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Then and Now

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    Then and Now

    Hi AF'ers! A couple observations in my little corner of the world today.

    For me and Mr. Doggy's business, most of our new clients come through word of mouth. We belong to a couple of independent business referral / networking groups, and also the Chamber of Commerce which has lots of different types of events where you meet the locals. Probably one of the best types of events for either group is the "After Hours" events which typically go from 5 - 7 PM and involve (of course!) drinks and appetizers. The reason they are better than the luncheons and stuff is because you are not restricted to sitting at one table with the same 6 or 8 people - good networkers mingle with everyone.

    I had reached a point a couple years ago where I just plain stopped wanting to go. I interfered with my day time drinking. Can't show up and already be tipsy!! If Mr. Doggy did grag me out, I spent the whole time being paranoid about earlier drinks, or angry that the event messed up my day with BoozeBeast.

    We are going to an after hours event and I'm looking forward to it!! I know the BoozeBeast will be in attendance, but I feel strong. When offered a drink I shall use the "diet" excuse - LOL nobody will question that!! We plan to stay for no more that one hour - 5:30 - 6:30 is the prime time anyway. Maybe we'll get a new business lead to help pay for my cleaning lady and all this shopping I've been doing. If tonight goes well, there is a Chamber after hours tomorrow evening where we can troll some more for new business.

    Tomorrow the truck I always drive is going to the shop in the AM for maintenance. I HATED those days in the past because that meant I had to stay sober until we drove together to pick it up, and I drove it home. All I could do was hope the mechanic didn't dilly dally around until 5PM!

    I'm bummed about the truck being gone tomorrow because I want the option to run errands and stuff.

    This feels so good. No short term buzz in the world seems worth giving this up for. I know there will be rocks in the road but I am DETERMINED to do my very, very best to hang on tight to AF.

    Hope everyone is having a good _______________(whatever time of day!)

    Day SIXTEEN AF (34 minutes into day 16 )
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    Then and Now

    It's great to hear you sounding so upbeat, DG. I bet you will keep thinking of more reasons as you keep on going! I sure do understand feeling relieved that you're no longer angry that something will interfere with "drinking time"!

    Well done on your 16 days (just getting started, I know, but what the hey!). I have every faith that you'll keep on going strong.


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Then and Now

      Hi Doggygirl!

      I sure hope you didn't take me seriously when I poked fun at your lengthyyyyyyyyy posts. Love 'em, keep em coming. Congrats on 16 days AF! Bet you never thought you could do it! Ain't it grand?:goodjob:
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        Then and Now

        "BoozeBeast" ... too funny and too appropriate!


          Then and Now

          HEy DG - great post. Amazing how much it can take over our lives. I had stopped wanting to go out too so I understand what you are talking about. Much easier to stay home with your 'friend'. You sound great - happy Sweet 16



            Then and Now

            Geez it was so nice to go to that event last night and be PARANOIA FREE!!! Didn't have to worry about getting busted for drinking prior to the event. Didn't have to worry about how much I was drinking at the event. Cool Cool Cool. This was a business event hostd in a business office - not in a restaurant or bar. At any given time there were probably 10 or 12 guys drinking beer. (they also had wine for the ladies who wanted it) I've never noticed this in a home or office event before - but I could SMELL the beer - smell it A LOT. Smelled terrible. Beer isn't my fix of choice but still...

            Onward and forward conquering the BoozeBeast one step at a time.

            Day 16 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Then and Now

              Doggy, I can relate to your heightened sense of smell to it. It is a really off putting smell to me these days.

              I love your BoozeBeast alalogy. With your permissin, I'm going to borrow that one

              You're a cool chick DG - I dig your upbeat posts.

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                Then and Now

                Borrow da BoozeBeast Bernie!! **if you sell the concept, please PM me for my address so you can share the $$ cuz I know you will!**

                Bleh. I also include not liking (well, HATING) the taste of alcohol in my hypno so that might even compound it - who knows - as long as it's working I don't care!

                I can be happy not drinking or miserable not drinking - time goes by at the same speed. So I make it happy as much as I can.

                Good to see you!!

                Day 17 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * *
                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Then and Now

                  DG, another one of those cross analogies that sits well with me is; the benefits I get from not drinking alcohol, far outweight the benefits I got from drinking alcohol.

                  One of my clients is a cosmetic surgeon and they botoxed me yesterday (I don't really need it yet but it's a preventative and free so why the hell not :H) and the cosmetic nurse was saing how many people question why someone would put a poison in their body (ie botox is a poison from a fish but is really in minute doses) and I replied with a comment that they probably say that as they're chugging down a glass of wine. :H The irony!

                  Have a fabulous AF weekend DG. It gets easier! I usualy saved up my drinking for the weekends and would make it up in one big binge, so weekends are triggers for me. I am on my 8th AF weekend and it's MUCH easier. The first 3 or 4 were just plain weird! You're doing really well chicakdee!

                  :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                    Then and Now

                    Good observation, Doggygirl!

                    I rally like what you said about;

                    'i can be happy not drinking, or miserable not drinking - time goes by at the same speed"

                    It's all about choice, isn't it?

                    Have another good AF day tomorrow, and congrats on 17 gold stars!:yougo:
                    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                      Then and Now

                      Hey Bernie, congrats on your AF weekends. For different reasons (heck, I was content to drink my face of EVERY day...) Saturdays are my roughest day of the week. We host dog training at our house. We have a great trainer who comes and a whole bunch of people come. Of course it wouldn't be dog training without some "afterglow." Mr. Doggy is the one who actually handles our dogs on the field. As far as the training group, I handle all the inquiries from new people, weekly updates, the web site, the communication, introducing new people around, keeping the list of what order everyone is going in, yada yada. So I used to sneak drinks (yeah, I'm sure nobody figured it out..) starting early. So....this is my 3rd AF Saturday dog training day. The second one felt easier than the first, and I'm hoping this one feels easier than last Saturday. Anyway, congratulations Bernie. That's a funny story about the botox / wine comment. You are probably 100% right too!

                      Hannah, I was one miserable SOB when I first quit smoking. I woman I will never forget - nick name "Texas2step" showed me that I DO have a choice about seeing the bright side of things, or choosing to be miserable. My days improved dramatically once she showed me the light!

                      Day 18 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Then and Now

                        Great thread DG ....don't you do Schutzund? sp? I had a Rottie that I took to training for several months before he injured himself many years back. We didn't resume the training after that. He was great at tracking. He came by it naturally.

               are such an asset to MWO...and you are doin' great.

                        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                          Then and Now

                          The start of day two af

                          I have had one af day and this is the start of day two, thanks to all for encouraging me! Joesgal xx


                            Then and Now

                            joesgal!! That is awesome news. HUGE congrats on day 1 AF and just rock it for day 2! Don't forget to collect your stars! * *

                            Yes Melissa - we do Schutzhund sport. I'm sorry to hear that your Rottie got injured. It's a contact sport, that's for sure. Our male shepherd in particular LOVES it. He's becoming a really good tracker and is quite enthusiastic about it. He also loves protection work. Obedience is his weakest leg - but I think obedience is sometimes the hardest for a new handler - in this case Mr. Doggy. Mr. Doggy is 6"5' and gangly like a bean pole. So getting the timing right for the obedience work is a challenge for him - but he works hard at it and loves it. Our female Kimba (in my avatar) is Sch1 but we don't work her in the full 3 events anymore. She too likes tracking, and she's a good obedience dog. But her nerves aren't quite what one truly wants in protection work. She'll do it, but she doesn't like to. So we just have fun with her working OB and Tracking. There is a super nice guy with a rescued Rottie who trains with us. I love training with multiple breeds - there are several in our group including a Hovawart. (Hova WHAT??)

                            Happy AF Day everyone!!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Then and Now

                              Hey DG - You're doing soooh well!! I read your really long post (July 17th-ish?) last night (about how it all started and what's been going on) and it was soooh great. I just can't find it again to read again but I will! (You know me and blogging!!) You said so many things that are exactly like me... And then here you remind me of those awful, heavy, dark-corner days of planning my whole day around booze (even if I still struggle to admit that to myself!!) and the driving...
                              Well, I stuffed that in December by being caught "for driving carefully" (and it wasn't one of those 10mph feels like 50!) the uk you can be stopped in December for nothing and (quite rightly) I lost my licence for 18 months. (Would have been 6 but in Dcember you are "held up as an example to the community"... 6 column inches on Page 3 of the the local paper was more cringeing than anything I have ever known - my job, my business, my address all mentioned...aaagh! And people did read it before it became fish-wrapping...) The school holidays are awful and I feel really bad for my son who can't get to things like sailing and bad when everyone has to run me places. I hate not being able to help others out with lifts (and not being in control!! I admit that one!) But I think about the joy I'll feel when I get it back and I wont have to worry about evening driving or any time driving so I am right with you there in spirit! And really happy for you. I heard a guy say once that he had such a kick when stopped at Christmas time last year like me but when asked when he had had his last drink replied, "26th May, 29 years ago"!!!!!! Isn't that just great!

                              Have a good - yea! Whenever it is for you all! Sunny day for me in the UK at last. Yea!
                              FMF x

                              PS I sailed a dinghy for the first time in 15 years yesterday and actually capsized for the first time in my life but righted it all on my 'likle' own and sailed on - life in the ol' girl yet. There wouldn't have been 3 months ago; I would have done it because I was pissed and not brave and drowned with the cold water and having a fuzzy brain... Hmmm. Sobering thought! Even happier about it now...!
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

