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New 30 Day group

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    New 30 Day group

    good morning to all!! DG and caffine?!? In the last two weeks I have given up alcohol, as of yesterday started the new quit smoking - Chantix - but cant even consider giving up caffine! Might as well take me out back and shoot me!!!

    Music man, your day sounds terrible but you held true to yourself even knowing that bottle was there..big high five for you!

    I took today off from work to take my 16 year old daughter school clothes shopping. Anyone got any money they dont want?? lol Typically after a day of spending every penny and maxing out my cc's on her, we end with lunch at our favorite restaurant where I consume mass quantities to forget about the money that I just pissed away. Today, I will NOT do that...well consume alcohol anyway. I am a little fearful of going out to a place that serves alcohol as this will be my first offical outing since going AF.

    Hmmm, I wonder if I can bring my laptop and log in for support during the course of the meal? I can just see my daughter sliding under the table due to embarrassment...hey, it might be worth it!

    Please wish me luck, send me willpower and strong thoughts!


      New 30 Day group

      MusicMan...I got a huge kick out of your post! Sorry you had so many Stupid things happen to you, but you handled things so well. I couldn't handle the wine in the fridge, but I know my mother in law quit smoking that way. She had a pack in the house and said it made her stronger. I hope your day goes better today and runs more stupids for awhile I hope.....


        New 30 Day group

        Sorry for the rant everyone, It felt good to let it out though.

        I'm glad you saw the humor in it Buffy. Sometimes when things aren't going my way I finally just laugh at how ridiculous it all is.

        Actually my life is good right now, I have a lot of stress, but I love what I do (when things aren't being stupid)

        Decided to work a little more this morning cause I can't sleep.

        I have a feeling today will be a better groove.

        Have a great day everyone! be creative, and enjoy life!


          New 30 Day group

          Thanks for the encouragment MM...I have a canvas sitting in the corner of the room where....I used to paint... I am going to get something started today, I will not worry if it is good I will just do something. I drove by a little art gallery in my small town..(attached to my huge town)...and saw that there were a bunch of new paintings in there that I am going to look at today, and have lunch. I hope you have an inspired day and will say a little prayer that something special happens....Buffy


            New 30 Day group

            Music Man, I loved reading your rant, and applaud you on seeing the humor in a craptacular day. LOL I kept thinking of that saying "you can't fix stupid" and I can't even recall whose saying that is. The wonderful thing is that you stayed true to your choice not to drink. And I hope you are pattin' yourself on the back big time for that!!

            Hi Satori and Arial - congratulations to you both on Day 6! * * * * * * + * * * * * *And Arial, here's to a fabulous golden tan! Hey lots of times I have to pull energy out of my billboard of a butt. But I function better this way than if I randomly let depression take over. Learned through the school of hard knocks where I learn practically everything.

            WHEE!!! BUFFY ROCKS DAY 4!!!!! * * * * How is your daughter doing? All things positive on that front I hope!

            Pinkie!!! Keep that caffeine baby. One thing at a time. (I haven't given up my caffeine yet either - I'm just "talkin' about it" and the great pumpkin knows I can "talk" for a LONG time prior to any "action.") Good for you on the Chantrix. Getting free of nicotine isn't easy either, but SO worth it. I've heard so many wonderful things about Chantrix and I hope it takes the edge off of getting quit for you too. SURE I have LTOS of extra $$ just layin' around doing nothing and I will send it right on over for your shopping spree today!! I've been really bothered about all this extra coin and nothing to do with it all. That has been really stressful for me, and I cannot tell you how GRATEFUL I am to finally have a good solution to this problem!!!! (oops, here we go again needing that puking smiley!!) Have fun!! I DO think embarrassing your DD with a luncheon laptop sounds pretty fun. Especially after spending all your $$ on her clothes, you deserve a LITTLE something, right? Look at the bright side. You will get a great chance to practice not drinking in a restuarant that serves alcohol - without the presence of other people who are drinking, and in a lunch situation where you don't have to linger long if you don't feel like it. Gotta do it sometime... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

            GO 30 DAY AF TEAM!!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              New 30 Day group

              Music Man- I'd say your "stupid" day was VERY successful. Rant on , my man. Please hide that da** bottle!!!!

              Buffy- Glad your skin is on the mend! I saw that news report too. I am still drinking 1 cup of coffee but am giving up my diet coke for a caf. free one. Guess now that THAT is bad too, I'll be ditching that too.

              Satori- So glad things are still going smoothly for ya. Keep it up!!!!

              Pinkie- your post cracked me up. Wish I had some extra cash but have the same issues with my 9 year old daughter. How DARE she want new clothes for school!!!!???? I loved the visual of you and your laptop. I can only imagine what age 16 will bring in my house- yikes! Enjoy your shopping and focus on yourself and your af lunch. You CAN do it!!!!!!!
              AF since 2/22/2012


                New 30 Day group

                DoggyG- look at the time of our posts ???? We are at it again!!! Must be a midwest thing! Great af minds think alike. I'll check in later.
                AF since 2/22/2012


                  New 30 Day group

                  DG, Lauren says thank you for your contribution! Please send money to.....
                  She said if you want to go with us your are more than welcome but she adds not to forget the check book just in case we max out the credit cards. Thats my princess!

                  AF, 9 huh? Hang in there girl, your days are numbered!! You think its bad now, wait to high school! BOYS ARE EASIER AND CHEAPER!!!!


                    New 30 Day group

                    pinkie;168632 wrote: ........edit.......AF, 9 huh? Hang in there girl, your days are numbered!! You think its bad now, wait to high school! BOYS ARE EASIER AND CHEAPER!!!!
                    Ahem.....As the dad of 2 teenage boys - I beg to differ!

                    Perhaps not clothes - but
                    Computers, playstations, PSPs, games for same, Ipods, bikes,climbing gear, Tae Kwon Do doboks (uniforms) costs of TKD gradings, guitars (6) (OK 4 of them are strictly mine!), keyboards (2), amplifiers (2), music lessons, hiking gear, etc etc get the picture!

                    And - as for easier ...WTF??????????

                    They have all this stuff .....and everything is SOOOOO unfair!
                    I asked my younger son to clean up his room yesterday - and you would have thought I had asked him to hack of his leg with a rusty saw!


                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      New 30 Day group

                      I have 2 forgot 4 wheelers, trucks, golf equiptment, golf cart, motorcycles..gone now...and my oldest now wants an airplane...I am falling on the floor laughing.....hahahahahhah..hasn't had flying lessons yet! need directions home from Crazytown.....


                        New 30 Day group

                        Yep - the motorised mayhem will be next I'm sure - mine are not quite old enough for motorcycles and such just yet! :upset:

                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          New 30 Day group

                          Hi All!!!

                          day two for me...just checking in to say hi...will have to catch up later...Satori, that picture of you is soooo SEXY!!!!



                            New 30 Day group

                            ok, ok, ok....I see your point about boys but I have one of each and even through years of baseball, hockey, guitars (6, all HIS), snowboards, cars (on his 3rd at 19) etc. etc. I still say they are cheaper! At least compared to my daughter that is. Of course I made the little monster the way she is so I suppose I shouldnt bitch huh?

                            Finally leaving for mall now, if not back by 10pm send help!


                              New 30 Day group

                              Congrats on Day 2 Cap!! * * (your gold stars + one of these )

                              Buffy - sorry I missed your post about your blank canvas!! Now that sounds like something fun and creative to do. I've got to figure out a new hobby just for me - something I really enjoy. For now catching up on stuff around here is fine...but know. All ideas welcome!

                              Pinkie, now that we're talkin' serious here, you tell that princess of yours the REAL deal. Getting her hands on some of my coin will require Yard Slavery. **note to self, nephews are a wonderful thing**

                              You guys are crackin' me up with that boy list! And I complain about the cost of leashes and collars and such..... **note to self, 4 legged children are more cost efficient than 2 leggeds**

                              AF, we're cosmic today or something. Sharing a brain...and I'm not even blonde. Are you?? (and no offense to blondes of course. Brunettes like me are just jealous cuz you blondes have ALL the fun. ALL of it I tell you!!! Life is NOT FAIR!!!!) :soapbox:

                              The electrician is here so hopefully the immediate danger of burning our house down will soon be in the rearview mirror. And I am off for some errands!!

                              See ya later...

                              Day 14 how f'in' cool is that! * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                New 30 Day group

                                OK - guys - I'll top your teenage boys with 2 teenage girls, so ditto most of the above (though actually haven't got any guitars - keyboards, yes - dance lessons, drama, singing, summer programs, - and what about PROM Dresses??! - what's that all about? in the UK we didn't have proms till university - now they have one at 16 and again at 18 - and of course you can't wear the same dress twice! (and don't forget the accessories!)- I drew the line at hiring a limo as some of them did - my little princesses turned up in state crawling out of the back of a Ford Escort Estate - how's that for style?!

                                OK and now we've hit late teens - the driving lessons, car insurance and ... college - I think I'm just a filter for the money I earn - it comes in and goes straight out! I'll start a 'mother of teens assistance' fund - donations welcome!

                                And yes, what about the metamorphosis from little angel to angry, argumentative, 'don't even think about asking me to help' and 'what rock did you call out from under' demons???
                                It's enough to drive you to drink! :H
                                :rays: Arial

                                Last first day - 15th April 2012
                                Days 1-7 DONE
                                Days 8-14 DONE
                                Days 15-21 DONE
                                30 days DONE
                                60 days
                                100 days

