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Tuesday~July 10

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    Tuesday~July 10

    Morning All-

    Another hot one here. Tired today. Recently started a work out routine and today it has caught up to me.

    Have many errands to do including an eye appointment. Need new contacts before family vacation in 2 weeks.

    Well I'm off-

    "Often attitudes are kindled in the flame of others? convictions."

    Have a wonderful AF Tuesday.

    Attached files [img]/converted_files/10508=1222-attachment.gif[/img]
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Tuesday~July 10

    Heya Breez! keep an eye on that eye. oh. haven't had my coffe yet. I'm also excercising differently these days.....much harder! in anticipation of a three day jiu jitsu seminar this weekend. I'm so sore my fingers hurt to type...arg. I better take it easy til the seminar now. Another happy AF night. My wife is just so great....sorry...guy's gotta brag sometimes
    be well friends!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Tuesday~July 10

      Aw that's nice Det-I think she's nice too! I see you're in love again. Awwww.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Tuesday~July 10

        Thought I would pop into the abs thread today and say hello because I am abs!

        It is 8:15 a.m. and I already have accomplished 1/2 days work. Feeling really good. Exercising daily, 1-2x, taking supps, sleeping well, and not struggling with abs. Some say your head has to be in the right place to do abs. I disagree. I think you just do it and the mind will follow the actions.

        Anyway, still alive and kicking here.

        Have a great day all. Abs is the best thing.


          Tuesday~July 10

          Hello all,
          Take it easy Breezy.
          Just rub some garlic on those fingers Det...I here it can cure most things...
          Hi lucky...great to see you here. Good luck


            Tuesday~July 10

            Afternoon Breez, Det, Popeye and Lucky!! And everyone else not checking in yet.

            Exercise seems to be the theme of the day. I met me trainer this morning at the gym at 5:30am. We did lower body stuff - legs and back and abs. We did a few things that were different this time so it was kinda fun.

            Well, I'm at work ...not wanting to work...but I should get back.
            Have a great day today.



              Tuesday~July 10

              Hi all,

              Hope you're all having a good day. I'm a bit low today as I've put on 10 pounds in the last 3weeks and I'm fed up. I really need to watch it because I get depressed when I'm overweight, and depression is a big trigger for me.

              I've been using food to "reward" myself for not drinking and smoking, and that has to stop. It's just that at the moment I haven't got much money so buying something nice to eat eg. chocolate is an affordable treat.

              Oh well, I'll end my moan fest. Hope you are all well and happy,

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                Tuesday~July 10

                Kitty, reward yourslef with "good" goodies. I posted about a sweetener that's actually good for you in the recipe section. I like to snack on various nuts...just love nuts. and you are what you eat! Dx and I will often snack on sliced apple with peanut butter...yummy.
                we don't buy chips anymore because the bloody things if we do!
                no getting depressed...if you start getting depressed we will find you and tickle you until you knock it off ok?
                Take care friends
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Tuesday~July 10

                  Hi All,

                  I'm at the library, far from home with an hour to kill, so I thought I'd log on. This computer is so slllloooowwww!! Everyone seems pretty happy today, exercising, in love, etc! That's great.

                  I agree with you lucky, at least this time for me. My head was definitely not in the right place to start abs this time around. I was in a bad mood, and part of me didn't want to do it! I just knew that I needed to. I had no "pink cloud". Part of it has just been stubbornness and not wanting to disappoint myself yet again! Now that I am almost at 30 days, I'm starting to feel rather possessive of my accomplishment and would think more than twice about jeopardizing it!

                  Breez, good for you for getting on board with exercising.

                  Mr. D., I am so charmed that you and your wife are still so in love. That is so special!

                  It's great that you're abs today, lucky!

                  Hey Popeye! Good to see you!

                  Lisa, 5:30 am! Gotta love you, child! You are something, honey!

                  Hey Kitty, you can moan all you want to. I hope that you can find an alternative to chocolate though. I know it must be depressing to put on weight! Keep the faith though, you're still doing a good thing for yourself! Mr. D. has some great ideas.

                  I'm in the middle of my workday and will be heading back to the office soon. I'm glad that I had some time to pop in on here and say hey! I talked to my Mother earlier on the phone, and she is so thrilled that I have been able to stay sober this long. It's good to have support. My sister hasn't had a drink in my presence since I quit either.

                  Take care everyone!


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Tuesday~July 10

                    Evening all,

                    Quick post to let you all know I'm still hanging in there.

                    Lucky and Kathy, I'm in a grumpy place about being abs at this very moment so it's good to here you folks were as well at the beginning. I know it will pass so I'm trying to remain stubborn.
                    Kathy, a huge CONGRATULATIONS for your 30 days tomorrow!!!!!! That is such a milestone.
                    Popeye, superb on 101 days now!!!!!
                    Breez, I think you've been abs for a while but will vacation pose a challenge.It seems like you're ready for any challenge.
                    Determinator, you are always so positive and uplifting.
                    Kitty, I too, have been eating up a storm. It's as if I'm trying to make myself so full I couldn't possibly fit an ounze of wine into my body. I'm hoping that will change.

                    Lisa, you've been working out for so long you must have buns of steel. 530am does seem a bit rough. No wonder you're beat at then end of the day.

                    If I missed someone and for those to come later have a wonderful eveing!!!

                    I've got to get to bed soon before I find some room in my stomach for some wine.....only joking I don't have any. Room in my stomach or wine that is .



                      Tuesday~July 10

                      Hang in there, Janet. I've been rather angry at times about being AF. Someone I know says that she didn't have a pink cloud either and was rather put out about quitting for several months. She kept at it because she had started having blackouts and was scared. She has 5 years now and goes to AA about twice a week.
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Tuesday~July 10

                        Hey Janet - sorry you are going thru this rough spot. This is hard so many different times in so many different ways.
                        I know what Kathy was talking about not wanting to jeopardize
                        breaking the number of af days. Kathy - I think that really got to me at the 30 day mark too. I decided to go for 60 at that point - I felt the need to make another goal just to keep me on track and I tend to work better with specific goals.

                        Janet, I just wanted you to know that I sure understand the feelings and hearing about it brings it back clearly too. This is a good time to rely on some deep breathing, or sleep...or expensive fancy teas...just something to keep you busy or something to do for yourself. Make a deal with yourself to go one more day.
                        Tomorrow you can deal with that day. It is amazing how your feelings can change overnight too.
                        rambling.... sorry.
                        and no, no buns of steel yet...but I do have some muscles in my arms that I've never seen before!

                        have a good night all-

