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Hola from a Newbie! I'm gonna try it...

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    Hola from a Newbie! I'm gonna try it...

    Hi There Everyone,


    I am SO glad I found this place! It seems like it was just when I needed it.

    Feeling so inspired that I am going to try to go for a month AF.

    (Can't believe it myself when I'm typing it)

    I guess I want to do it partly to convince myself that I am not addicted (psychologically or physically), partly to see that I CAN do it if I choose to, and partly because after being on a downward binge the last month and a half-- I am scared that I really can't stop (and what will happen if I don't). Crummy reasons? I don't know, but that's the truth.



    Whew. So it actually felt good to say it publicly.

    I don't really wanna share this with my friends yet-- I know they'll freak out and I don't want to deal with that. It's my choice, and it's OK to make it personal until (and if I want to) make it public, right?

    SO-- Day 3 felt like a L-O-N-G day. I still have some beers in the fridge and I kept seeing them when I was getting Diet Cokes out. Should throw them out, but SO WASTEFUL (ok, I have not gotten over rationalization yet). Think I'm gonna take them out and put them in the garage so they're hot and disgusting, and less accessible.

    So glad today is almost done!!!

    Hope you had a great day!

    Keep on Rockin' the Casbah!!!

    Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
    Talent will not-- nothing is more common than
    unsuccessful people with talent.
    Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
    Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
    Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
    The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve
    the problems of the human race.
    -- Calvin Coolidge

    Hola from a Newbie! I'm gonna try it...

    Hiya :welcome:

    I started with this site about 5 weeks ago after 20 years of binge drinking. This year was the worst. I was totally outta control

    Anyways the good news is that hanging out in these rooms with all of these supportive and inspirational people has really had a big impact on my life.

    I havent even had the slightest urge to binge drink. I never want to be drunk ever again.

    I have had the occassional drink (very very occassional) ..... to be social.... but have been cautious to go home early if I started getting the taste. These few drinks broke my rules but I am still happy with my progress.

    I didnt want to tell my friends either.... I dont think I ever will ... I just told them that after 20 years of being a drunk I have had enough. Half true, but I didnt tell them I had admitted to myself that I was an alcoholic. I told my wife and that is enough for me.

    I would still love to sit down and polish off a bottle of wild turkey, but I know how it will get a hold of me again and how it will continue to ruin my life..... I am not doing that to myself or my wife anymore.

    I wish you all the very best. Keep posting and enjoy the changes you will experience on your journey


      Hola from a Newbie! I'm gonna try it...

      Welcome aboard, GroovyChick, and Good Luck! You'll find lots of support and wisdom here. It gets easier with time, so don't forget to come here and post if you feel yourself faltering.


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Hola from a Newbie! I'm gonna try it...

        Hi & Welcome Groovy-

        I say throw them out. What a better way to show your empowerment. Wasting them-think of how much time & energy was wasted in your life drinking them. Why keep temptation so close?

        Congrats on 3 days! You can do it!
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          Hola from a Newbie! I'm gonna try it...

          Welcome Groovychick,

          I'm starting out again after a wine-filled month of June. We can do this together.
          There is a lot of great support here.



            Hola from a Newbie! I'm gonna try it...

            Groovychick, if you don't want to throw them out, definitely put them in the garage!


              Hola from a Newbie! I'm gonna try it...

              Welcome to the AB's board Groovychick! this is a great and friendly place.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Hola from a Newbie! I'm gonna try it...

                Put 'em in the garage Honey!! c'mon, you can do it.......
                Jane xxxxx
                Jane :heart:


                  Hola from a Newbie! I'm gonna try it...

                  Thanks so much for the welcome and support. It feels just like what I need (a good prop up from behind and a rap on the skull).

                  Right, I should put them in the garage. I am going out to dinner and will do that on my way. I know it will be hard, but it's better than rue-ing the sight of my face in the mirror tomorrow am!

                  thought2much-- thanks for sharing your M.O.. I couldn't tell if I was being freaky private by not wanting to share it or what. It does feel sorta private, tho, and not like something I want to discuss or explain. I just want to do it.

                  Janet-- thanks, and welcome back! We SHOULD be AF buds. I'll try to figure out how to send you mail, if I can manage this system right.

                  just caught myself, almost said "Cheers" as my sign-out


                  Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
                  Talent will not-- nothing is more common than
                  unsuccessful people with talent.
                  Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
                  Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
                  Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
                  The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve
                  the problems of the human race.
                  -- Calvin Coolidge

