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EEEK Help Me!

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    EEEK Help Me!


    It's almost finishing time for me here at work and I am starting to hear the "rational" waves of "drink tonight and start tomorrow" come into play in my head, which is what I said last night. I really could use the support throughout the evening. It's amazing how the mind plays tricks on you, one moment I read a newie's post and it inspires me to not want to drink and then the next moment I am trying to convince myself to drink tonight and start tomororw. I know that if I can get through tonight, I will okay. I also will plan to run when I get home and will listen to one of the CD's I purchased. Can someone explain what Topa does for you?

    If you could give me alittle support that would be great, thanks:h I really want to accomplish my one month of no drinking!!!

    AF Since May 2nd 2012

    EEEK Help Me!

    You can do this! Go and buy yourself some take-out and a magazine or rent a movie. Get some food into you and this will help immensely!


      EEEK Help Me!

      I agree, my first couple of days I got a bunch of movies and a bunch of books...just keep busy, keep telling yourself you can make it one more hour, before oyu know it will be tommorow, and you will wake up happy, bright eyed...well, you get the idea
      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        EEEK Help Me!

        hi planetjanet!...make it easy for yourself tonight...treat yourself to a yummy dinner and dessert if that is what you like...relax...pleny of time to run and get into anything but drink or you will be repeating yourself tomorrow about the same time!!!
        good luck!


          EEEK Help Me!

          You can do this planetjanet. The benefit of starting now instead of tomorrow (LOL - whether it comes or not for purposes of starting something...) is that your first evening without drinking will be under your belt. If you have faith as I do, that with time this will get easier, then getting on with it just gets us one step closer to when thinking of drinking and not drinking doesn't consume so much of our time.

          Movies. Books. - as previously suggested. Run - your idea. (geez I admire you for that!!) Post - even if you feel like you are just talking away to yourself if not many people are around or something. Typing keeps the hands and mind busy!! Make a big ol' list of why you want to stop drinking - how your life will improve. I try to keep mine handy all the time.

          WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            EEEK Help Me!

            Gee you guys are the best, a big thank you. I am so GLAD I found this website, I am getting ready to put my gym clothes on and workout at least 30 minutes. I took my supplments and will post my progress this evening, yeah after the gym, I will treat myself to some Rubio's fish tacos and a diet green tea. Tomorrow will be easier, it usually is the first day that's the hardest. These urges come in waves, I just need to learn to ride them.

            Thanks again
            AF Since May 2nd 2012


              EEEK Help Me!

              Planetjanet - You really can do, this. Treat yourself to an evening of pampering - make youself a delish supper - something maybe a little out of the ordinary, that you wouldn't usually prepare, then read or watch TV for a while, and then - have a bubble bath, or do your nails, give yourself a pedicure, flip thru a catalogue and pick out an outfit to order with the $ you are going to save by not crinking, give yourself a facial - make an actual list and work your way through it. Then sit down and post and tell us how your evening went, and head off for some ZZZZZ - tomorrow you will be so proud of yourself!
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                EEEK Help Me!

                I could d with taking this advice - relating to smoking too.Meant obe seeing a seriously smoky friend tonight.I think i will pop in for an hour and then come home, any longer and I will feel tempted.I will drive too so I don't drink.
                Got a monster cold too but still tempted to smoke, crazy I know!
                This is my week of early nights after going out 6 nights on the run last week, may treat myself to the new Harry Potter, I need some easy reading I think to entertain me.
                good luck all, hope to be in bed by 11 tonight with a book and sober xx
                one day at a time


                  EEEK Help Me!

                  planetjanet - so how did your evening turn out? All good I hope. How are things today?? Just thinking about you.

                  Bear, I'm a fellow ex-smoker too so I can relate. I gave up the stinkeroos 149 days ago. How long ago did you quit? I found the first month to be absolute, total, out of body hell. I never want to experience that again. Months 2 and 3 had lots of ups and downs but were easier than month 1. Birthing quintuplettes must be easier that I found month 1 to be. For me there was a turning point or something right around 100 days. Don't get me wrong - I still have thoughts of smoking sometimes. But they are getting FAR less intense and less frequent. I think I might even have had some days here and there where I didn't think of it at all. Can't wait for not drinking to feel that way too (go for days without thinking of it). Boy the supplements and CD's sure help take the edge off for this early part of quit drinking (thank goodness!)

                  Good for you having a good plan to deal with the smoking/drinking social situation and put yourself in position to say "no" to both!

                  day 15 AF
                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    EEEK Help Me!

                    My day 2

                    Good luck to all the abbsters- wish me luck!! I quit smoking 5 1/2 years ago and thought this would be a breeze! HA!!!!! :h
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      EEEK Help Me!

                      Wishin' you luck there Happy!! Congrats on Day 2. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! If you can quit smoking and you are NOT in jail for killing someone, you CAN do this. Remember week 1? Remember Week 2?

                      Day 16AF, Day 149 Smober
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        EEEK Help Me!

                        Hey Janet!!!

                        Good idea to post and ask for help. That's the first step to assuring an af evening.
                        I read that it's fine to treat yourself as if you have the flu for the first weeks not drinking. Take really good care of yourself and give in to whatever whim you have (except of course drinking)
                        I have found that the mornings after I struggle to remain af are the most rewarding.
                        Let us know how you do.......good luck

                        (another) Janet


                          EEEK Help Me!

                          Hi guys,
                          You guys sound great, supportive and genuine. I just found this site today. I quit smoking for 18 years and started again about 2 years ago (sneaked cigs but I'm sure my hub amd son knew) and recently quit AGAIN 13 days ago. Don't make the mistake I did...don't pick up the first one...just keep it up and one day you will not miss them...I was there and I blew it, but I'll get there again. Now I have to tackle the blows.Thirty days is a lifetime. Bye, dingo
                          "...You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." Bob Dylan


                            EEEK Help Me!

                            :welcome: DINGO!
                            I'm glad you dropped in. I hope that you do as well with your drinking as you did for so long with your smoking. I have every faith that you'll tackle the smoking again too, when the time is right.

                            Meanwhile welcome, and Happy, I hope you're going to spend some time here, too! :h


                            Oh, duh! And PlanetJanet, how did you do? You know we support you no matter what happened!
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012

