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30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

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    30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

    Hi there everyone....I read here alot but have never posted on this group...lots of other placeson the site though...I thought this might be a good place fo me to jump over to as today is a big day for me...30 days AF!!!...I truly cant believe it...I was a 1 1/2 bottle of white wine a day drinker for YEARs...never skipped a day..I cant believe it to be honest...It has been wanted to post it here and hopefully make some new friends and supporters that I could help and could help me along my journey....Thanks for reading and I just want to say again what a woinderful program this is with realy wonderful people....Love and Light...:l Buckle

    30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

    Hey Buckle! :goodjob: and a big welcome to the Abs board.
    But just to let you know...we don't have any real 'rules' here about how many af days you have....we are all just trying to be af here so welcome and Congrats on the 30 days!
    I was a bottle to a bottle + of red wine a night so you are in good company! I'm closing in on 9 months af and this place has been a tremendous help.
    Glad you are here - Great Job!


      30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

      Congrats Buckle on a job well done!
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

        Well done Buckle and Lisa


          30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

          :welcome: Buckledown!

          You've come to a terrific place. You didn't need 30 days to do so, although I'm sure glad that you have such an accomplishment to feel proud of. I hope you get a lot out of being here. I'm sure you will have a lot to offer.

          Again, welcome!



          PS: Wow, Lisa! You are an AF Goddess!
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

            Hi guys! :goodjob: to you both, Buckle and Lisa - if I can make it to 30 days, maybe I can make it to 9 months, eh? I don't get a lot of time to read and post here, but I can honestly say that this time around I feel truly inspired by everyone at MWO and this time I feel like I can make some huge changes in my life - awh, sorry, going all soppy now!!

            Anyway, :goodjob: :thanks: and.... goodnight!!!! Sleep tight! (that is of course if it's bedtime where you are!!!)


              30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

              Hi Kathy!


                30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

                Hi Buckle and Welcome:welcome:
                I started to get confused I was jumping around on so many forums so I've narrowed it down to 3 ! this one the most, as i count down ( or up ) my days 53 AF now, from a regular bottle a night of sav. blanc.!!
                and I sometimes go on the long term abstainers ( cos i fancy myself ! ) , and i like to check in on the book club. I have to read motivational stuff daily to keep me on the straight and narrow. I like the Emerson quote I read earlier from yesterdays post!
                So, hang around and we will all do this together. Cos, God knows there ain't a lot of siupport inthe "real world" . I couldn't have got off the booze without this support group on MWO. They are my secret weapon.
                Jane :heart:


                  30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

                  Hi LOTSW! ;-)
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

                    Hi Buckle,

                    Congratulations on 30 days!!!!!

                    I'm starting out all over again on day 2 so it's nice to have you join the other abstainers who have done so well and have a good chunk of sober time under your belt.

                    30 days sounds so easy as a period of time but I know it could not all have been fun and games. I,too, like my wine and know that I will miss it. What kept you strong through the hard times? Did you change your schedule and your routines?

                    Welcome and keep posting!!!!



                      30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

                      Well done Buckle on your 30 days.
                      And you Lisa.....awesome!


                        30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

                        Buckledown, big congrads and to echo what someone else said: tell us what helped you to break out of the alcohol cycle?
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          30 days AF today! Thought I might join this group?

                          Congrats, Buckle!
                          Hi fellow Abbers! :goodjob:
                          "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott

