I am finally back on my feet and energised after being sick for almost a week. I'm on top of my work at last so end of fin year is finally behind me... thank god!

Today is day 38 AF... I think this might be the longest time I've been completely AF since I was 17. When I pregnant I would have one or 2 glasses a week, so that doesn't even count :H (well maybe that actually not funny but you know what I mean :H) so that's a nice feeling. The longer I am AF, the stronger I feel about my resolve. I think the hiatus from socialising has been a must-do for me. It's actually given me a chance to re-prioritise who an what is really important to me or what is just socialising for the sake of drink with the old drinking buddies.
I've started telling a few of my close friends that I had a month off the booze because I was sick of the hangovers, and I enjoyed it so much I've decided to continue on. The truth is actually as simple as that and it is nobody's business why or how I arrived at that decision or my emotional turmoil that went with it. Last Sat night when I was sick, Mick went out for dinner with his ex-flat mates (2 great fun girls who enjoy drinking but doubt are prob drinkers) and they were envious that I'd quit which was really nice of them to say, but really drives home the fact that alcohol is a seriously addictive substance. Not good in my humble opinion...
I'm finding that I am *really* enjoying the small things in life these days. My senses seem much more acute in a good way, now that the alcohol is out of my system and I've had a chance to settle into it.
Hoping everyone to follow has a great Wed. I'll post back when others have posted so I can catch up with you. I really look forward to reading everyone's updates on this little sub-forum here
