Simey, I would definitely look into the Lexapro. I don't know much about Xanax. Lexapro is an anti anxiety med but is on par as the anti-depressants (seratonin reuptake). I'd most definitely talk to your doc about alternatives, as I'm sure there's got to be something else. Is there anything wrong with taking xanax indefinitely?
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Zoloft Xanax users
Zoloft Xanax users
Simey, I would definitely look into the Lexapro. I don't know much about Xanax. Lexapro is an anti anxiety med but is on par as the anti-depressants (seratonin reuptake). I'd most definitely talk to your doc about alternatives, as I'm sure there's got to be something else. Is there anything wrong with taking xanax indefinitely?:heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:
Zoloft Xanax users
Dear Simey,
If I can come in here, there are some good instructions about switching/stopping Xanax and other so-called Benzoides in Dr. Ashton's Manual (reference posted earlier in this thread). Notice that you CANNOT stop Xanax just like this. You have to titrate.
This is usually done by quarters of a dose over a period of 3 weeks or longer depending on how your body adapts.Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
Zoloft Xanax users
Doo, frankly, yes,
Xanax is addictive. That's the problem. It should ONLY be taken in cases of emergency. I hate it when you watch movies, for instance, and when the actor says a line like : ... oh, pass me some Xanax, I need to get some rest! It's like Xanax has become a harmless cure for all kinds of disorders from sleeplessness to panic/anxiety attacks. Later you're hooked. I was, and finally came off it.
Anyway, just my 2 cents, but Xanax is anything but harmless.Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
Zoloft Xanax users
I agree. I was prescribed .05 mg of Xanax several years ago and after the RX ran out I just stopped - bad idea!! Went through the most horrible withdrawl Was embarassed to ask for help. I really thought I might stroke out and doc gave me some Librium, but it took days for me to stop shaking and my face was white. Doc even called me in the middle of the night because he knew I wouldn't be sleeping. I should have tapered down very, very, slowly. Doc told me later withdrawl is comparable to heroin withdrawl. .Enlightened by MWO