Today I made it to 30 days af, and I am so pleased. I just want to say thanks for the support I've received and to say what a great community this is. I've tried AA and seen numerous doctors and specialists and none have given me the tools and guidance that I have received here to enable me to acheive a months sobriety.
Being af for a month has really enabled me to gain some clarity and experience my feelings properly for maybe the first time ever. It hasn't been easy and I've often felt extremely uncomfortable in my own skin, but I have come to realise that this is probably how many folk often feel and that I was so often numbing my emotions by alcohol. I've had some lows this past month but many many highs, but whats important is my emotions have been real, they haven't been made up in my head.
Having a whole month where I haven't woken up scared or anxious has been absoulte bliss and I never want to go back to those days again.
At this point I don't want to say I'll never drink again because I think that's too much pressure to put on myself. But for now I'll stick to af.
Be well everyone,
:thanks: Kitty