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Thursday, 12 July 2007

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    Thursday, 12 July 2007

    Hello everyone,

    Congrats to Kathy again on her 30th AF day. I'm tailing her by 8 days. Mine is the 20th today. Time flies, ey? In fact, we should request RJ to have counters built in into our profiles, so we don't have to count, ha, ha. Hey that'd be an idea, ey?

    Anyway, I've been feeling a bit crappy lately. Not the booze thing. Just got achy muscles. Probably gotta see the doc. It's probably the fact of sitting behind the computer all day. Donno.

    Otherwise, mood is ok, not least because of being able to handle the booze issue.

    Hey, Louise, tomorrow's the day :goodjob:
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    Thursday, 12 July 2007

    Hi Paddy and everybody following.
    Congrats on the days clocking up. Good effort.
    Jane :heart:


      Thursday, 12 July 2007

      Top of the Thursday AB-originees! Feel better Paddy, and Jane you hang in there!
      the sky is much less smokey today here...maybe they put out some of those fires we've been plagued with lately. Had a great sushi dinner last night with Dx. the restaurant menu indicated they had N/A beer but alas they did it was sparkling water with lemon and I was fine with that. and a LOT of sriracha hot sauce...yummy.
      Be well you all.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Thursday, 12 July 2007

        Hi Paddy congrats on 20th day, and hi Jane and Det,

        Well my Topa arrived today and now it's here I'm scared stiff. I should't be, I've done alot of research both here and on the net and I should feel pretty confident. But now I actually have them in me hand..

        I've been invited out for a drink tonight with a friend who is in town and I wasn't going to go, but now I think I will, hopefully the "Dopa" won't kick in!

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


          Thursday, 12 July 2007

          Morning All-

          Wow Paddy, days are adding up. Hope you feel better soon.
          Hi Jane!
          You guys posted while I was typing:
          Hi Deter~a job well done. That's so awesome that your asthma doesn't bother you. How alcohol screws with the body.
          Yeah Kitty-no worries about the Topa. It's just weird in the beginning and everything gets better. You either like it or you don't. Good luck.

          Going to go for my drug screening for my new job. No biggie but it's an effort because they test in another city. Now I have to search where it is & not get lost.

          Yesterday I had hubby print out the Addictions article Deter mentioned in the Times magazine. He was like "did you want me to read this since you wanted me to print it out". I didn't-it was just hard for me to read it on the pc & I pain to go upstairs & hook my laptop to my printer. He says "you know you're doing so good-are you having a hard time?" I'm quick with my answers and just blurted out "yeah I'm fine". I didn't tell him of the gnawing voice in my head wanting a fruity drink during vacation. He's very supportive but confused re:my journey. His father was an alcoholic and their (his family's) philosophy is old school & AA. That's why I love the boards here so much-much support & understanding.

          Oh geez-as I was writing this Hubby called & said his mother called him and his mother's side (the phonies) are having a family reunion in Sept. Nooooo.:bang Oh Lord a hundred of them. I don't mind his dad's side (dad died due to complications with diabetes he developed due to drinking) but we don't see that side anymore. But his mother's side-Lord help me. Then it's going to cost us $40 ($10 per person). What? My son is 5 & eats about $2 worth of food because he's busy playing. I'll tell you that's $40 I'd rather be doing something else with. Sorry about the b*tching. These people think they are the high almighty-brag, brag brag. They are huge triggers because they are people I would normally not associate with. Alcohol used to make them more appealing. Well another trigger to prepare for.

          Oh well-on another note:

          In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on.
          ... Robert Frost

          Enjoy the day everyone! Attached files [img]/converted_files/284168=1228-attachment.jpg[/img]
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Thursday, 12 July 2007

            LADIES ONLY

            Don't know what to do with yourselves? Bored? Looking for some excitement?

            Wait no longer. Det will help you out. Go to the following thread -

            Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


              Thursday, 12 July 2007

              Breez, it sounds like maybe this trigger might be a good time to think back to basics. Irish posted an absolutely brilliant 'sobriety toolkit' (those search words work) which I have printed out and filed to keep on hand, as I'm sure one day the gnawing thoughts will come back more than once throughout my life of sobriety. This is a great resource! I think you will be just fine and when you pass this section of adjustinng to sobriety you'll feel even more empowered and better.

              I've also noticed within me, phases of positive/negative towards sobriety (ie for me it was last week lasting about a week) with the negativity being denial in its simplest (or is that complex) form. It will pass and perhaps it is a phase that knicks in after a time of sobriety as you've now experienced and so is enevitable... and will also pass. You know it

              Kitty... Topa Dopa is funky... I felt fab on it! I should've stayed on topa just for that mellow effect :H Enjoy!

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                Thursday, 12 July 2007

                Hi All,

                Good Day Jane, and Det, I hope those fires die down. It's really hot out where you are isn't it.
                Congratulations Paddy on 20 days!!!!
                Kitty, let us know how the topa works. I have not taken it however am not opposed to using it. I see my Dr. in Sep and will see how I do til then.

                Breez, I think that dealing with difficult people/family members is very different being sober.The writer, Carolyn Knapp of "Drinking, A Love Story " notes that after being sober for a while she found it very difficult to tolerate many people who she dealt with frequently while drunk. She discovered that while drinking we tolerate people and situations that we would not tolerate while sober. In effect we take off our rose colored glasses when not drinking. I know dealing with unpleasant relatives won't be easy but I'm sure you'll get through and then be thankful that you don't have to see them more often.

                Scooby,as usual you sound full of energy today. How long are you AF.

                So many of you have so much time AF it's hard dor me to remember.
                It's a gorgeous day here in Ma. I have to drive to Maine this weekend to drop my son off at an Outward Bound program. Could be challenging because after a long drive I always look foward to wine to relax me. I thought of bringing cd's with me in the car but my mother and sister are coming with me and they know nothing about MWO and it's not a subject I feel I can discuss with them.

                I'll try to enjoy the beautiful scenery and the great weather instead of finding solace in a glass fermented grapes.

                Have a great day all.



                  Thursday, 12 July 2007

                  LOL! Paddy got's true. two.... is this thing on?

                  Be strong Breez!! you've done it before with the phonies. and treat yourself to a REAL fruit drink with real fruit, sparkling water, creative. minus the voddy of's even good for you. The helth food section of any grocery store will have some exotic fun fruity things that would look fab in a frosty martini glass and garnish of mint leaf.
                  Good luck with the topa Kitty. Happy day Janet, good post Scooby!
                  fruit juice cheeres to you all!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Thursday, 12 July 2007

                    I actually got that Toolkit thingy that Irish wrote about in outpatient a few yrs ago.
                    Yup, I think it's the brain that's trying to go on vacation as well. I think it's just another level in my journey and it too will pass just like any craving. Thanks. I just like to complain because if I see it on paper I almost feel like I need to own up to it-see it head on.

                    oh what a nice ride. The weekend for us in New England is supposed to be warm & dry with a sight seeing index of a 9 & 7 (good ol' I read Carolyn's book and do agree. It is a new experience. And you're right-after that I don't need to see them. My hubby brought up a point-at least it's only for 4-5 hrs and not the weekend like it was a few yrs ago.

                    never thought about the virgin version of the drinks. Thanx. LOL-I'm getting "virgin" advise from a guy showing the boards his "testes"!:H

                    Paddy-you must be bored. Good one.
                    Thanks Paddy-now I got the word testes on the brain...

                    HEY everyone~
                    Janet brings up a good point. I can never keep track of my own days never mind someone else's. We used to always end our posts with the number of AF days. It's good to show our accomplishments and demonstrate to newbies that it can be done.

                    AF 205
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Thursday, 12 July 2007

                      Giggle - The newbie that I am (7 AF days) is feeling really stupid. A testicle test with no meat or potatoes? Where are the questions (and answers), old-wise-ones-with-many-AFs-under-your-belts?


                        Thursday, 12 July 2007

                        Hi all,
                        Hard day today, but it's getting better.
                        n2itiv. Nice going! Good to see you.
                        Enjoy your Thursday.


                          Thursday, 12 July 2007

                          N2itiv, welcome. we have lots of questions here and even a few answers to boot!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Thursday, 12 July 2007

                            Hey ya'll, I'm jumping into the AB club, now that I"m on day 4 and feeling pretty damn good about myself. Wowzers!
                            I've got some spring in my step, I noticed earlier I was smiling for no apparent reason, and I got all excited making plans to do stuff with my daughter. This morning I felt all emotional - with gratitude I guess - for doing this, finally. I'm not religious by any means, but the words I have to describe the depth of gratitude is that it feels like a 'religious experience' - as in, connecting with something grander than what I've known previously. And it's exactly that - what I've known previously is sick from drink, wanting drink, under the influence of drink. Now what I'm knowing is grander than all that - I'm knowing the experience of ME.


                              Thursday, 12 July 2007

                              Way to go Ima!!!!

                              Bed time for me, so see you on tomorrows thread. Have a good evening.

                              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

