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Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

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    Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

    Happy July 5th all Abstainers,

    I'm so thrilled to be back and see so many wonderfully familiar avatars. It's like pulling into your hometown after a period away and seeing your friends and neighbors again... so comforting!!!!!

    It's probably been a few months since I posted last. Spring was busy and then we went to Greece for several weeks to visit family.Needless to say after doing fairly well this spring my consumption of wine increased during our stay in Greece.

    I felt comfort in knowing that I could come back to this site. Little could I imagine how many of you would still be here, strong as ever!!!!! You are all such inspirations.

    I know this will not be easy!!!! I have fallen into the habit of nightly wine again. Once I get a few days AF I convince myself that I don't really have a problem........same old song I know!!!!! Summer will not be easy as warm evenings seem to call for wine on the deck. But, there is always an excuse isn't there?

    I look foward to re-connectiong with you all. You can't imagine how I have missed this site. I hope my struggles will offer something to the group. You all seem so strong and determined!!!!

    I am happy to be back


    Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

    Welcome back Janet, I remember all those sheep. Happy you are back!!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

      speaking of familiar friendly avatars.... heya Janet!

      vinophile myself. I'm sure a nice retsina would go down well. I must stop dwelling on such things!
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

        Hi Janet

        Det, forget the RETSINA !

        it's my leaving do from work tonight and my mates in their wisdom have organised a belly dancing night with me the guest of honour.
        how the *#!@^*$&*!! am i gonna do that on cranberry juice! huh?
        heaven help me...

        Jane :bow
        Jane :heart:


          Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

          Hi Janet, mamma mia, just listening to your story describing Greece and wine on the deck .... i could've gotten weak there, ha, ha. By the way, my fianc?e and I will be on honeymoon in Greece in December. By then I hope I will have done my 6 months AF, and have myself under control, grin ...

          Welcome back Janet
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

            OMG DETERMINATOR, LOL-- as soon as I hear the word Greece I think of retsina, too.

            Been there, had it, yuck.

            Of course, I finished the glasses at the tastings-- don't want to be rude or anything.
            Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
            Talent will not-- nothing is more common than
            unsuccessful people with talent.
            Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
            Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
            Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
            The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve
            the problems of the human race.
            -- Calvin Coolidge


              Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

              Had retsina been the only alcoholic beverage ever invented - I would not have had an alcohol problem.

              But ... the baclava, mousakka, spinokopita ..... hooley-dooley ..... I'd be a really BIG girl now ....


                Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

                don't want to disgust everyone but my husband drinks retsina with coca cola. That's a failry common drink in Greece.

                Too bad that's not the only drink they have there. I could have spent the month sober. Instead they have some really good other wines which I felt compelled to drink my fill of.

                Thank goodness for MWO,


                  Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

                  Janet, so nice to see you back. I was wondering about you a while back. I remember you getting quite a long stretch of AF days in there. You can do it again!!
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

                    Welcome back Janet, I've recently started visiting a bit more myself.

                    What it retsina? A type of wine?



                      Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?

                      Hi! I'm starting on day one again as well (nothing as cool as going to Greece, I just got lazy and stopped fighting the wine bottle!) If you want a "buddy" to start with, let me know!

                      I never had retsina... what's it taste like?



                        Day One Again ! Can I join the group again?


                        From my fuzzy wine tasting memories in Greece (when I was 21 no less, over 10 years ago)...

                        They used to store wine in resin lined barrels in order to help the wine 'keep'. The resin eventually broke down and bonded with the fermenting wine, and thus becoming part of the taste.

                        Over time the Greeks developed a preference for this specific taste-- resin tinged wine. Today of course they have the technology to make wine that will keep, but they still add resin to wine to create "Retsina" to cater to this acquired palate.

                        They also produce non-retsina wines, as well.

                        Is that about right, Vinophile?
                        Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
                        Talent will not-- nothing is more common than
                        unsuccessful people with talent.
                        Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
                        Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
                        Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
                        The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve
                        the problems of the human race.
                        -- Calvin Coolidge

