Wasn't going to post today, don't know what to say really. I've let myself down again, not today - yesterday - I had a drink. I was really into the housework then I stopped for a break and I thought, just the one. It actually turned out to be two. Today got stuck into the house again but I haven't had a drink. Not down to my willpower sadly but the fact my husband was working at home and we've both decided that weekday drinking is totally out. I really wanted one though and if he hadn't been here, I know I would have done. Why am I so weak this time? The first time round I was soooo motivated to be strong and to succeed. Why can't I do it again? Sorry everyone. Janicexx
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New 30 Day group
Wasn't going to post today, don't know what to say really. I've let myself down again, not today - yesterday - I had a drink. I was really into the housework then I stopped for a break and I thought, just the one. It actually turned out to be two. Today got stuck into the house again but I haven't had a drink. Not down to my willpower sadly but the fact my husband was working at home and we've both decided that weekday drinking is totally out. I really wanted one though and if he hadn't been here, I know I would have done. Why am I so weak this time? The first time round I was soooo motivated to be strong and to succeed. Why can't I do it again? Sorry everyone. JanicexxAF since 9 May 2012
Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)
New 30 Day group
Janice please don't apologize. Especially not to us - we are here to help you and support you and maybe kick you in the seat of the pants somewhere down the road - but at least in my ever not so humble opinion, you didn't do anything to anybody here to warant an apology. You've been through such a rough ordeal and the important thing is that you are working hard to mentally start taking steps forward back into your life. Our lives and time keeps marching on whether we are living it, or just bystanding.
2 drinks is better than 5 drinks. Not having a drink because your husband is home is better than sneaking out behind the shed and having one. For me anyway, it takes a LOT of positive mental energy to keep myself 100% in the game at this stage anyway. I doubt I could be as "on game" as you are given your situation.
Never quit quitting. The rest of today can be the best you can make it, and so can tomorrow.
I'm sorry if my words come out badly - I'm never sure what to say but I mainly want you to know that I care about you, and that I BELIEVE in you. One baby step at a time.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
New 30 Day group
Hi Janice, don't worry about a slip up. Its over. Are you trying to moderate or quit? I found that after my slip up, the "first day" of going for 30, was a lack of commitment on my part. I thought that everyone on here would do it for me just because I was writing about what I wanted to do. I guess I was hoping for that majic pill in another form. I was really afraid that I was all talk and no action. I had to prove myself wrong, or go on with my life feeling like I had no power, and I am not going to let that happen. Day 4 today and I am proud that I have done it so far. I don't know why we are strong sometimes and then other times not. I do know that after the first few days it gets easier! I am glad you posted and hope that sharing will help you along. Buffy
New 30 Day group
Hi Janice,
Don't be hard on yourself - you're doing a great job and DG's right - you weren't sneaking a drink from anywhere. It sometimes takes a while to get into a rhythm and new pattern of existence - we've losing a big part of our lives that not only has a physical but emotional hold - it also took up time which we now have to fill... You've done it before and I'm confident that something will kick in again. There are lots of sayings about putting the past behind you and moving forward, and that's what you can do again - though learn from it - was there a particular trigger? Does your feeling a bit let down help give you a greater determination for next time? 'A hurdle is something we face when we temporarily lose sight of our goals' (misquoted probably from somewhere) but so true - Get a good focus on where you want to be and we can help you get there - you're the driver but we're along for the ride!
Hang in there Janice - you succeeded, however hard it was, and tomorrow is another day!
Many :l:rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
Days 1-7 DONE
Days 8-14 DONE
Days 15-21 DONE
30 days DONE
60 days
100 days
New 30 Day group
Janice- Please don't beat yourself up. You can and will do this. I am pulling for you!
After reading all of the kid comments, I barely count having only 1. I should be rolling in the dough!!!!! Boy those teens ARE expensive aren't they? I'll take the Bratz dolls and Nintendo games right now, thank you very much.
DG- I am a brunette but did live life as a blonde for a while. What I found funny is after I dyed my hair back my friends and family said how much better I look as a brunette- gee, thanks. Glad I walked around a year looking like a dork!!!
:bananacomputer: I LOVE this dude and he is cracking me up during my witching hour.
I am on my way to af day # 6. I am full of kudzu and promise. Have a great night all. I'll check in tomorrow.AF since 2/22/2012
New 30 Day group
Would love to join - day 2!
Hi all, can I jump in with you, day 2 for me today!! Wooo hoooo, I feel like I have had some type of 'mental shift'.... millions of times before I have said that is it, blah blah, I feel very calm about the whole deal this time around. Look forward to (meeting) you all and getting & giving the support that is required.
Happy days all,
Tah xx:l:rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...
New 30 Day group
Hi Tahlula, welcome! I know what you mean about the mental shift! I think it is what I went through. It is sort of a relief when you make that "real" commitment. When your realize that you have got to do this for yourself, and you are the captain of the ship....no magic pills...(some of them help I am sure)...but when reality hits, and you know that if you don't do something to change you will waste your life away in a meaningless alcoholic stupor...there is a peace that came over me. I don't know if anyone has felt that, but I sure hope it lasts....glad to have you here with us....Buffy
New 30 Day group
Hello All, I am also on another 30 thread with Tahlula in General at mo. I have been around for a while and am starting another 30 days AF. On day 2 this morning!! Great to see so many of you doing so well!
Sober since 30/06/10
New 30 Day group
CAPRICORN1;168663 wrote: Hi All!!!
day two for me...just checking in to say hi...will have to catch up later...Satori, that picture of you is soooo SEXY!!!!
The words Satori and Sexy in the same sentence????.........does not compute.....does not compute!:H
I would agree tho' that Gordon Liu is pretty sexy!
Hmm - maybe I had better go back to my real avatar......now - where is that picture of Jabba the Hutt????
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
New 30 Day group
OOOH I had forgotten about the skis and the snowboards - and the new boots and ski / boarding gear every other year coz they are growing so fast - ooh and the Books - I cant keep my oldest boy in reading material. OOh - and CDs , DVDs, and music downloads - oh and mobile phone bills.
Why is it that teenage boys communicate face to face with each other all day in monosyllabic grunts - but then spend three hours texting each other in the evening?????
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
New 30 Day group
Janice -
dont beat yourself up love!
Satori's philosophy is that these slips are like visits to the bathroom at a motorway service station during a road trip.
They are unsavoury places we just gotta go to sometimes - even tho' we really would rather avoid them, that we often recall with a little shudder, they waste us a little time, but you get to your destination just the same!
Tahula and Amelia - welcome aboard!
Yep - these mental shifts seem to be catching right now!
Perhaps it's something we didn't drink?
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
New 30 Day group
Morning everyone and welcome new comers!
Janice, I think Satori's philosophy is the perfect way to look at it. Just hang in there and keep trying.
Satori, It think that my daughter and your sons should NEVER meet...we couldnt afford the potential off springs! lol
Arial, I know what you mean about the formal dances . Lauren has made homecoming court every year and because she is also a cheerleader she is required to go to every dance, her school has 3 formals and 1 informal every year. I am going to open a gown shop with all the "once worn dresses"
Shopping went fine and lunch went even better! I did not crave anything except water! I think she expected me to have some sort of break down in the restaurant but everything went perfectly!
Doggy, the Chantix is supposed to start working within 4-7 days. This will be my 3rd day on it and already I can see that come bed time there are a few extra smokes left in the pack.
Today is my 14th day and I feel great. I have not had one craving since Saturday morning and as of last night I started mildly exercising...good god, what the hell has gotten into me?
Have a great day everyone!
New 30 Day group
GOOD MORNING 30 Day Abs Challengers! **yikes that sounds too much like sit ups**
Welcome Tah!! I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Congratulations on Day 2 which is probably on to Day 3 by now? (can't keep track of my own time zone much less all the others). * * (Tah's gold stars)
Buffy and Tah - I know what you mean about something just clicking into place. I know I'm not alone having spent YEARS in that "I need to stop the madness today....well, how 'bout tomorrow..." cycle. Whatever we "didn't drink" (lurve those Satori quotes) to get us here, I'm sure glad I didn't take a sip of that stuff.
Hi Amelia and congratulations on Day 2 - or probably Day 3 by now! Collect yer gold stars! * * (Amelia's gold stars)
Satori, you better be glad I didn't have a mouth full of coffee when I read your roady bathroom thingy. Otherwise you would owe me a new keyboard. LOL I actually saved that quote to a word document and I'm gonna use it on my quit smoking support site!!!!! (thanks - yer check is in the mail) I forgot how many gold stars exactly you are on now, but what the heck... * * * * * * (Satori's gold stars)
AF - Just for your AM entertainment... :bananacomputer: Just wait until you tell all your friends that a dancing banana entertains you from time to time....Is today 7 stars for you??? I need to start writing this down... * * * * * * * (AF's gold stars)
The Great Pumpkin is smiling today because the scale was indeed good to me!! My new promise to myself is that I will stop swearing at the Torturemill oops I mean Treadmill and I will move that hammer much farther away from Mr. Scale to resist any future temptation.
A few things I LURVE about not drinking:
Driving anywhere I want, any time I want.
Mr. Doggy can't "one up" me with the ..."you must have forgot that because you were drinking..." type lines. We are on even footing for our "lively debates" now.
I'm getting a WHOLE lot more done every day. Not necessarily fun stuff - gotta find more stuff that is fun for me. But still....a sense of accomplishment is worth the world to me right now.
FINALLY a hint of weight loss. I had 53.6 pounds to lose and now I *only* have 47.4 more to go. Progress!!! I'm gonna be the hottest 50 year old b!tch oops I mean notso broad on my block come next spring.
Mr. Doggy said last evening, and I quote direction, "You are way more fun this way." ????? And for 30 years I thought "loosening up" a bit made me more fun. Go figure. Better late to learn this than never I guess!
I love this butcher shop I tell you!! Those filets were melt in your mouth last night. **rubbing my dinner menu in a little more** I could eat those things raw and I'm typically not a super rare barely cooked kinda gal. **forgive that random thought**
Slept a bit better last night - still woke up a few times but got back to sleep faster and there is absolutely rocket fuel in my kudzu for Day FIFTEEN!!! today. Guess that makes me a Tweener - half way 'tween 0 and 30 days AF!! The Torture oops I mean Treadmill session is done for today. Life IS GOOD!!!
Enough babbling for the moment. LET'S ROCK this AF day no matter what else is going on in life. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
DG the Tweener
Day 15 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (my gold stars)Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.