Capricorn- I think the chomping at the bit energy is normal. I think the L-gut and less caffeine is the only thing helping me. I started to jog again 6 or 7 weeks ago which also helps. Hang in there you are doing FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No announcement yet.
New 30 Day group
New 30 Day group
PINKIE'S A TWEENER!!! Congratulations on Day 15. Half way home for round 1 baby!!
When you bike was calling your name, what name did your bike call you? I hope something WAY nicer than what Mr. Scale said to me this morning, which started with my favorite letter out of all 26 of them...the letter "F."
AF - man did I get a Bevery Hillbilly vision reading your post!!!! Sounds like you have a good plan and know exactly what you have to do to meet your goals. You can do it!! You should definitely plan to spend Mr. AF's saved money on something cool. How 'bout a pair of leather pants one size down from your current size. They will fit in time for the fall season!!!! WHEE!!!! Congrats on Day 7. Like MMM said, 1/4 of the way there for round 1!
Satori - you crack me up. LWO. LOL. I believe you love her, because it takes love to come up with funny stuff like that!! If you didn't love her, she would just be another run of the mill bitch.I am counting on your to prevail over the BoozeBeast tonight. When you sashay up to the bar, I want you to imagine that you are forced to read one of my ever so short and succint posts before you can even consider ordering a beer. That should give you plenty of time to talk yourself out of it. If all else fails, yell "NO!!! YOU MAY NOT TAKE MY STARS AWAY FROM ME!!" That should land you in the nut house and they don't have beer there, I don't think. You will be safe.
SC - I love your ticket theory!! After I blew through my lifetime supply of Beer tickets, I quickly burned through my Wine tickets and subsequently my Voddy tickets. All I have left are water tickets. There is hope!
Cap congrats on Day 4. I too feel energized, even with sleep still lacking. Hard to explain but I think I understand. I also feel that lack of concentration. That is still with me to some degree but it was Nopa Dopa big time in week one. I think this stuff will pass but of course I will include the standard qualifier that I am not a doctor. Heck, I'm barely human.
Have a great day all you Greedy Star Grubbing AFers!!!!!! This is such a great group!
Day 16 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
New 30 Day group
Doggygirl;169753 wrote: SC - I love your ticket theory!! After I blew through my lifetime supply of Beer tickets, I quickly burned through my Wine tickets and subsequently my Voddy tickets. All I have left are water tickets. There is hope!
Day 16 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
And friends - who haven't used all theirs are always trying to donate them to me.
And when SWMBO slams a door if we have an argument, it always seems to dislodge one or two from on top of a cabinet somewhere, and they come fluttering down and land at my feet.
- problem is - they never expire - and well - in the past it always seemed a shame to waste them.
But ........
Every time it happens in future I am going to think
What would I rather have a beer ticket exchanged for an empty wallet, a poisoned body and a sore head - OR - a new healthy life and a super duper shiny glittery gold star to add to my collection?
I know what it's going to be from now on!
Fort Knox aint gonna be big enough!
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
New 30 Day group son just qualified to play a golf tournament with the 20 best golfers in the state...his age....I am bouncing off the walls and can't get in touch with hubby or son....he hasn't even played well this your handsome ass!
New 30 Day group
OK Satori! It's probably middle of the night where you are. But as soon as your are up and at 'em, we want the report. What'll it be? This (Door number 1)?? Or this (Door number last)??? kickbutt - Fotosearch Stock Photography
I'm hoping you picked Door Number 1.
WHEE Buffy!!! It's a proud Mom day that's for sure!! Your son must be a GREAT golfer. Can we all get some signed photos before he's out there whooping some Tiger Tail???? Congratualtions - you must be on cloud 9. And congrats on your AF progress too!!
Hey Cap!! You're "normal" just like the rest of us are "normal" right????? **must ask Great Pumpkin what "normal" is anyway..**
Well, last night ended and today began dealing with the 2 b!thches hence my moody blingy thingy being the way it is today. I did not drink and I did not smoke - didn't eve want to really which is a HUGE more than half full glass. I did get sick and tired of being upset about people acting stupid. I dont' need it. Most of the time I am quite happy believing I am on the path to the life I want and deserve. Who needs Junior high BS from a couple of 40+ year old women who need to frickin' grow up? So I told them in more words than this, of course, to stick it. That felt good. A big weight was lifted, and I'm two hours into Day 17, and life IS good.
I hope you all are having a great AF day whatever time it is in your zone!
Day 17 AF as of 4PM CST * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
New 30 Day group
Satori - cant wait to hear what happend...dont make us sick Doggygirl and her quick but deadly fingers on you! I know what you mean about those damn tickets, they just keep popping up in the least likely places. Time to trade them in for something better though.
Buffy - OH MY GOD...THAT IS HUGE!!!!!!! Congrats to son-o-Buffy!!!! ok, and Mom too!
DG - excellent job! Instead of drinking it all way you stood up for yourself and fired back!! Day 17 must feel amazing. Big clink of the tomato juice glasses on your achievments.
As for me, moving thru day 15 and doing great. Im out of kuduz and waiting for my shippment but Im not freakin....not yet anyway! So here is my dumbass blonde question of the day, what happens when we get to day 31??? start a new 60 day group?
New 30 Day group
Congratulations Buffy! - proud Mum or what?! Definitely keep on bouncing..:yay: !
Satori, hope the gym session went well and you managed to change the voice to 'water please, water please, water...water'! I actually 'ran' today for the first time in a couple of months and couldn't believe how quickly I'd dropped back to my sloth-like self as I gasped my way up the hill. Only felt like water after that experience - it will get easier, it will get easier...!
Hi Capricorn - congrats on the AF and no, not crazy - I couldn't believe the amount of energy I had when I first stopped drinking - and also the hours that I was awake in the evening - the excercise did really help, and then I got into a better routine so I didn't bounce off as many walls. In my case I think it was partly nervous energy - I had to be doing something as I wasn't drinking - anything to keep me busy and keep mind occupied.. Good luck with it and look forward to hearing more about your singing - definitely a challenging environment I'd imagine so well done!
DG - sounds like a hurdle jumped - or maybe actually soared over! Life's too short to put up with c**p so go girl, go girl:happy:
Day 15 Pinkie - brilliant! - and no Kudzu so even better! There was talk of starting the thread anew each week to make it more user-friendly maybe, but we're still looking for a good title - I quite like Satori's reference to 'Booze Busters' ! Certainly keep going after 30 and on till who knows....??!!!
I did actually learn something during my 'run' today which was 'not to look too far ahead'. There I was, struggling up the hill one step at a time when I looked up and there it was - my destination, but way too far ahead for me to manage. (I mean we're talking at least 50 yards here, OK maybe 25!) So what did I do? Stop. It clarified to me that it's great to have the goal in sight, but the focus needs to be on each step of the way - so now I've decided to look much closer at the 'here and now' and watch my feet (may help stop me falling over!) Anyway, just an observation...
Hope all's well with everyone and look forward to hearing all your stories in the near future... Wagons roll!:rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
Days 1-7 DONE
Days 8-14 DONE
Days 15-21 DONE
30 days DONE
60 days
100 days
New 30 Day group
Give yourselves a collective pat on the back
:applaud: We are cruising through the days, aren't we? Doggygirl, love your posts. I was perusing some other threads and was almost worried about you becuase I didn't see anything from you, and then I opened this thread and there you were. No wonder you weren't on any other threads, you were putting all your mind boggling talent into one humdinger of a post, probably the first of many tonight, right? Right on!
Oh, by the way, 7 days AF tomorrow, yahoo! My new "cheat" drink is tonic water and lime, and since it is empty calories, I feel sufficiently guilty about drinking it that it seems to satisfy my need to feel naughty in some twisted fashion. I think after this "bottle" is gone, I'll only allow myself this on special occasions!
For those of you who may have read my request for your prayers for my brother in law and sent a prayer upwards on his behalf, he has had a small reprieve in that they were able to put a tube down through his stomach which will allow him to have a very liquid diet, i.e., jello, cream soups, ensure drink, etc. Not great, but much better than not being able to eat or drink anything. So, don't ever doubt that prayer works :thanks: Have a good AF day tomorrow, everyone!The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.
New 30 Day group
Hey cap - don't worry, you are not crazy. I was climbing the walls days 3 and 4, now after 8 days I'm feeling a lot more like my ultra-chill self. That's great you sing in a band... but yes, you are right. Being in a party environment all night with free flowing booze all around is a tough one. I don't play out any more so I'm no longer in that situation. Be strong, focus on the music and you will persevere.
Buffy - Congrats, that's awesome news.
New 30 Day group
Good morning Booze Busters!!
Hey I'm with Arial here. I like the "Booze Busters" theme. May I make a recommendation? (don't bother answering - you know I'm gonna do it anyway :eville
So our 30 ABS Booze Busters Challenge can be as welcoming to folks who want to join up as possible, can we move forward with the idea of starting a new thread once a week? Monday might be a good day - starting a fresh week. Or Friday might be a good day - a good shoring up for the weekend. People dont' have to all start on the same day - like we all didn't. Just jump in - just less pages you feel you have to read to jump in. Votes????
Whoever arrives early can just start the new weekly thread on whatever day we pick to start it.
Welcome to Day 16 Pinkie!!! Welcome to the back half of the first 30 days!! Keep rockin' it girl even without your kudzu. That's awesome.
WE MUST SEND OUT THE SEARCH PARTY FOR ARIAL!!! There is only one reason to run and that is because something really scary is chasing you. I didn't see what's chasing Arial but we better go find her fast.(and Cap, you think you're crazy??) Arial you are right about one step at a time up the hill.
Hannah welcome to Day 7 and the finishing off of your 1st week of Freedom in this challenge!!!! I LURVE your avatar every time I see it. Had to mention that again. I'm very glad for the positive turn of events for your brother in law. I hope that gives him some extra quality time with the family. The situation is particularly sad given his young age. Positive vibes to you and your family.
Satori, what shall it be??
Well, it's a good day to be Day 17 AF around here. Mr. scale was good to me this morning after being a brat yesterday, so that's a little icing for the cake. I've already done a paltry few minutes on the Torture Mill and taken my supplements. I've been doing some research on Candida Yeast and I think I'm FULL OF IT!! (I knew you'd like that..) So now am giving up even more things including my morning coffee. Might have to have 1 or 2 cups for a few days just to wean off the caffeine. BUT...I should feel better if I get rid of the yeast so that's all good. I may even venture to the Organic Whole Foods grocery store that is about 45 minutes away today. Somebody quick give me some love beads and a flower for my hair!! I'm scaring myself!!
Hope everyone else is up and at 'em!! Oops I think I forgot to update the Drink Tracker yesterday. Gonnna go have fun doing that!! Hope everyone is all good.
Day 17 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (my gold stars)Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
New 30 Day group
Hi everyone, haven't had chance to read all your posts so I'm way behind with the news and I wasn't online at all yesterday - it was my birthday!! My hubby had a few surprises arranged for me including a day out to Leeds Castle and even though it was gloomy weather, we had a lovely day, finishing off with an evening out at an indian restaurant. We had white wine but didn't go mad, a bottle between three of us!!
Have a great day everyone! JanicexxxAF since 9 May 2012
Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)
New 30 Day group
Good morning all! I loved catching up on the posts. I like the "booze busters" and I really like the new weekly thread idea.
The almostfamous family is leaving shortly for the big city. I wanted to wish all of you awesome people a terrifc af weekend. You are a great group of people and you all are really helping me acheive my goal.....THANK YOU!!!!!! "I'd like to thank the academy....."
Seriously though, thanks a bundle. I know the work comes from me but this is such a supportive (and informative and humorous) place. I feel like a better Mom and wife already.
I WILL stay af and catch up on Monday.
DG I know you'll hold down the fort..... keep up the good work on your DREADmill!!!
It was one week ago today that I ditched moderation for an alcohol free existence. I am entering day 8 ! : )AF since 2/22/2012