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Wednesday 11th

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    Wednesday 11th

    Hi all! It has been a looong time since I posted in Abs. I have had 5 drinks since December so, I am thinking I am ABS in most of the sense.

    Life with me has been super busy. I started a new job over 7 weeks ago, my daughter is in daycare full time, and by the time we get home - it is dinner, make lunches, blah, blah, blah.

    When I started this job I was extremely enthusiastic. Doing full-time accounting for a Property management company. Since I have started we have had 4 people (out of 20 staff) give their notices, and I have found out a whole crap load left before I got there. Well, Seeing I am new blood around the office I can see why. I honestly have walked into the Pit of Hell. The work is so stressful, they don't pay overtime and we work through our lunches etc... My supervisor, well she is something else. Every second word that comes out of her mouth is 'fu**!' She is extremely abusive as well. EEESH. Not to mention I have found out that I am being paid a lower wage than the receptionist and half of what the other two accountants are being paid.

    Well, since I am a bitch, and I take no shit from anyone since being sober, I sent the CEO requesting a meeting to discuss my wage. I sent a very diplomatic, professional email stating my case. He is suppose to be in tomorrow (he was on holidays) so I will see what he says. If they say no, I am giving my notice and walking on out to another job. There is so much work here, it is ridiculous. I have NO emotional investment with this company and no loyalty to a company that treats their employees like crap. And for me the last straw was that there is NO over time, yet our workloads are huge and the work has to be done - so what the fu**?!?! No thank you! Compensate me or see ya!

    Ahhhhhhhhhhh.. thanks for letting me vent.

    I hope you are all doing well - and have a great evening!


      Wednesday 11th

      Good to see you AFM! Let'r rip at work! Wishing you all the best at your meeting!


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Wednesday 11th

        Accountable...sounds crappy....I'd give 'em the boot!
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Wednesday 11th

          Kathy... Congratulations.. you must be at least 31 days now! Such a good feeling!

          Breez, I also gaze out the window at my garden and just feel so blissfully happy with everything I see and feel. You described what I've been feeling really well.

          Irish, Wow... what a feeling you must be experiencing! I can tell you are going to love it, and yes, contemplating the navel is cool... which strangely sounds like it's aligned with Buddhism :H All good. Bring on Friday for Irish!

          Vinophile, welcome back! I really dig your saying on the previous page. It really rang true to me.

          ATM, good luck with the meeting and go for gold. It actually sounds like it's a bad vibe office and you should just get out of there regardless, so whatever you decide and outcome of the meeting, my best wishes!

          It's the school hols here at the moment and tonight little Chris and I are having a slumber party for 2, downstairs with our pillows and doonas and a sofa each... oh and eating chocolate. We've watched Charlottes Web, had a game of 3D Ludo (he won, damn it! ) and just waiting for the next movie to start. I don't have much work on tomorrow so we can sleep in. Yes!!

          Oh and last night we booked accomodation for a skiing weekend in 3 weeks time. I haven't skiied in the past 5 years or so, so I'm really looking forward to it! We're booking Chris into ski school for the first day and he's opting for snowboarding (we'll stick with the skis I think). We'll be skiing in Switzerland in November, so this will be our practice... sounds like a good enough reason for a ski weekend to us (skiing is sooo expensive in Australia!). Chris isn't coming to Europe with us, so it'll be great for him having a ski weekend and fun in the snow. I really need this break actually!

          It's almost Friday here now! :H I'm posting in the wrong thread.

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            Wednesday 11th

            Thanks everyone for your support. I am sitting here kind of numb 'trying' to get ready for work. I feel sick to my stomach and ultimately I know they won't give me the pay I deserve - and I know the environment is very unhealthy. This lady who came into my office who had just given her notice said that our owner doesn't care about anyone and that we are pretty disposable.

            The problem of us being overworked/working in an abusive environment and when people tell him this, his ego takes over and it ultimately is "my way or the highway". I know this wasn't what I was looking for now and I know this should be cut and dry - leave. Why do I feel sick?? I think it is because I hate confrontation and hostility. I have a feeling I may be walking out the door today - bu I can't help but feeling sick.... from all of these thoughts running through my head. My husband is TOTALLY on my side - so thank God for that.

            Ahhhhhhhhhhhh this anxiety and anticipation just sucks!

