Hi all! It has been a looong time since I posted in Abs. I have had 5 drinks since December so, I am thinking I am ABS in most of the sense.
Life with me has been super busy. I started a new job over 7 weeks ago, my daughter is in daycare full time, and by the time we get home - it is dinner, make lunches, blah, blah, blah.
When I started this job I was extremely enthusiastic. Doing full-time accounting for a Property management company. Since I have started we have had 4 people (out of 20 staff) give their notices, and I have found out a whole crap load left before I got there. Well, Seeing I am new blood around the office I can see why. I honestly have walked into the Pit of Hell. The work is so stressful, they don't pay overtime and we work through our lunches etc... My supervisor, well she is something else. Every second word that comes out of her mouth is 'fu**!' She is extremely abusive as well. EEESH. Not to mention I have found out that I am being paid a lower wage than the receptionist and half of what the other two accountants are being paid.
Well, since I am a bitch, and I take no shit from anyone since being sober, I sent the CEO requesting a meeting to discuss my wage. I sent a very diplomatic, professional email stating my case. He is suppose to be in tomorrow (he was on holidays) so I will see what he says. If they say no, I am giving my notice and walking on out to another job. There is so much work here, it is ridiculous. I have NO emotional investment with this company and no loyalty to a company that treats their employees like crap. And for me the last straw was that there is NO over time, yet our workloads are huge and the work has to be done - so what the fu**?!?!

Ahhhhhhhhhhh.. thanks for letting me vent.
I hope you are all doing well - and have a great evening!