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Friday 27th

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    Friday 27th

    Aloooooha Friday ABlanders!

    I'm mighty suprised to be starting the day after a late internet connection is down so got the repair guys coming out tomorrow.
    well....had a job offer turned down yesterday that I really expected to nail...d-oh!
    drowned my sorrows in an extra hard night at jiu jitsu and that felt really good. now I'm tired and sore but happy and not hung over. TGIF...whew! what a bloody week it's been.
    hope you all are kicking butt and taking names.....

    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Friday 27th

    Hi D...and all to follow.
    Sorry about the job.
    They don't know what they're missing mate.
    TGIF indeed.
    Hope you all have a great weekend.


      Friday 27th

      Hi D
      Hi Popeye,

      I'm sorry to hear about the job, but they say things happen for a reason. Maybe a better job down the road.

      Happy Friday to all!!!!

      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


        Friday 27th

        Hi Deter and Popeye and kitcat! Deter, I'm really sorry about the job. Not to sound like a broken record, but I too strongly believe things happen for a reason. I sure wish I had more patience though waiting to find out the reason LOL! I hope you have a good Friday and better weekend. What's cookin' for the weekend, and what time should I be there?

        TGIF and Happy AF to all!!

        Day 17 AF cannot BELIEVE that!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Friday 27th

          thanks all...hey Kitkat nice to see you in with us kwazies

          Popeye, you're too kind.

          DGirl, dinner at 6:30pm bring fav N/A drink....get ready to have garlic breath to the power of 10! yeeeeehaw!

          well, today is mellow so far thankfully.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Friday 27th

            Doggy, 17 days... you are kicking arse lovely! I hope you are feeling mighty proud of yourself!

            All's well with me. Slowly getting on top of this flu. I feel like I am slowly but surely starting to get the hang of the change in lifestyle pattern I needed to kick the drinking pattern, and I feel really good about it. Inner contentent would sum it up. Being Fri night I still get the old thought 'a drink or 2 would be nice' but I know without any doubt exactly where that would lead back to... hangovers, low self esteem, generalised anxiety and wasted weekends. I don't think so kids! :H

            My son Chris overheard me on the phone to a friend yesterday. I was talking about not drinking alcohol anymore so he quizzed me and asked why I didn't drink alcohol anymore, so just told him too much is not good for me and I didn't like the feeling anymore. It's funny that even 8 year old kids think of alcohol in terms of a lifestyle essential. Hmmm! I think I have some work to do with my boys now to help them avoid the alcohol trap, especially seeing as the genetic link is prevalent.

            Ciao and have a fab AF weekend everyone!

            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


              Friday 27th

              Hi everyone,

              been an up and down week for me, the ups been ok the down's have been b***** awful.
              Mid - life crisis setting in ?? I hope not !!

              Anyway, was desperate for a drink wednesday night but stuck to my AF lager & ice !! yeah !

              I do lurk on AB's for support, don't usually post, but thanks everyone that does,

              Diamond x
              I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
              I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

              Marilyn Monroe


                Friday 27th

                D I love garlic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Well gotta go to that place where they keep my paycheck, such as it is.

                AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                  Friday 27th

                  Very happy Friday everyone!

                  Sorry to hear about the job, D - don't worry, the dream one will be just round the corner!

                  Good to hear from you Scooby, though sorry to hear you've been under the weather. How did your trip to Germany go? Sorry, I was AWOL for a while so probably missed it - Hope it was great, though! It's amazing what kids pick up - my girls grew up with both parents drinking - luckily for me their father was always the heaviest drinker, so they didn't see my problem, they saw his - still do and they hate it. They hate anything to do with alcohol at the moment as they see the affect of it - but it's definitely something I've talked to them about and will keep an eye on as they get older (they're 18 and 16 now) if they do decide they want to drink. It wasn't until I admitted that I had a problem that my father told me it was in the family...

                  Hi Popeye - hope all's well in bonny Scotland - are you suffering with the flooding at all up there??
                  GOod to see you kitkat and DG (WOW! to day 17 - that number just keeps rising!), and Diamond, well done on the AF lager and ice - another battle won, another step forward!

                  Have a WONDERFUL weekend everyone here and all to come! :l
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
                  30 days DONE
                  60 days
                  100 days


                    Friday 27th

                    Hey Arial

                    Alex is the one in Germany and he is there all this year until January. We are heading over in November and will do a tour around Switzerland, Northern Italy and of course Germany. We can't wait! Maybe you could come for a drive and meet us near the boder or in the Black Forest.

                    Alex and Chris don't realise I've had an issue with alcohol. I never let it get that bad, but I think if I'd kept going, 5 or 10 years from now, the signs would show. I told Alex (in Germany) via Skype that I'd quit the demon drink and he just shrugged and said 'why?' so I'm really grateful that it hasn't affected them. But as I said, I just know in my heart that I would have developed more of a dependancy with time so I'm really glad I've nipped it the bud now. Keeping it nipped is my ongoing mission now! I am amazed at how many people in society are dependant on alcohol to some degree... a girlfriend and I were chatting about it the other day and we think in australia it would have to be at least 50% of the adult population.

                    Mick is away this weekend, so it's just Chris and I. Today we're going shopping and I'm going to book in for a pedicure and French polish. It's another first with Mick being away, since quitting alcohol and I had another drinking dream last night which acts as a timely reminder that the addiction/behaviour is still there and always will be.

                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                      Friday 27th

                      Hi all!

                      ScoobyDoo, I think our drinking habits were pretty similar, I find I am not experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, which I was afraid I might, so I guess I never let it get that bad either. BUT, with a family history, and what I really do deem to be a drinking "problem" I feel now is the time to quit too. I mentioned on a post earlier this evening that I thought we might go out for supper. My plan was to ask for a tonic water and lime, so had my plan all made and of course they had no tonic water! :argh: but didn't weaken and order wine, went for club soda instead. On to day 8........

                      Arial, you are so right about kids noticing. Hubby and I did our first ten year stint of not drinking when we noticed our four year old had an awful lot of curiousity about Gramma's (my Mom's) glas of wine, which was always at her elbow. When he started sticking his finger in for a taste, we decided we wouldn't be having any more glasses of wine for him to be curious about. And it's worked, he has grown up to be quite responsible in his drinking (knock on wood).

                      Diamond - Good for you for hanging in there.

                      Determinator, sorry about the job. Something better will come along, don't be too discouraged.I still think you write a cookbook, or do a cooking show or something - maybe
                      with a jiu jitsu atmosphere, flashing knives, and all that. Hyaaaahhhh! Seriously, thou, glad you hung in there. :thumbs:
                      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

