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    Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

    Good morning all and a special greetings to my friends from the USA.
    I wonder if it's correct to say " Happy Independence Day" ? not sure, any way, I hope you all enjoy your celebrations and cope with the inevitable alcohol triggers that you will need to resist.
    Paddy, well done on the 14 days and you too scoobs on 31 dadys now. I can't offer up much advice to the forum on Topa coz I only take 25mgs, but I feel that I'm little too complacent lately and that worries me. I find myself constantly having to remind myself that i cannot afford to slip...perhaps I should be increasing the Topa, or the willpower!! found myself pondering how I was going to go to the Spring Races with 'the girls' and not drink champagne. Thats not for months and already i'm worrying about it !!
    Glad the sun is finally shining on you Bella, my daughter went to the Globe Theatre in London to watch the Merchant of Venice in the " pit" and she had to stand in the rain for the whole performance , just like the medieval times. She loved it all still ..ahhh, youth..!!
    How's the job hunting going Kitty? timing is everything and when the Universe thinks it's right it will come knocking. Keep putting yourself out there.
    Determinator, does all that garlic seep out of your pores after exercise :H
    Ok, better go and do something vaguely constructive...
    See ya
    Jane :heart:

    Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

    Good Morning all in Absville. Happy Independence Day to all those who live in the USA. The sun is out again this morning- can't believeit! I am eating for England at the moment, food being my biggest pleasure since stopping Alcohol and cigs! Hope you all have a good happy day today my friends. Bella xxxx


      Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

      Hi Absville,

      Thanks Jane. I feel like James Brown! No! Not dead! Goooooooooood. 14 days AF. Happy hols to all those in the US. Behave :-) And keep out of trouble and away from airports and crowded places from you-know-whom ...

      Yup, Jane, maybe increasing Topa is a good idea. Can't do any harm. Just give it a try and let us know how you go. We're here to help you with any input on temporary side effects you may encounter.

      Bella watch the food intake. You wouldn't want school kids to mistake you for their school bus. Or indeed, Greenpeace walking up to you on the beach trying to get you back into the ocean - mistaking you for a whale :-p. No, but frankly, it's true, one addiction easily replaces another. That's something to watch out for. Similar to alcohol being replaced by sodas. Equally bad.

      Best from here.

      Da Padster
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


        Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

        Happy Wednesday or whatever-day to everyone! Just popping in quick to say day 7 AF for me - unbelievable and all thanks to Kudzu I think! Bella, I am eating too much as well to make up for "being good" with the booze, so I need to watch the grub-guzzling as well! As one bad habit departs, another arrives at the station!!!

        Cheers all!


          Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

          Hiya All

          Still kicking along...... kinda cheated tonight with a weee beer while i watched the footy. One beer only though

          I hear you all about eating too much. I have become a chocolate addict..... well I was before as well... but even more now....

          Going to the Live Earth Concert on Sat. Should be a good day out....

          See Ya all Round


            Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

            Hi all,

            Jane your daughter will have had a brilliant time at the Globe despite the rain, it is a fabulous place. I loved going because historical costumes are one of my hobbies and the Elizabethan period is my favourite of all.

            Bella I know what you mean about eating. I've developed the sweetest tooth because of the carbs that I used to get from alcohol and teamed with the munchies from not smoking I've put on a good half a stone. We are going to a Chinese Buffet at the weekend so I'm being extra good till then.

            Congrats Paddy on 14 days and well done LOTSW on 7.

            Day 17 for me and I'm feeling the best I've felt all week. Been quite proactive on the job front so fingers crossed.

            Have a good day all, and all to come,

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


              Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

              Morning All-

              yes Jane-It's Independence Day! Happy happy to my fellow Americans!

              Jane-try not to worry too much in advance. The more AF days you get the more confidence you will build up. Think-"I can do it & it won't be as difficult as I think". Positive thinking=positive mindset.

              LastofSW-congrats on one week-you're on your way.

              Bella-I'm not even pregnant & I'm eating for two-for me & in place of alcohol~LOL.

              Paddy-woo hoo 2 weeks! Awesome!

              Kitty-congrats on 17 & :fingers: on the job hunt.

              thought-have fun at the Concert-I'll tune in on the TV~maybe I'll see ya' {wink }.

              Have a happy, safe, sober 4th everyone! Attached files [img]/converted_files/278526=1207-attachment.gif[/img]
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

                Happy Independence Day All, and a great day to the rest who aren't Americans!

                I'm really happy to be on Day 23 here. I think this is the first time I've gotten this far, and it's great!

                I've got to leave and go donate blood in a few minutes--doing the patriotic good doobie thing. Ouch!:upset:

                I'll sign in again later and catch up with everyone, though. So far, it seems like everyone is doing okay.

                Lotsa love!:h

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

                  I feel kind of wierd celebrating the Independece of the USA from England. I really feel that England is our Mother Country. It's fuuny brcause I'm of Spanish desent. But I have given everything to this country, & I feel it is all I am. Let us celebrate all our freedoms ! I'm more happier about that ! IAD:thumbsup
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

                    Hello All,
                    Hope you all have a great day.
                    So far mine's been good.


                      Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!


                      Happy Independence day to all the American friends, and happy independance day to all of us who have resisted alcohol for another day, every day is a great day.



                        Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

                        How you doing ? From what I've been reading your more lost than WALDOW! IAD
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

                          Happy Independance from Alcohol Day!!!!!!

                          and for us Yanks, Happy 4th!!!! and the best news is Britain is a wonderful friend of ours and has been for a while.

                          Yes, garlic does become noticeable here and there when exercising! my poor jiu jitsu partners (secret weapon!)

                          Paddy we are neck and neck at day 14! the race is on!

                          so glad to hear so many here doing so well.

                          Freeeeeeeeeedddddooooommm!!!!!! (Imagine Det with face painted blue)
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

                            Well, giving blood didn't go too well. Despite having an appt., there was still an hour wait. No thanks! I'll go another day!

                            Jane, I'm with Paddy about increasing the topa a bit. You have quite a bit of latitude in dosage, and 50 mgs might be a good dosage. Of course, you might have a little topa-dopa at the beginning, but that should pass quickly. I'm at 200 mg, and only slightly more dopey than usual, and definitely better than when I was drinking.:H
                            Also, Ariel (from JLohr vineyards) does make an AF champagne, if that is acceptable to you when the Spring Races come around.

                            Hope you have a great, sunny AF day, Bella!

                            Congrats on 14 days, Paddy. Great work!

                            :goodjob: to you as well LOTSW!! You seem to be doing great, just getting on board with Abs.

                            I'm glad that you were able to stick with just one beer t2m--that is darn near impossible for me. I could probably have just one wine right this minute, but in another week, I'd be back to my old tricks!

                            Kitty, got my fingers crossed on the job front for you, and congrats on 17 days!

                            Hi Breez, good to see you! You sound in pretty good shape today! Happy 4th to you, too!

                            Hi IAD--you're not far from me, being in Baltimore. I'm in a town a bit farther west in Maryland. I do think that most of our British friends have gotten over our treachery. It's interesting how many people in north central and western Maryland are interested in the Civil War, however. We have many folks who are deeply into Civil War re-enactments and go all over the place to participate in them.

                            Hey Popeye, good to hear from you, and I'm glad that all is well for you!

                            Hi Sue. You have a good point. Freedom from alcohol is independence for all of us! I hope you are doing well!

                            Hey, Deter. Yes, let's name this Independence from Alcohol Day. We can all share in that!

                            I'm going to try to catch up on some paper work this morning and later, it's party, party, party! AF of course. I did buy some AF wine, though. It will be fun to see what the fireworks are like sober.

                            Anyway, off to the salt mines!



                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              Wed 4th July - INDEPENDENCE DAY!

                              Hey guys, happy 4th. I am having a rough day. As some of you knw I run a lot, it is a habit I had before quitting drinking, and one I have held onto dearly. I really like what it gives me. I am training for a race in August, and went out to run my 9 miler this morning. After 5 miles i had to walk, my knee hurt so bad. I dont really know what is wrong with it, but I do know I cannot afford to take any time off to nurse an injury and still be able to do the race. I am pretty upset and have been having a rough day. This is a huge part of my life, and in an instant I am not so sure how long it will be before I can do it again. I have been icing it, and resting it. I will not run on it while it hurts, which would be something i would tend to do, but I know that will just make it worse. Sorry for the downer post...

                              I am still AF though, and in 8 days I will be at 6 months. So that is good. I wish you all the best.

                              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                              James Gordon, M.D.

