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Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

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    Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

    Gooooood Mooooorrnnning!!!!! Lovely sunny Sunday here! Guys, thanks for your words of warning, caution, concern, etc., re my "temptation" on Friday - I hear you loud and clear and I have been thinking about how easy it could have been to go over the top with those two glasses - all too easy to get smug, isn't it, but I'm still on the straight and narrow so, yippee for another sober Saturday night - I did eat a biggish bar of chocolate, but I'm organising my eating habits for next week, so hopefully the "munchies" will go the same way as the booze!!

    Some young louts out last night in our neighbourhood - drunk as skunks and singing the most stupid, childish football songs at the top of their voices - woke up this morning and thought, I hope they feel like sh*t today and that the sun is splitting through their bedroom curtains and giving them headaches - that's if they got to bed in the first place - huh, youth eh, it's wasted on the young, you know!!

    Sorry for wittering on - feeling good, positive and devilish:H - enjoy what's left of the weekend wherever you are and thanks again for the support and guidance you all give me and each other:l

    Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

    Howdy Crew

    It has been about a month since I started at this site....

    I have had a few drinks now and then over the month but have managed to keep my drinking well under control. I feel pretty happy with myself.

    I think I am going to try the mods thing now. So goodbye to Abbsville :l

    I have been drinking (cheating) a little anyway during the month and enjoying a social drink, without getting drunk. I will stick to my 3 drink maximum rule and see how I go.

    20 years of weekly binge drinking and I am never going back!

    If I have one drunk night I will be back here quick smart :H

    Keep up the good work and see you around :goodjob:


      Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

      Morning All-

      Hi Last~I'm doing the same thing with my snacks. I actually got my butt off to exercise first thing this morning. My main thing is trying to eat healthier because ever since I gave up the booze I gained because I never really ate when I'd drink. So once I quit-everything tastes yummy!

      hey Thought~thank you for being so considerate and respectful. I wish you luck & success. We're always here and I'll see you else where on the boards.

      Hot, humid day here. We'll be in the pool today & I'll go shopping later (I hate grocery shopping) & pick up something for a BBQ.

      I have a funny story-my son(5) is such a comedian (& funny even when he doesn't try). Yesterday we were having an ice cream at a shop and my son loves to put his weight on you and lean. So I go to my hubby who's sitting on the opposite side of my son & me and I go "Nathan is such a leaner". Nathan turns to me & goes "yeah mommy I have a weiner-look" and proceeds to pull the elastic band on his shorts and looks down' "See I have a weiner". I laughed so hard because he said it so loud. Guess you had to be there.

      Have a great AF Sunday everyone!
      AF Day 200
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

        Top of the Sunday Absters!!! Glad to hear Last of and and Thought2 having breakthroughs of happiness and confidence. Breeze, can't believe you posted first you early rising over acheiver! the weiner story is hysterical!! maybe a "mini banger" for our UK friends LOL

        well, watched my PPV UFC fights last night all on my lonsesome and left to my own devices with Dx out on the town with a friend at a concert and.....drumroll please.....I didnt even THINK about having a drink. So I'm up early on Sunday ready to swing for the fences....wooo wooooo!
        pretty sore from Saturday workout but it's a great sore. woke up to that sunshine Lastof spoke of and it was joyous for us non-hungover folks.
        be well everyone
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

          G'day Abbers,

          Well Last IS in a devlish mood today, grin ... But yes, let them have splitting headaches, yeah babe, yeah! And let the neighbours play loud music in the background, ha, ha.

          I just got back from Laos. Had to sign off my best friend in marriage, grin ... Well, he's got to take revenge on me at the end of this year, grin ... He'll be my best man then. I'm 16 days AF and HAPPY to say the least ..

          Breeze, congrats to day 200!!

          Best to all who post after me.
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

            Hey, Det, we're in synch!!!
            Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


              Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

              yes we are you groovy thing Padster!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

                Happy Sunday All,
                Thought2much, Good luck in mods!!! I've crossed back and forth between mods/abs myself and it's nice to know both sites are there and supportive of us.
                LOTSW, my first Sat without wine and I,instead, ate an ice cream sunday. My first in about 15 years....who can drink a bottle of wine and eat an ice cream sunday together so it's not that I'm virtuous in the sweets dept. Anyway the ice cream was a small price to pay for an AF Sat.

                Breez, I just saw that you are AF for 200 days!!!!!!!Congratulations !!!!I'm humbled!!! We are hot and humid here today as well.

                Would love to hang out by the pool but have promised myself that certain things have to get done before so maybe I'll make it for a swim by 5pm.

                Last night was ok but I did have to go to the liquor store to buy my 90 year old aunt her birthday present of 1 bottle of whiskey(She takes 3/4 of a shot 4x per week as it helps her arthritis) I found myself wandering through the wine aisles looking at the bottles. With a pang of regret I moved on and went about my business. I have to reframe my thinking to...."I caught myself looking at that poison before I came to my senses!!!!"

                Everyone to come please enjoy your sunday. Monday are always welcome when not drinking (at least for me)



                  Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

                  congrads changes really are hard and glad you see the fruits of success already...'tis grand.

                  and a HUGE congrads to Breeze hot damn gal! 200 days?!?!! as the voice on the hypno cd says: "verrrrrrrrrry nice"
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

                    by the way, it seems to be international BUTT day, I gather, from looking at people's avatars (e.g. Lushy, Lucky, Tawny, etc. on the other threads). Vinophile doesn't have to change much.

                    Det, here you're out of synch, ha, ha.
                    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                      Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

                      Thanks everyone~:l

                      Hey Paddy-what did Snoop do?
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

                        Hey everyone, went out on a bike ride today ( motorcycle) and rode out into the country all by myself. Glad I did that, it was pretty out, and I did it before it got too hot. Nothing much new...still stuck in the house hurt, the knee feels a little better today...but i still wont push it. I am going to give it a couple of more days, and if it gets back to normal..I will try to run. I am still praying it goes away in a couple of days so I can get back to my training schedule---plus i like to eat a lot and I am gonna gain a lot of wieght if I can't run---good thing my boyfriend told me he would love me no matter what---
                        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                        James Gordon, M.D.


                          Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

                          Happy Sunday everyone. Just a boring day here, but that's okay. I could use a little boredom. I slept in until 10:30 this morning, which was heavenly!

                          My sister and I might take a run out to a local park today. I lived here for 5 years, and I've never even been there.

                          Now that Wimbledon is over, my sis is ready to go, so I'm going to run. Check in later!

                          Also, congrats, Breez, on your 200 days! What an accomplishment!

                          Hugs to all!:l

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Sunday 8th July - thanks for concerns!

                            Hey there to all..

                            Breez...200 is a spectacular number! Congrats!
                            Victoria...glad the knee is better. Time can do wonders.
                            Kathy - hope you and sis had a great time at the park
                            Paddy- nice butt
                            Hey Janet - good for you for getting thru the wine aisle. I have found myself looking at the labels and imagining which I would have bought. Just walk on by....
                            Hi to everyone else too..

                            I went white water rafting yesterday with a big group. We went down the Chattooga - the claim to fame there is that that is where they filmed Deliverence (anyone remember that movie??).
                            These were class IV rapids...I had fun, but I think I am more of the class III type.
                            I hurt my thumb pretty good - swollen up to twice it's normal size.
                            I hurt it because my friend bounced from the top of the raft (we were going over a 7ft drop) she bounced on me and then bounced into the river! She was ok though. She said it was kinda fun. Meantime I was then unable to move my thumb the rest of the trip...maybe I'm not so outdoorsy afterall :H

                            Hope you all have a great night.

