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Sunday 29th

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    Sunday 29th

    roll call! where the heck is everyone hiding? Well, I hope that means everyone is out doing fun healthy things. Doing well here, had friends over for a suprise dinner and although they usually drink nobody did last night and it was really comfortable and fun.
    Dx and I would be out in nature, but we are waiting for the tile guy to come and finish up his part on our bathroom...yeah! it's finally looking like an actual bathroom.

    be well everyone...
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Sunday 29th

    Hey det..sounds like a lovely evening. I had sushi with my next door neighbor last night and that was nice too.
    I tried being healthy this morning...went to the gym and did a little arm workout on the weights and then 15 min on the bike and 15 min on the treadmill.
    Now I'm off to get a manicure and then go see No Reservation with a friend.
    Very good Sunday so far.




      Sunday 29th

      I'm not hiding, Deter. Just here, same as usual. I think some others are busy, and some are also posting on the 30 day thread.

      That sounds really great about your surprise party with no one drinking. I hope it was a nice experience for your friends to see how much fun you can have without drinking.

      I took my daughter and sister out to dinner on Friday, and even though my sis had a drink, I just had a diet coke. I had a few cravings, and thoughts of "just a sip", but nothing really major. Just another step. A real test for me would be going out to dinner when people were drinking really nice wine. THAT would be really hard.

      Anyway, everything is good here. We finally had a nice big thunderstorm last night that went on for about an hour and a half. I could just imagine all of the thirsty plants just drinking down all that water as fast as they could! I've been hand watering things, but elsewhere, the grass is all brown.

      Anyway, it sure would be nice to see more of our friends on here today.

      Have a good AF day everyone!



      Oh, and hi, Lisa! We were posting at the same time. Sounds like you have a nice day planned. Have a good one! XOXOX
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Sunday 29th

        Lisa, so healthy and! I was healthy yesterday with my jiujitsu workout but this morning at the hardware store got stuck at the espresso booth and ate a coconut/chocolate cookie for breakfast....ha! that's a first...oh well.

        Nice work on dinner there Kathy...yes it's always the good vino that gets me if anything is going to.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Sunday 29th

          Everyone sounds in high spirits today!!! Well Iw oke up later than usual. I set my alarm for 630---which is sleeping in for me, and I ended up hitting the snooze and waking up at ten! I am gonna do some cleaning today and also go out and make my bike all sparkly!!! Woohooo. Talk to you all later...

          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
          James Gordon, M.D.


            Sunday 29th

            I'm back!

            Had that stomach thingy right before vacation & was too busy visiting the bathroom-so couldn't say a proper good bye (sorry) since I had so much more packing etc. to catch up on after I started to feel better. We were supposed to leave on Sat. but had to leave a day later since I still didn't feel up to par & hubby thought he was getting something. So instead we extended it.

            Well we had fun. I have a funny tan-love the face thing but my chest~ladies you know when you have a bathing suit on the "boobies" are pushed together-well after the bathing suit comes off & gravity takes place I have this stupid white cleavage line-it looks so dumb! Oh-we went to the Jersey shore (Atlantic City is a dump-we loved Ocean City). Then as our vacation came to an end we were nomads & extended our stay 2 separate days in Long Island before taking ferry home. Before you ask Kath~we stayed in the town next to Ammmytiville (yup the ghost house town) & went to Cedar Beach & then stayed in Riverhead the next day.

            Missed you guys-we had wireless but for some reason I couldn't log on to this site in Atlantic City & my son kept getting booted out of his site. They had "tech help" & well I didn't want to start arguing why I couldn't get to my Help Line site! LOL!

            Well Deter-you know....laundry from hell! Going to poke my head into General but I don't think I'll have time till later to really catch up.

            Have a great day everyone! I survived vacation!:H
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Sunday 29th

              Breez, you know me well!:H I've got to get off this computer and start getting something done, though. I'm glad that you're back safe and sound.

              Victoria, I'll be you needed the sleep. Have a great day!
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Sunday 29th

                yeah BREEEEEEEEZ is back. so glad you had fun - wooooo hoooooo!

                Vic, what kind of bike is that? It looks pretty groovy from your gallery pic.

                ok, Kathy, you need to take a 5 minute break from MWO ......LOL!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Sunday 29th

                  Hey D, BMW R1150R----it is pretty sweet.

                  WELCOME BACK BREEZ!!!!!
                  It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                  James Gordon, M.D.


                    Sunday 29th

                    Hey breez- welcome home and glad you are feeling better too. A friend of mine just got back from Long Beach Island (New Jersey right?) and brought me back some salt water taffy. I've never been there....glad you survived!

                    Deter- My healthy day ended with a burrito and a fried chocolate chimi with ice cream....
                    Guess I'm headed back to the gym in the morning :H

                    Kathy- good job at dinner- you are doing soooooo well!! what day are you on now? I'm thinking you are getting close to the 50 mark?? Anyway, you are great!

                    It has rained here all weekend and it is starting again now. I've kind of enjoyed it though.

                    Victoria - happy trails - sounds like you needed a good sleep.



                      Sunday 29th

                      Thanks Lisa, Tuesday will be Day 50. Can't believe it myself! I'm not consciously saying it, but somewhere inside, "NOT AN OPTION" is pinging around in there. Don't worry too much about the chocolate chimi.

                      Your cycle is pretty cool looking, Victoria.

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012

