going to substitute one evil with another. Currently, I'm on 20 mgs Xanax twice a day, and I'm sure the 75 mgs of Zoloft will help me cope with any Xanax withdrawals.
My God, what kind of mess doctors can get us into? I'm not blaming all physicians, but it's really annoying to not get fully informed on whatever they prescribe ...
Anyhoo - best from this side of the globe,
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
Zoloft Xanax users
I found this post rather interesting in terms of what doctors prescribe to people. I was prescribed a drug called Effexor to assist with depression about 5 years ago.
I was on the medication for about 3 years all the while needing to increase dosage for effectiveness. It got to a point where I wanted to stop taking the medication and it took me months..literally months to stop taking this medication. It made me extremely nauseated, tired, night sweats and a myriad of other symptoms while I was tapering off. When I eventually stopped taking the medication I had a week off work and just slept I was THAT tired.
I was NEVER at any point warned about these potential problems when coming off the medication and I believe that the medical profession has a lot to answer for - helping pharma companies get richer and people dependant on medicine.
Zoloft Xanax users
Ditto. That's so true. So it's really imperative to educate oneself and see our doctors armed with information. They will still prescribe stuff, but at least we can make informed decisions on whether to go ahead taking the medicine or not. After all, we're the owners of our bodies.
Best -Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
Zoloft Xanax users
There's various schools of thought on how to slowly taper off Xanax. You'll get an overview on Professor Ashton's website Welcome to benzo.org.uk.
At this stage, I'm tapering off slowly cutting my daily intake by 1/4 every three weeks. That seems to work, even though I have some mild panic attacks coming back. I did not replace Xanax by any other medication. I would like to let my body stabilize by itself.
In any case, it's good to keep a physician in the loop on whatever it is you're doing. After all prescription drugs, in particular anti-depressants are no child's play ...
Zoloft Xanax users
I have been on Klonipin for a few years and can say it works but I find it to be just another problem on top of the booze. There is a Patient Workbook available about stopping anxiety medication. It gives complete instructions no matter which one you are taking which is important because they all have different 1/2 lives (time it takes your body to eliminate the drug). There is also alot of helpful advice on breathing exercises, what to expect etc. I bought it on Amazon. I checked and it is still available, here's the link:
Amazon.com: stopping anxiety medication: Books
After reading this I realize it is time for me to taper off the benzo medication, just been to afraid to tackle my obstacles..
best to all, headless
Zoloft Xanax users
I'm on the Klonopin too (clonazepam) and I would not recommend taking it. It's just another benzo. I have been tapering but it's been just as big of a struggle as the booze.Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL
Zoloft Xanax users
Too right Happycamper. I fully agree. Just taper off little by little. I'm into my second month tapering off. A bit up and down, but just the mere thought of being benzo free next January makes me press ahead with it. One addiction after the other. Hope 100% is next ...Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
Zoloft Xanax users
Okay, I just have a quick thing to add to the forum. Zoloft and antidepressants aren't magic pills. If they are prescribed by responsible physicians and are followed up properly people can take them with little problems. My Hubby has panic attacks. He takes Zoloft and unfortunately will have to for the long term to control this problem. He has tried to go off of Zoloft twice since we have been together. Both times he has terrible results. He has tried dietary changes and all kinds of natural stuff. His brain just can't make all seratonin connections. They don't enhance his mood. They are not "happy" pills. I'm on antideppressants also. I have been depressed since I was a teenager. These past 4 years have been miserable. I've done omega 3's, b vitamins, exercise, better diet to no avail I haven't been able to get out of my hole. My drinking got worse and then a viscous cycle started to to that. No, my meds don't make me "happy". They help take the edge off.
I suggest everyone see responsibe physicians and physicians who will really listen to you and inform you.
Zoloft Xanax users
Just a thought on this thread I started. While Xanax is an effective one-time (!) medication in an emergency situation. Zoloft CAN be effective to get a person out of a deep HOLE of depression, or like in my case bout of anxiety attacks.
It took me 7 months to get off that medication, though. Coupled with alcohol moderation, anxiety attacks have now disappeared - I also had to make major changes in my life (including a change in jobs).
Anyway, just my 2 cents on this thread ...Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
Zoloft Xanax users
Hey Paddy
I just read this thread out of curiosity. Wow... well done on getting off those xanax/valium type drugs! I totally agree with you. I have valium for emergency situation and am now back on Lexapro for anxiety.
I do find the Lexapro very good with minimal side effects. It doesn't treat depression as such but stops the anxiety (and untreated anxiety will lead to depression).
Well done Paddy!
Doo:heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:
Zoloft Xanax users
Scooby, can you just switch from xanax to lexapro? I was given xanax 7 years ago still taking 1mg a day for sleep, when I try to stop it I end up in ER. I have a fuzz on the brain feeling constantly dizzy. Zoloft was so bad for me I took it about 3 months or so It made every bone in my body just ache. I do use valium for panic attacks' those are very infrequent. Valium isn't a problem for me, but would like to get rid of xanax