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New 30 Day group

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    New 30 Day group

    Hi all,

    Buffy and me have decided to go 30 days.

    Anybody else want to join in?

    New 30 Day group

    Hi MusicMan, (and Buffy)

    As I said, kick-starting this process so happy to join you - the extra push may be just the kick up the back side that I need! Thanks
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      New 30 Day group

      Hi Music and Arial, I am happy you are going to join me. I didn't want to join another group that had already started and feel lost in the crowd, so I am hoping that we can really help each other along the way. I did the same thing as you Music....went along really well for about 23 days AF, then, I don't know what happened. I hope that having some accountability will help me to get over the times I am tempted. I am going to work out today, and I am going out to dinner tonight, so I have decided to pick a place that I would not drink at as a rule. Sushi probably, I can live without Sake. If I go to a fancy place and get dressed up, I will think about wine. I really want to make this work and be proud of myself for doing it. Bye for now.


        New 30 Day group

        Hi Music Man, Buffy and Arial. May I join you? I'm on Day 10 now but I can understand where you are coming from. Mid month the 30 day threads that started on the 1st are already way ahead of us in terms of just catching up with all the people and what's going on.

        Here's to an alcohol free Friday!! Look forward to getting to know you all better.

        Day 10 AF * * * * * * * * * *(my 10 gold stars)
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          New 30 Day group

          Hi Doggy...glad you are joining us. I already feel excited about getting started. Fantasic on the 10 days, you are probably feeling 10 years younger, I am looking forward to that feeling. Looking forward to getting to know you too!


            New 30 Day group

            Hello everyone,
            Me, too, I'd like to join in. I logged on today to give myself that extra boost to begin again. It will be good to have company. (Have enjoyed reading your posts DG, especially about using the CD's as sleeplessness revenge!)

            So here's a question from a non-techie. How does one subscribe and what is the benefit of doing that?



              New 30 Day group

              Hello Everyone,

              I am a new comer and was turned onto to this website about 2 weeks. I am 38 years old woman, who lives in Los Angeles and have been having issues with drinking for a very long time. I have lost friendships, boyfriends and jobs. The worst part is that my drinking has gotten so out of hand that I have been become a pathological LIAR. The stuff that comes out of my mouth has riddled me with such guilt and I want it to stop, not to mentioned that it's not doing a bit of good for my health(started having pains in my stomach area). I have gone as long as 90 days without a drink and I felt great. The only plus I have in helping me with my drinking is that I am a runner, which has kept me somewhat physically fit and I will start playing softball this Sunday. I am in a relationship of almost two years and my boyfriend too, has issues with drinking, although he is a closet drunk, I tend to be a sloppy drunk. He can at a social gathering have one beer or two and sometimes none. I told him about this website and he seemed very interested, but he is from Scotland (no offense to the Scotish) and they tend to be in denial of their issues with drinking.

              My goal is to drink moderately but for now that is not possible, which is why I would like to join in the 30 day AF. I have really enjoyed reading the posts and feel like this would be a great support group for me. I also have purchased the supplements Kadzu, L-Glutaine, Gaba and one of the CD's. That in following this program and getting back into running (have a 10-K in Solana Beach 7/28/06), I can acheive my goal. But for now, the goal I need to focus on is ABSTINENCE.

              Thanks for reading my post and I am looking forward to hearing from you and sorry if I dragged my story on.
              AF Since May 2nd 2012


                New 30 Day group

                :welcome: PJ ! Glad to have you on board and look forward to getting to know you better. This is a great place to come - I actually found that the motivation and inspiration from here was initially enough to get to me to 100 days AF and I felt brilliant! Unfortunately I had a relapse a number of weeks ago but am ready to start again. I enjoyed the freedom from alcohol so much, felt so much better, was able to be there for my girls and actually participate in life again - I want that back, so starting again now with renewed determintation!
                Hi also Doggy Girl and Mimi - great that you're joining us (congratulations on 10 days already - great start DG :goodjob: - and Mimi, there seem to be several benefits to subscribing though I haven't got round to it yet - you get a free copy of the book, conferencing with RJ herself, members only forums I think and other benefits. It also supports the running of this web site! If you look at the first page of this site it should guide you to how to subscribe. I'm sure someone who has subscribed will be able to give you more information!)
                And Buffy, MusicMan - good for you for taking the bull by the horns so also look forward to meeting you here regularly!
                Warmest wishes,
                :rays: Arial

                Last first day - 15th April 2012
                Days 1-7 DONE
                Days 8-14 DONE
                Days 15-21 DONE
                30 days DONE
                60 days
                100 days


                  New 30 Day group

                  i would like to join the new group as well. My recored is about 9 days, but I feel the time has come to probably quite for good. It's really starting to take a toll on my life, health, family. So I'm in. Today will be day 1.


                    New 30 Day group

                    Thanks Arial! Glad to hear that you decide to join in CloudJockey.........I can totally understand your feeling on the need to stop, my life too, has been affected by it. Please stay strong and remember to always read the posts and send some messages out yourself, that's what I am doing. Wahoo, we did one day, can wait til we hit 30 days. We can do it!!!

                    I started taking the supplements and don't know if they work yet. Does anyone have any success stories with them.

                    Thanks Music Man & Buffy in posting the 30 day AF Message.
                    AF Since May 2nd 2012


                      New 30 Day group

                      Hello everyone and thanks for welcoming me from the previous thread! Today is day 9 for me. Tomorrow is double digits, baby and I cant wait!!!

                      For those of you just starting, its really amazing how quickly you start feeling better...and looking better too!

                      I am really looking forward to getting to know new friends as we ride the AF train together


                        New 30 Day group

                        Yahoo everybody!

                        We can do it ... I'm half-way there already working on day 15

                        Tomorrow I'm treating myself to a 90 minute massgae in my backyard. I would have spent twice that easily on nice wine.

                        Attached files [img]/converted_files/288091=1292-attachment.jpg[/img]


                          New 30 Day group

                          WOW what an awesome group that's coming together. We're gonna have some fun I think. OK...we'll have some struggles too but I hope we all have FUN TOO. Smile between cravings I say...

                          mimi, glad you like the Sleepless Story. I can't even describe how good it feels to not have to tip toe around that ammo Mr. Dawg used to have. And please understand I love this man with every inch of my being. A big part of what I love about him is his strength, and the fact that he likes a strong and independent woman. But...the sword has two sides - and the flip side is that he can easily steam roll weak people without really intending too. As I got weaker over the last several years due to drinking, and continuing to smoke long after he quit......well....not pretty and not good for my self esteem or our relationship. Hee Hee I'm havin' fun again!!

                          I subscribed to the forum for the primary reason that Arial mentioned - to support this site financially. And geez - the free bottle of Kudzu is basically and even up exchange for the first three months so what is there to lose? The moody blobby thingys are fun - need to remember to change mine as my mood-o-meter is higher on the happy scale than it was yesterday. I haven't checked out the other features yet, but will in time. This site and program will give me my life back if I let it. so...well worth 10 bucks or so a month.

                          planetjanet (lurve that screen name!) Holy snack crickets another person who runs and I assume nothing is chasing you at the time? What is the world coming to! It's a grand conspiracy to force me to exercise I tell you!! (just kidding of course) good for you on all that exercise and softball coming up too. Glad you joined us!!

                          Arial, if you did 100 days before you can do it again. FREEDOM just rocks doesn't it? I'll sew my own lips together before I'll ever light up another cigarette, and I can't wait to reach a point with the BoozeBeast where I just *know* that in my heart. We CAN get there.

                          Hey cloudjockey!! Welcome and if your previous record was 9 days AF then your about 7 AF days in a row ahead of my previous record. And I'm not joking either. If I can make 10 days in a row then conquering the Boozebeast is realistic for all of us methinks.

                          PINKIE!!!!! need I say more???? Looking forward to your Day 10 tomorrow.

                          n2itiv (LURVE that screen name and I'm very glad I have enough brain cells left to figure it out!!) Congratulations on 15 days and I applaud you for rewarding yourself with a 90 minute massage in your own back yard.

                          More rewards for success and less guilt over the past I say.


                          Day 10 AF * * * * * * * * * * (my gold stars)
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            New 30 Day group

                            I am in! I am ready to ditch moderation and give my shriveled liver some plumping!
                            AF since 2/22/2012


                              New 30 Day group

                              I was on topa for about 60 days, I did pretty good on the not drinking. I went from bingeing almost everynight to just a couple here and there. I went back for some blood work and the doctor said "wow, your liver functions are all back to normal". They were not too good for a long time, I even had to get a liver biopsy (turned out fine). Anyway I took the new as : I can just continue to drink as much as I want, now that my liver is fine. So I did, then I got bad terrible hangovers. I stopped taking the topa, because I started getting eye pain. I just started taking campral (I took it awhile back, with not much luck). I hope the campral helps this time, it should (I know now that you can not drink on it or it will stop working). So here I am.

