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New 30 Day group

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    New 30 Day group


    What a wonderful reminder of how Sundays (and most other days) were! I remember all too well feeling shame, guilt, and hate (towards myself). But this Sunday and these past few weeks, I wake with feelings of joy, eagerness to start a new day and looking forward to new accomplishments. Thanks for reminding us of what we are no longer missing!


      New 30 Day group

      Hi July! And hi Pinkster - I forgot to wave at you before!! Happy Day 18!

      July, now I think we might need a rule that you CANNOT rub in those misty beautiful mountain Sunday sunrises unless you are inviting us all to come visit you for the weekend. Shoot. I was up before sunrise here - now I wish I had gone out in the yard with the doggies for the event. Thanks for sparking that idea - enjoy the sunrises. I haven't been able to figure out all what to do with myself so I can use lots of good ideas even if they seem obvious to the rest of the world.

      Yepper, that is a good reminder too - thinking about the hangovers and guilt and all that negative crap that we used to wake up to. For me that was every morning. Bleh. Life is SP much better now. And my back is feeling good today too.....WHEE!!

      Have any of you ever shopped at Whole Food Markets? In addition to the US I think they are also in Canada and maybe even UK. I went there this morning and OH MY. I'm too much of a hillbilly for that place - that's for DARN sure. They even have organic junk food in there. It was an experience that's for sure. I think I'll stick with my pesticide laden veggies and my hormome filled beef thank you very much. (that's just me...not trying to speak for anyone else.)

      Mr. Doggy and I have no yard slaves aka children of our own. But today is my lucky day as my brother in law is coming over with HIS yard slaves. 2 of his slaves are just to that perfect age where they are old enough and motivated enough to be productive, and only expect pauper's wages.

      Life is surely good!!

      Day 19
      gold stars!!* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        New 30 Day group

        Thanks to those who welcomed me

        Now on to day two...
        Wow Diamond 3 whole months...that is unbelievable...have you not had a drink that whole time or moderated? Any advice?
        I couldn't get to sleep last night...the last time I looked at the clock it was 4:00 AM and I feel hangover today even though I didn't have a drop. Man, I hate it when I can't sleep and my mind just races...I'm really worried about insomnia from not drinking.
        Wakeupmom, are you out there today? How are you doing and let me know if there's any way I can help you. Remember I am doing this with you.
        Bashley, if I could locate the coolest picture I ever took of myself in the coolest outfit I ever wore, I guess I would post it on the internet too. Anyway, the whole effect was ruined when you told us you were married. You are beautiful and good luck with your recovery as you have definitely been through some crap. Hey, I've got a great line to go under your picture: Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful (tee-hee). Later, dingo
        "...You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." Bob Dylan


          New 30 Day group

          Hi Dingo! Congrats on day 2 in progress. I hear you on the difficult sleep thing. The first couple weeks I thought I would lose my mind from exhaustion, but I just kept reminding myself that it was better than a hangover. It finally seems to be getting a bit better - I'd love to hear from Diamond and others further down the road for reassurance that sleep is in our futures LOL!! I did start taking a melatonin before bed which helped a lot with the first stretch, and I sometimes take another one in the middle of the night for the home stretch.

          I'm not sure I "need" as much sleep as I used to when I was trying to rest this old bod AND sleep off the BoozeBeast.

          Hope that helps a little - LOL at least you're not alone, right? There is always a bright side!

          Day 19 (I cannot believe tomorrow is day 20!! almost 3 weeks holy snack crickets we can all do this if we really really want it and work at it!)
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            New 30 Day group

            Happy sunday all,

            I made it through last night AF with the help of my two friends Ben and Jerry(for you folks outside of the US that's the name of an ice cream company known for their rich,fattening ice cream). I can't keep away from my swiss friend The Toblerone Bar today but i guess I have to find a replacement for the sugar in all the wine I used to drink. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I've read about replacing one addiction with another but I'll worry about that when the pants don't fit.
            I'm at day 7 and looking foward to hitting the double digits.
            I'm having a good friend come and stay with me for 10 days next week.She is french and lives in Paris and does like her wine; in frustratingly small amounts. I know I must have wine in the house and must really ready myself mentally beforehand as I know I will try and convince myself,in a moment of weakness, that "a little" wine won't hurt me. I have time to prepare and mentally rehearse.

            Keep strong all. If a slip does occur remember that Jean Kirkpatrick,the founder of Women for Sobriety, wrote that what really saved her, before she ultimately achieved sobriety, was the sober time in between her slips.



              New 30 Day group

              Day two with a new addition?

              Hi Doggygirl,
              Thanks for the advice, you're absolutely right...lack of sleep head is better than hangover head. I used to use melatonin a few years ago and one brand really helped. I think I'm getting hooked on trying to fiqure out this forum deal...been on the computer for hours today reading, messing with my profile, etc.. My new addition...oh well, I gave up cigs 2 weeks ago, now beer, the worst I can get from this is corporal tunnel and I'll become a better what the hay. dingo
              "...You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." Bob Dylan


                New 30 Day group

                Hi All,

                Welcome all newcomers!

                Well, it was Buffy's idea to start this group, and I am the one who made the first post, but I would like to nominate Doggygirl as the official ambassador for the group. We need someone with the proper diplomatic skills (and enough free time to welcome all the newcomers with the right sort of pomp and circumstance and I think she is the woman for the job.

                Anyone want to second the motion?

                BTW, DoggyGirl - I love whole foods market! At least I love the one I go to. It's in a little NorCal (Northern California) hippy town and it's a great place to go and people watch. On the way into town there is a sign that reads "Entering Nuclear free zone", and they have a cannabis harvest dance every year... at the store all of the tree hugging employees and granola crunching customers are wearing tie dye shirts or organically grown hemp clothing, Moms with dreadlocks wearing groovy homemade jewelry with their kids dressed like they came from a peace rally. There are cars in the parking lot with bumper stickers that read "Impeach Bush", and "Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty" It's totally far out in a groovy sort of way... Oh, and their tofutti cuties (tofu ice-cream sandwiches) are to die for :}

                Well, I successfully made it through the weekend, although I had some trying experiences.

                My wife came back from her business trip, and finally finished off that bottle of wine that has been taunting we for a week but then sent down to the store to pick up some more... I really wanted a glass today, but settled for a big sniff... (surprisingly it actually helped curb the cravings).

                We went out to dinner at a local brewery/resturaunt on Friday with another couple. They have a great selection of designer brews there. I had a headache and was kind of stressed that day, so by the time I pulled into the parking lot I had already decided I was going to break down and have "one" pint...

                Everyone else ordered pints, but imagine my surprise when I heard myself ordering a non-alcoholic beer instead! Maybe those hypno CD's are actually working (although I have only listened to them twice so far)... It felt great driving home, knowing that I passed the test.

                Today is day 11 for me 3 more to go and that will be 2 weeks! ( 3 days is 259,200, seconds, in case anyone was wondering)

                Peace baby.


                  New 30 Day group

                  GOOD DAY BOOZE BUSTAHS!!!!! It's a happy day in Doggy land cuz a "2" is goin' on the front of my quit days today. Yep I'm quite thrilled to be on Day 20 today, and no drink in the world would taste good enough to make me want to give this up.

                  LOL Janet on the Quitting with Ben & Jerry show. Today is Day 8, right? CONGRATULATIONS!! Hey whatever works. Ben & Jerry's sounds more appealing than Gummy Fish and Low Carb Ice Cream (yeah right! it's DIET ice cream!!). Boy I wish I could be like your friend and drink just small amounts of wine. Whah. I wish you the best - I'm sure that will be a challenging 10 days. I can't recall if you are doing the hypno? If so I'd be adding BIG suggestions about that. Wine would start tasting like a puking smiley would look in my world.

                  Dingo, now we will no who to go to for technical support around here! Better to spend hours on here than waste hours drinking, right? You're on Day 3 now right? Congratulations!! Also big congrats on giving up the smokes. That ain't easy. Did you go cold turkey, or pathes or Chantrix? I'm hearing good things these days about Chantrix and our Pinkie just started taking that. Hang tough!! It's worth it to give this crap up no matter how difficult some moments seem with it.

                  MUSIC MAN!!!! Congratulations on Day 11 and about 750,000 seconds to go for the 2 week mark, and the back side of the 30 day challenge hill. You are doing great, and that is a GREAT story about Friday night out. I bet you felt like a million bucks with that accomplishment. I really do believe in the power of the hypno CD's, even though I often fall asleep before I get to make my wish list.

                  LOL on Whole Foods - I only WISH the crowd had been that interesting! It was the "My SUV is bigger, newer, and more expensive than your SUV" crowd. (nothing wrong with SUV's mind you - I drive one myself. I'm going for 300,000 miles with the help of my Ford man..)

                  Thank you for awarding me with diplomatic status. Does this mean I have immunity if I commit any crimes? If so, I shall start making my list right away. And yes, I do have too much time on my hands at the moment. Working on how I shall fill this wonderful time now that I'm no longer drinking it away will be a fun project!! Mean time, I love spending time here - it sure helps me keep my head out of my...well, you know.

                  WHEE!!! Happy Monday!

                  Day 20 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (my gold stars)
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    New 30 Day group

                    Morning all! I agree with Music Man, it does seem that Doggy is the right person for the job Her enthusiasm alone is enough to get me thru a day!

                    Doggy, 20 DAYS and still rocking!! Congrats to all of us that made it thru another weekend AF!!

                    Dingo, you gave up smoking and then drinking - you are STRONG!!! I gave up the drinking first because there was just no way I could have a drink and not a cigerette! I started Chantix 1 week ago today so I am hoping that I too can kick the nicobeast as well. How did you do it?

                    Day 19 for me, looking forward to day 20!! Have a great Monday!


                      New 30 Day group

                      Hi everyone, I also nominate Doggy G!....Music you are doing great! and welcome to everyone that is new. I have had a few ups and downs, doing pretty well under some of the circumstances I have had to deal with lately. I have to go to a golf tournament that is being held at a winery today and continues through the week. Wish me luck!....I am taking my CD's and other stuff. I plan to use this time as a healthy get away and work out in the gym, go to the pool, and eat health foods, maybe get a massage etc.... I have entertained company for the past 2 weeks and am in need of a rest. I feel like I am running a bed and breakfast hotel. This week I will not do a bit of work....! Music, I loved the post about the hippy get together. Peace!


                        New 30 Day group

                        The almostfamous family is back. I made my way through crowds to admire some delicious purses. They are my weakness. It was butts to n*ts in the big city.
                        I made it through the challenging weekend! Yipppeee skippee! : ) We ate out and I thoroughly enjoyed good old H2O!!! I made it 10 days so far. I just finished reading all the posts. Welcome to the newbies and a hearty hello to all the fellow booze busters. I am sitting here enjoying my new favorite drink "Fuze Slenderize." I am CERTAIN I will lose 10 pounds by the end of the bottle- uh huh. My goal is 15 pounds so that would make my life substantially easier. Anyhoo, I am off to do the 85th load of laundry from the big city trip. Oh if only it could do itself. Keep up the GREAT work you all!!!!!!!!
                        AF since 2/22/2012


                          New 30 Day group

                          A quick evening greeting to all abstainers,
                          My how the day has blown by!!!! I must confess that I have not accomplished much today......other than not drinking. Weather is quite stormy with severe thunder and lightning. My dogs are driving me crazy as they race around the house/yard trying to bark away the storm. I hope the storms breaks as we won't get much sleep if it continues.

                          Don't foresee any problem remaining AF tonight but I have stumbled on nights where I wasn't vigilant. The boozebeast can take over at the times when you least expect it.

                          Have a good evening all


                            New 30 Day group

                            Hi Guys!

                            Didn't post at all yesterday, we drove to Edmonton to see my brother in law (2 1/2 hours from home) and didn't get back till late. Poor Guerrino looks awful, the tube in stomach is again not working, things are not looking good. I feel so sorry for him, and for my sister who is watching him waste away. Nothing to look forward to here.

                            Congrats to everybody, you all seem to be doing so well! DG - day 20! Awsome! I guess this is day 11 for me.

                            I'm reallly tired, never got to bed till late and then didn't sleep, so forgive for not being my usual effervescent self (yeah, right) just wanted to post so you would know I am still alive and kicking! Will talk to everybody again soon.:wavin:
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                              New 30 Day group

                              Morning fellow AFers!

                              Well - it is actually SUNNY!!!!! here today (this is the UK remember!)
                              I had almost forgotten what sun looked like!
                              Hope it lasts!

                              Oh - I also second the nomination of Doggy for Head Honcho!
                              (Top Dog? Primo Pooch? Main Mutt? ).

                              Too enthusiastic for words that one - seems to be infectious too.

                              But Doggy, diplomatic immunity does NOT allow you to cavort wantonly with the BoozeBeast without getting into big trouble!

                              Not that you would of course - not after amassing such a fortune - 20 Gold Stars! :goodjob:

                              Music Man - I know how tough it is when life is busy busy busy - me too right now - well done on not giving in to the stress by drinking!
                              Stress is definitely a trigger for me!

                              Just back from a couple of days in the big city too! - Not quite Butts to N*ts - but busier than the city where I stay!

                              I had some business to attend to there - and of course she who must be obeyed needed to go shopping - apparently it is therapeutic and relieves stress!
                              (although why she needs MORE shoes and handbags I really cannot fathom!)

                              What I need,
                              is to get away into the mountains for a while to recharge my
                              stressed out batteries - but I can't see that happening for a while - too much on right now!

                              Never mind - I am happy to report that have managed to retain (and add to) my star collection even though we were eating out etc. today is day 13 for me.

                              Hannah - you and your family are in my thoughts! :l

                              Well - better go do some work now - but Hi Pinky, Buffy, Almost, Arial, Vino, July and everyone else I've forgotten about! Will talk to you all later after I have cleared some of this pile of paper from my desk!


                              ************ :specs:
                              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                                New 30 Day group

                                GOOD DAY BOOZE BUSTERS!!!

                                **waving to everyone**
                                Buffy, I hope you just concentrate on relaxing and pampering yourself with massages and manicures and pedicures and that good stuff at the tournament. I take it your son is playing? Please keep us posted with some play by play action if that is the case! YOU CAN DO IT AF!!! Keep this image of the BoozeBeast in mind: 73581982 - Fotosearch Stock Photography

                                Welcome home almostfamous family! Congrats on staying AF - that laundry would be even worse if you had to do it with a raging hangover, right? Happy day.....I'm losing track here...11? 12? Good to have you back. We need to do some advertising around the forum for Booze Busters. So let's get these billboard butts ready for action.

                                Janet - hey - for us right now, not drinking is a HUGE daily accomplishment!! Hope you relaxed and just smiled during your day.

                                (((Hannah))) Your brother in law's situation is so sad for him and for his wife and for your whole family. I'm sorry the tube stopped working. There are no words - it seems so unfair for anyone, but especially for a person so young. My thoughts and I know everyone's thoughts here are with you and your family. Life is precious and too fleeting sometimes.

                                Satori congratulations on your fantabulous and ever growing star collection!! Hopefully SWMBO will find a way to ship you off to the mountains for a re-charge soon. All of your suggested names such as Main Mutt are nice and all, but I already have the T-Shirt for Alpha Bitch. :nutso: So rather than spend our hard earned Star Bucks on a different T-shirt for me, we can just go with AB OK??

                                Today is Day 21. Yepper at 4PM CST today it will have been 3 whole weeks since my last close encounter with the BoozeBeast. WHEE!!! Even though much of it has been just little stuff - errands too long forgotten, closets that needed cleaning for years - I have gotten SO MUCH DONE in the last 3 weeks - it feels more like 3 months. And I just can't believe how calm I've been able to stay - even when stressors come up - with the supps and CD's and the support of you all. WOWZER!!

                                I finally got my prescription glasses updated yesterday. The lady helped me pick out some totally funkadelic (thinking of Music Man's Whole Food store here!) new frames. I've got the sunglasses already, but the glasses will be a week. I sprung for 2 pairs "every day" and "just for fun" of regular glasses. I've never sprung for a pair of just for fun prescription glasses before. I like gaudy trashy lookin' stuff sometimes and these have sparkles on the side pieces. I'll be sportin' some BLING on my glasses!! And these gaudy things are by some fancy designer - the one who needs to buy a couple of vowels.

                                I made a never tried before chicken dish last night for dinner. Deter would be proud!! Mr. Doggy likes stuff with fresh ginger. I've never learned to cook that sort of food but dinner turned out great. That was fun. I was thinking while prepping all these little of this and that ingredients (lots of them) and putting together the dish which was pretty rapid fire in saute mode one thing after the other, that it would have been hard to do tipsy. That's probably why I never experimented with dishes like that before.

                                OK - If you are still reading you have permission to eat your sandwich now. So do we want to start a new thread with the Booze Busters title or not? We can let it get long, but we could make the introductory post informative / welcoming for newcomers. It's all of our 30 challenge!! Input please!!

                                And in the spirit of having a Hippie Day, which has been in my head since yesterdy reading about MM's Whole Foods, I leave you with a Free Hug:
                                [ame= ]YouTube - Free Hugs Campaign. (music by Sick album out)[/ame]

                                WHEE!! Happy AF Day!!

                                Day 21 3 weeks! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

