Have a good weekend everyone:l
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Saturday 7th July
Saturday 7th July
Hi guys - no-one had started the Saturday thread, so I am being cheeky and jumping in. I was a bit naughty last night and had two glasses of wine from an opened bottle which had been left over from cooking. I didn't really want, need or even crave them, just curious about how it would feel - nothing actually! I don't particularly feel bad about having them, I fnished the second glass and then had a large glass of sparkling water and went to bed early - strange how we "tease" ourselves with things sometimes. Anyway, I have been an "honest injun" and put them in my drink tracker and spoiled my nice line of yellow zeros, but hey ho!!! Tonight I am going to treat myself to a nice (small) bar of chocolate, but have no cravings for wine, so I feel okay.
Have a good weekend everyone:lTags: None
Saturday 7th July
Good Morning Everyone!
Hey Janet, welcome back! I have read your posts, and I wanted to say that OF COURSE you are welcome! I have missed you and your posts a lot. It is hard not to reach for the wine for comfort, but we can find a way if we just keep doing it day by day. For me the topa and supplements help enormously--not that I don't have an occasional hissy fit about not being able to drink!
Scoobs, yes the days are starting to add up; thanks for noticing. Monday will be four weeks. You are doing mighty fine yourself! You have been an inspiration to me. I hope that you feel better soon. You sound like you are enjoying the idea of some time in bed resting, despite being ill!:H I hope you do enjoy yourself!
I can feel the stirrings of wanting to do more than merely not drinking starting to stir in me, too. So I'm looking forward to being more productive.
Thanks for starting the thread today, LOTSW. I don't think you're being "cheeky" at all by starting the thread though. Whoever gets here first gets to start--it's as simple as that.I'm glad that you're not beating yourself up about drinking last night, but do be careful. My own experience is that little things like that have gotten me started down the slippery slope again. I'm hoping that you're NOT like me!
Anyway, I'm hoping that you all, and everyone to come has a great AF day!
Hugs to all!:l
KathyAF as of August 5th, 2012
Saturday 7th July
Good morning LDOSW and all to follow:
Speaking for myself, I have a rebellious streak that would have contributed to finishing off that leftover wine for no good reason (no craving or anything). Just to say: Hmm...so there. "So there" to no one I can think of. Anyway.....good you're not fretting too much over it. Fretting gets me into trouble with alcohol.
So my computer is finally back up after three weeks. Yippee! I am on day 14 AF, the longest probably since I was pregnant 13 years ago. Treatment is going well. I have completed three weeks with one week left to go. I have met some wonderful people there and just like here.....what a fun group too!
It seemed the cravings would never go away but everyone told me they would. I thought if they didn't, I couldn't fathom being AF. Anyway.....after two weeks, the physical cravings have seemed to disappear. My last hard physical craving was last Friday. What a great thing that is. Of course, the thought of my wine is still a bit attractive but not as much.
A couple things that stand out in my mind and help me:
When an unpleasant feeling takes you by surprise (like your kid is driving you nuts or three drivers cut you off....whatever makes you instantly want a drink), remember that feeling WILL go away whether you drink or not. I love that. I used that last Friday and what do you know? That feeling went away without a drink (it takes longer though, that's part of what I loved about alcohol...instant decompression).
Becoming AF is a loss. Part of resolving the grieving process is coming to acceptance of the loss. Realising it is impossible to change it (my alcohol abuse), it has become part of my life's journey and those who fight acceptance (which I did for a long long time and still struggle) only prolong the pain. I have had enough pain.
So, take what you can use and leave the rest. I am a happy camper and feel greatful for the support at MWO.
Saturday 7th July
Happy Saturday AB-erooooos! good to see you back in Maggie and enjoyed your analogies and thoughts. Acceptance I think has been the hardest part of this journey for me....I'm just so darn hard headed.
Kathy, glad to hear you sounding motivated and creative.
Lastof, glad you didn't hurt yourself...it's just the hardest line to walk so keep yer guard up my fellow warrior.
well, the bloody contractor stood us up again so the flip side is I get to get in an extra jiu jitsu class this morning at least so guess I'll go pack my workout gear. no cravings in spite of the crazy 108 degree weather here in the desert....so many fun things to do and learn. Life is grand!!!!
Be well freindsnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Saturday 7th July
Hey guys, morning to you all. I did nto run this morning so I have no cool post about my mileageBut I am dealing with it okay. knee still feels little wierd but I am hoping little magic people fix me...I can always dream can't I. It is kind of wierd not waking up early as hell and going out. I dont feel like I have accomplished a whole lot today, probably cuz I slept in WAY later than I ever do. I am going to go get ready and head over to Wild Oas. I want to pick few things up, then I will probably come home and clean. I know this all sounds very exciting, you all should try to contain your jealousy! LOL
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
VictoriaIt's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.
Saturday 7th July
Hi All-
Just poppimng in to say hi-just got back from a ferry trip to & from Long Island. We spent the day walking around & shopping. It was nice & I'm tired.
That's it Scoob-AF memories for the family. At least now I can look back at pictures (photography is my hobby) and remember the moments rather than using the pictures to recall the moments! LOL! Hope you feel better!
LDOSW-Like Kathy said...be careful. Having a "good drinking" episode can give you a false reassurance. I have been down that road of moderation many times.
LOL Victoria-ooh I am jealous
Deter-heat's gotten to your head
Kathy~bring on that productive bug. Mine hit me so hard that I now have 5 unfinished projects.
Hi Maggie-glad treatment is going good.
Well gotta run. Have a good night everyone!:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
Saturday 7th July
Hi All
What's UFC ? sorry, am i being dumb??
Gee, maggie, I thought you raised a good point about AF being a loss. it is, and I hadn't really thought about it like that.
I was out for lunch with ( drinking) girlfriends yesterday and although they didn't put any pressure on me to drink they want to talk about it all the time. Usually to tell me how LITTLE they drink! what's that about? personally, I do feel like it is a loss and to a degree that extends into the way we relate to our drinking friends. tricky territory, eh.
I made a fundamental mistake of confiding I was day 55 AF and they were verging on mocking ( maybe I'm a paranoid?) . No matter, will keep my own counsel in future....it will stay on MWO.
I have taken up yoga ! all the women in the class could stick their big toes up their noses whilst balancing on one leg and still look in perfect harmony!! Ommmmm...... with me it was more like...Arghhhh....!!
One week to go of this job then two holiday before I start the new position. Feeling pretty nervous about it all now ( hence the mad dash to yoga in an attempt to get "centred"!) . Just think, if I had stuck with the vino, I would still be at my job of 20 years down the road and warmly curled up on my couch watching West Wing re-runs instead of chanting mantra's in ashrams. I know, I know....I'm not looking at the positives here.....
Jane :heart:
Saturday 7th July
LOL Jane!
I'm about to whip out my Yoga/Pilates tape-saw my reflection in a restaurant mirror:wow: . I'd love to take a class but I'm not very agile-quite clumsy and well I can barely get my toe to my chin never mind my nose & on one leg! LOL.
That's not negative talk, that's positive comparisons. I'd be in the same boat if I still held onto my bottle. So chant away....hummmm....hummm....Have a great night.:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
Saturday 7th July
Kathy, thanks for your well wishes. Am still sick in bed in feel like crap but you're right... I'm kind of loving it. I've been downloading music From the USA Itunes website (different range to the Aussie store).
Mick stayed over at his frineds place last night and when he got home today he walks in swilling doen the gatorage and smelling like a vineyard. I'm so glad it's him and not me! :H (he doesn't do it very often - he's ok)
I've downloaded Jon Maclaughlin's CD... I'm in looorve. I'm changing my avitar!
Scoobs:heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart: