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Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

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    Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

    Happy July 5th all Abstainers,

    I'm so thrilled to be back and see so many wonderfully familiar avatars. It's like pulling into your hometown after a period away and seeing your friends and neighbors again... so comforting!!!!!

    It's probably been a few months since I posted last. Spring was busy and then we went to Greece for several weeks to visit family.Needless to say after doing fairly well this spring my consumption of wine increased during our stay in Greece.

    I felt comfort in knowing that I could come back to this site. Little could I imagine how many of you would still be here, strong as ever!!!!! You are all such inspirations.

    I know this will not be easy!!!! I have fallen into the habit of nightly wine again. Once I get a few days AF I convince myself that I don't really have a problem........same old song I know!!!!! Summer will not be easy as warm evenings seem to call for wine on the deck. But, there is always an excuse isn't there?

    I look foward to re-connectiong with you all. You can't imagine how I have missed this site. I hope my struggles will offer something to the group. You all seem so strong and determined!!!!

    I am happy to be back


    Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

    Hi Janet-

    Welcome back!! Sounds like Greece was pretty great though.
    That consumption just creeps up doesn't it? Happy to see you again!


