I started not drinking a couple days ago but really planned on staying moderate until I read all the inspriational stories. TODAY I made the decision to go af so I am counting today as day 1. I could say "Oh not Friday, I'll wait til Monday" but I won't. I am ready today.
No announcement yet.
New 30 Day group
New 30 Day group
I started not drinking a couple days ago but really planned on staying moderate until I read all the inspriational stories. TODAY I made the decision to go af so I am counting today as day 1. I could say "Oh not Friday, I'll wait til Monday" but I won't. I am ready today.AF since 2/22/2012
New 30 Day group
cloudjockey, it's good news that these meds worked for you. Hope the Campral works for you like Topa - but for your new goals which sound AF, at least for now. We CAN do this!
AF, now with a screen name like "AlmostFamous" and a nickname of AF I would say it's destiny!! Seriously, I think sometimes we know inside what is right - despite the demons in our head trying to tell us otherwise....i.e. "yes moderation would be good yes yes yes then we can still drink some!"...... "we're not really addicted to cigarettes anymore so now if we're REELY careful we can smoke one now and them..." LIES I tell you!!
Anyway, I am looking forward to my life of Freedom from these balls and chains WAY more than I would like a voddy drink and a cigarette in the moment, that is for sure.
28 more minutes 'til day 11 AF begins!Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
New 30 Day group
I want to see if I have the willpower that I think I do. I know there will be some tough sitations for me but too damn bad.I will have to take it one day at a time (cheesy 80's show music chimes in) I will check in tomorrow. I am actually drinking my bottle of water and feel great since I took my supps. I HOPE my weekend goes this great. Best of luck to all!!!!!!!! We can do this. DG keep up the great work. You are double digits girl!AF since 2/22/2012
New 30 Day group
Good morning all! Saturday 21st) - It's 1 in the morning here but I'm still jet-lagged from a visit to Canada last week - my active time is currently between 9pm and 4am - hopefully it will return to normal soon as my days are a waste! (but not from drinking this time!)
Congrats on double digits Pinkie and DoggyGirl - congrats on day 16 n2itiv and lovely back yard! Couldn't do the massage thing here, (though sounds wonderful and well-deserved!) - my small patio backs onto a public walkway so I think there may be some raised eyebrows! - mind you, the French can be fairly liberal in some respects...Welcome aboard Cloudjocky and AlmostFamous - already onto day 2 so we're on our way!
Will check in with you all tomorrow after a little shut-eye now... :l:rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
Days 1-7 DONE
Days 8-14 DONE
Days 15-21 DONE
30 days DONE
60 days
100 days
New 30 Day group
Doggy - I've used N2itiv/Intuitive for years as email addresses etc. I always find it funny to watch people scratch their heads trying to figure it out. PS I 'LURVE' your signature/affirmation
Arial - Funny your handle is the name of an alcohol free wine in the States. I used to live in France (Verdun) as a toddler and went back to study in high school. Of course all of the boys loved the topless beaches. I found it curious how people would change clothes on the beach by simply wrapping a towel around themselves. We Americans can be such prudes at times. Can't say I would enjoy my massage as much tomorrow, if my neighbors were peering over the fence and saying their "Hello's".
New 30 Day group
what a nice bunch! congrads to you all, you shall overcome and will be so darn stinking happy you'll have to get plastic surgery if you ever want anything but a huge smile...so there!!
hey PlanetJanet....the supplements from MWO are great, and there are others they don't carry here yet that I get off of ebay etc. I have personally achieved a lot of relief with the L-glutamine and take 1 to 3 heaping teaspoons of it per day in fruit juice...no kidding. I also take 1/2 teaspoon of inositol powder before bed for insomnia and other benefits...there are some really neat threads if you poke around in the holistic healing and medication sections of the forums.
Be well new friends and old....nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
New 30 Day group
please count me in if you will have me. looks like a nice crowd and i promise to behave. i am on day 3 and so far so good. i have lots of supps and campral if needed. the supps really do work if you take them!
i wish we could bottle our enthusiasm to use when it is not so easy but coming here will be inspiring. so many on this site have been successful there is no reason we cannot be also. we are what we think about. it is important to believe in ourselves and feel the joy of the accomplishment to create the success.
my best to all
i am sorry if i offend with my crazy avatar. it is just my costume for some fun we are having in the subscriber area. you would really have to be there to understand but i really have not lost my mind! i guess some would argue that one! LOL
New 30 Day group
Hey Lucky, welcome and congrats on day 3!! No offense taken here with your avatar, I thought it was pretty funny!
Determinator, where do you find L-glut in powder form? I have only seen it in pill but wow does it work for the sugar/carb cravings!
Doggy, now we are not only the Quit Sistas we are now the Double Digit Quit Sistas! Heres to us with a big clink of the Tomatoe juice!
New 30 Day group
Can I join too? Need to do something. That slippery slope has taken me to a very dark, lonely place and I need to get myself out. Drank a bottle of red again and ended up going to bed in tears, so depressed. I woke up in the night like I used to do, with like a panic attack, about what I'm doing to myself, how I'll be like mam, what's my liver like etc etc. I even woke my husband up to tell him to make sure I have a AF day today.I managed 42 days from end of April then moderated well but then after losing dad 3weeks ago, I'm back to square one, as some of you found out on newbies the other day!
My mind is all over the place, my emotions are so screwed up and I feel so lonely. I keep coming on here, reading posts but find it hard to really throw myself in like I did before. I've got the cds, the vits and supps which have been sitting gathering dust, so going to go down have breakfast, start taking them and aim to do the cds today. I got a white instruction sheet with mine suggesting which ones you do on which day, but I've lost it. Does anyone have one? I've always been a "newbie in need" - now i'm an oldie in need, and as this '30 day' thread is just starting its a good chance for me to pull myself together, look after myself and get on with my life, which is want my dad would want. He would hate to see me go the same way as mam. So, if you'll have me, I look forward to getting to know you all, hearing your daily progress and hopefully, fingers-crossed, I can have my first AF day and get back on track. JanicexxAF since 9 May 2012
Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)
New 30 Day group
Hugs Janice!
I'm truly sorry to hear about your father - having been out of the loop for a while I'm a little behind... I hope the wonderful memories you have will help see you through this difficult time. I really know how you're feeling at the moment as the reason I fell off the wagon a number of weeks ago was because my 18 year old daughter who has just graduated from high school and all set for university was diagnosed with MS. It's really hard when faced with death/cronic illness/life changes to keep the same energy and enthusiasm for other parts of your life. I know my energies have been thrown in to just getting by day to day, researching, medical visits, reading, research and just coming to terms with this life-change. The death of your father is going to be overwhelming for a while and I think you're doing brilliantly to be able to log on here ready to continue your great efforts at this stage in your grieving. I've found it also throws a lot of the status quo into question - what now are my priorities? what really is important? - it's certainly helped clarify that! I have to say, though, that even though everything's been thrown into disarray for a while, having been af for about 3 months really, really helped. I just thank the powers that be that I had become sober before faced with this new challenge. I can't imagine the useless mess I'd be if I hadn't got my act together before and that's thanks to here! I want to continue to be there for my daughters so I'm more determined than ever to get keep control so this 30 day wagon is a great way to start the journey again!
So Janice, I think we can come back even stronger and make these new adjustments, move forward with increased strength and resolve and make sure that we earn the futures we deserve! Hang in there and good luck with this new day!
And the same to all out there! - new day, new choices, new opportunities - what are we going to do with this new sober day?! :l:rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
Days 1-7 DONE
Days 8-14 DONE
Days 15-21 DONE
30 days DONE
60 days
100 days
New 30 Day group
Thanks Arial, so sorry to hear about your daughter. You have done brilliantly getting yourself back on track during such a worrying time, I hope you are both okay. These 'events' in our lives really do test us out and like you say, make us realise what's most important. I look forward to 'chatting' to you. love JanicexxxAF since 9 May 2012
Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)
New 30 Day group
Good morning everyone...seems I am the only one awake from this side of the world. Its saturday and I am clear headed, guilt free and cant wait to take on another day!
Janice and Arial, welcome aboard!
Janice, I am sorry to hear about your Dad but it sounds like you are back on the right track. Blow the dust off the supps, put in a CD and let the program and all of us help you thru this tough time.
Arial, so sorry to hear about your daughter. My 19 son is a diabetic, he was diagnoised 4years ago. That was the night (Feb 2 2003) I made a very strong drink and have been drinking, hard core, nightly until 10 days ago. Your willpower to make it thru this difficult time AF, is to be applauded! My heart goes out to you as there is nothing worse than knowing our babies are sick and there is nothing we can do to fix it! Hang in there and stay strong for your daughter, this is when she will need you the most.
I may not have any words of wisdom but I do have a funny, totally unrelated, story to share....
I work for a police department (shhhh, dont tell anyone!) last night at work I was talking to one of our bicycle officers in the parking lot when a motorcycle went screaming thru an intersection, doing a wheelie. This officer took off like a bat out of hell, pedaling his @$$ off, bike siren screaming and all. Would you belive that because of traffic he actually caught up to the motorcycle, pulled him over and issued tickets!! Funniest thing I have seen all week, imagine how embarrassed the driver of the motorcycle was with everyone seeing him pulled over by a bike cop!!! LOL I bet that is not a story he will be sharing with his friends!
Just wanted to start the day off with some humor! Have a great weekend!