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HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy

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    HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy

    I was doing so good (cold turkey) until I received a character assansination email from my brother this morning at 6:30.

    I had set a boundary telling him I couldn't talk on the phone because I found him to be too critical in my emotional state. Thus he interpreted my boundary to be phone only and emailed me. He too drinks heavily. The email inpart is correct and in part not.

    The problem is I need money. My other brother is the executor of my parents' estate and 6 months ago told me I had access to about 4 months of bills worth of money; if I needed it. A month ago, I asked for it. Unbeknownst to any of us, there is some potential tax risk if any of us access it that could affect the whole estate.

    I have made some career decisions being 100% commissioned where I now desperately need that money. It appears each brother will offer up 25% out of their personal accounts but one brother is attacking me personally down to they type of tea I drink - literally. Granted it cost $25+ but I bought it when I was at my father's funeral so I would have something to soothe my nerves so I wouldn't get piss-out drunk around my family.

    What they think of me is their business. My one brother's critical nature is a strong indicator how miserable he is in he own life ... that's another story and certainly not my problem to fix when my plate is full. I need to set a firm boundary but I also need the money. I didn't ask to borrow money; I asked for what was rightfully mine. If I make shitty decisions; I will live by the consequences.

    Sooooo now I want a drink in the worst frickin way! As mentioned these 5 AF days have been cold turkey. I FINALLY got the book today and am 2 pages shy of finishing chapter 1. It does leave me with GREAT hope!!! Before getting the book, I was only planning on doing the CDs, supps and excercise with no Topomax, as that is very similar to how I had previously quit drinking for 5 years. Now I'm thinking I just may try the medicine too.

    My problem is I am emotionally miserable TONIGHT, the supps and CDs won't be here unitl Saturday, and no telling when I can get the Topomax. My pickled brain is saying 'pour some juice over me baby and fill the bottle to the rim ... after you get your Topomax you can get sober'. Then the next problem is if I go to a doctor; I jeopardize my insurance rates which I pay for out-of-pocket ... If order online, no telling when I will get the meds.

    Grrrrr ... off to read more of the book in hopes of finding answers there and then support here later on.

    HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy

    Sorry you are having such a tough time. I can completely relate to having an ass of a brother. I happen to have one that I happily disowned two years ago and it is so freeing to know I never need to see or hear from him again. The money issue is a very anxiety-provoking issue. I understand that as well. But you know, as well as I do, drinking is only going to mask this situation short-term and perhaps make you more anxious and worried about money, etc.

    With regards to the topamax you can always tell your doctor you have migraines or something that is more "acceptable" as far as insurance goes. You have done FIVE YEARS AF before. That is amazing. Remember how great you felt and try and get through the night without a drink. Keep coming here, it will make you feel better too.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy

      Thinking of you N2--you CAN do this! Just think of how miserable you will feel if you do drink at this point....and, conversely, how pleased with yourself you will be if you don't. You will send a message to yourself that you are capable of handling this and you will be able to deal with this unhappy brother in a mature way--compassionate yet firm, maybe?

      When we start out trying to deal with this, our self-esteem is usually in the toilet or worse...I know mine was--the more AF days you rack up the better you begin to feel--not only mentally and physically, but in terms of your actual SELF.

      Start guzzling water or--better yet--stock up on some interesting non-alcoholic drinks....time will pass, tomorrow will get here--and you'll be another day AF. Think how THAT will feel!

      Another idea: just stay close here--keep reading (there's a huge archive)--and posting--I mean you can post as often as you need--there's always somebody who will respond...

      Know that folks are thinking of you and sending good thoughts to help you out--and we've all been there, so we KNOW what you're struggling with--good for you to come here and tell us what's going on~~~

      :l :l :l
      "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


        HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy

        Yep - I did 5 years and then 1 year. I lost about 80 pounds the first time and of course now need to loose them all over again. I'm thinking about telling the doc I need them for binge-eatting.

        Kinda the problem but not really. When I drink, I don't eat breakfast or lunch the next day. By the time I get to dinner, I usually order out because drinking f-up's doing much meal planning. Then by 10-11pm since I've hardly had anything to eat but tons to drink my body is screaming for food. Then I eat whatever is within reach. Excercise has gone totally by the wayside as I have little to no energy.


          HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy

          Thx Su - I just read Louise Hay's book 'The Power Within Us' or something close to that. Without all of her affirmations and the support of this site there is no doubt I would have started drinking this morning (a rarity for me) and be passed out by now.

          I'm off to read the rest of 'My Way Out' and then watch a stupid kid's movie to make me laugh called 'Thunderpants' about a boy who farts too much ... I must be really losing it as I don't have any kids and am 48 yrs old.

          xox to all


            HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy

            I was posting at the same time so my post didn't reflect what you just said...

            So you already KNOW you can do it! I was sober for 11 years before I relapsed for another 10--the second time was both easier and tougher than the time before...I knew what it would feel like, but I was more ashamed of myself because I knew better....

            Ultimately, though, I clicked into abs again and it was like a comfortable pair of shoes, really. I was SO glad to be back! You will be too.

            Okay, my rambling suggestions are all in my earlier on this thread.....

            :l :l
            "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


              HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy

              Hey N2itiv, you've already done so much positive by coming on here instead of running out and buying a bottle or three! It's amazing how you can resolve to get sober and start, then something seems to come along to challenge you so soon. Please feel free to ventilate as much as you need to here on the Board. You'll get so much support. As you correctly noted, your brother's criticism says more about him than it says about you. Please try not to let it get to you, which is easier said than done, I know!

              Keep the faith and hang in there! Listen to Sujul--she knows exactly what she is talking about!


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy


                Hope you're enjoying your movie, N2--Kathy knows that my mantra is....(drum roll, please) WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!

                If it takes a farting movie, fantastic--watch farting movies as much as ya want! I think there was a even a thread on farting just recently...just as a supplement to the movie! :H
                "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                  HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy


                  :thanks: Lushy, Kathy & Sujul!!!

                  Thanks to y'all I made it to day 6! My brother's email hurt yesterday because some of the things he said were true. I can't do anything about the past and I've got a dozen journals with pages of promises to quit drinking - tomorrow - which never seems to get here.

                  I can look at my brother's email 3 ways:
                  1) What's true & what can I do about it now
                  - I need to form a realistic budget and determine what I need vs want
                  2) What's false but my subconscious beliefs are holding on to it for dear life and keeping me stuck
                  - I am cartainly not a bad person nor a failure even though I fail at times
                  3) What's false and the other person's stuff to work on
                  - What kind of (expensive) tea I drink is my business if it keeps me off the booze, which costs me more in so many ways other than just money ... it saps the very life from me when I let it

                  :h to all Trish


                    HELP - 5th AF day in jeapordy

                    Good for you, Trish, for being able to look at your brother's e-mail and get what was good from it regardless of the critical tone. Much better is the fact that you stayed sober!


                    I'm so glad that you reached out for help when you needed it!!


                    AF as of August 5th, 2012

