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Monday, July 30th

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    Monday, July 30th

    Good morning all Abbers!

    I hope that you are enjoying your Monday, or are just waking up and feeling good.

    I had a completely lazy weekend. I got a few essential things done, but not much else. It felt rather nice. We also got some great thunderstorms. I just love thunderstorms, and espec. now. Maybe the grass will green up a bit.

    I'm really excited because when today is done, I will have finished 7 weeks of ABs. I feel like I've won some great contest and it hasn't sunk in yet! The nice thing is that I feel that way a lot of the time, at least about not drinking.

    Anyway, I hope everyone to come has a great day. Right now, my cats are all pushing their bowls around the kitchen floor. That can only mean "breakfast time".

    Hugs to all,:l


    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    Monday, July 30th

    Hi Kathy,
    I'm really happy for you.
    You sound really happy.

    It's a lovely day here.
    I finished work early and I have some time to catch up with you all.
    I hope everyone has a Happy Monday.


      Monday, July 30th

      Good morning Kathy, Popey, and everyone to come !
      Congrats Kathy on 7 weeks!

      I'm not really as awake as I would like but very happy about 44 days AF. And it's my Friday,

      happy Monday to all!
      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


        Monday, July 30th

        Hi Kathy, Popeye and Kit-Kat - great to hear everyone's so chirpy this Monday. Congratulations on the AF achievements too! - 7 weeks is fabulous and day 44 brilliant - should be justifiably proud fo your achievements! :goodjob: Glad you get a little 'down time' Popeye - much deserved I'm sure!

        I had a really relaxing weekend too, and now have two weeks to finally get round to doing all the jobs I should have done while school's out. Oh well, can't complain - just wish sometimes I wasn't such a good procrastinator!

        Anyway, hope the week continues as positively and catch up again soon! Hugs to all to come as well - hope your weeks are also shaping up well. Warmest wishes ...
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          Monday, July 30th

          Afternoon All~

          Hubby still has today off (last day of vacation) & we went swimming in pool this afternoon. Still lazy days...we have another holiday in 2 weeks-thinking Long Island (wink, wink Kath).

          Kath~Congrats! You know you are progressing when you have to stop & think where you were & where you are. I applaud sound so wonderful from since you were...:applaud:

          Hi Pop! Glad things are going good.

          Hi Kit

          Hello Arial-haven't said hello in awile!

          Have great day...gotta run...things to still do to catch up on
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Monday, July 30th

            Happy Monday ABerooonies! so nice to have yet another hangover-free is rough enough without such things.
            Kathy and Kitkat...big congrads on the AF days!!
            Popeye, Arial nice to see you in here. I think the heat is getting to me..just so tired and rundown..blah. spirits are high though, so no complaining here.
            May your days be filled with garlic and love,


            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Monday, July 30th

              hey Breez! sneeking up on me like that
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Monday, July 30th

                still af, thanks everyone
                Diamond x
                I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                Marilyn Monroe


                  Monday, July 30th

                  Hi all,
                  I want to jump in here for a while. Just finished 7 AF days. Those weekends are just a bit**. I made it thanks to Campral. We went to the fair on Friday and went boating yesterday. Normally I would have had a beer or wine in my hand for both, but I made it.

                  The goal for this week is to lay off the cookies.

                  I feel good today and I'm off to the gym.

                  Talk later,
                  Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                    Monday, July 30th

                    Hi everyone!! It's a great Monday and Deter BOY do I agree about Mondays without Hangovers. It's like there's a whole new day of the week I totally never even knew about.

                    Hi to ALL Af'er and special congratulations to all who "shouted out" stats - Kathy, congrats on a Lucky 7 Weeks!! I think you should buy a lotto ticket this week for sure. kitkat, I can't wait to be 44 days like you WAY TO GO!! Laura congrats on day 7, and especially on making it through the fair and boating. I can't remember the last time I did either one of those without a cocktail of some sort in hand.

                    Breez it is awesome to have you back and well again.

                    I was long over due for new prescription glasses - mine were so scratched up and also I needed stronger ones BADLY. Of course no time for that when the BoozeBeast captured all of my attention. Anyway, I really splurged today - two new pairs of regular glasses - one practical and one for fun (I've NEVER sprung for a pair of glasses just because they are FUN looking!) and also a pair of prescription sun glasses so I can read a book or whatever outside without squinting to death. Did about 39574957 other errands as well and the days are FLYING by. Why oh why did I waste so many, many countless days doing NOTHING but drink and breathe and that's all??? What a waste. Can't change it now - can only go forward.

                    I'm trying out a new recipe for dinner tonight - chicken in ginger sauce. I figure the extra sauce will be good on broccoli too. It calls for a new spice (meaning new to me) Garam Masala. That'll be several $$ down the drain if me or Mr. Doggy hate it! Deter, what else can I do with that spice????

                    Anyway, have a great AF day everyone!!

                    Day 20 AF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (my gold stars)
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Monday, July 30th

                      DGirl, Garam Masala is great for all kinds of things...wise investment! used as an everyday staple in India. I just love Indian cuisine.....getting hungry now....
                      congrads on the forward outlook...yer kicking bootie!
                      Big howdy to Diamond and Laurlynn. yes, those darn cookies...sigh.
                      it's funny...I have alcohol in the house and I'm not drinking it, but if I have cookies here...those suckers are GONE!!!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Monday, July 30th

                        Good AFternoon all
                        Great stats today! Wow!
                        Kathy - thrilled for you ( and I know tomorrow is your official 50 day mark :goodjob: )
                        Kitkat - a very happy 44 ( happens to be my age so it must be lucky!)
                        Lauralynn - 7 also a very lucky number - aka - a week, half a fortnight, 7days and 7nights!
                        Hi Det - figured you would know that spice..I love indian food too vindaloo is yummy
                        Hi Popeye- you do deserve a little down time- you sound good
                        Hi Breez - another vacation? Where? I want to go this time...
                        Hi Arial - I love to procrastinate too - it's a bit of an art form I think
                        Hi Diamond - still af is great
                        Hi DG- Very Happy 20 Stars to you!!! You are going to run out of star room soon

                        Just checking in to say hello. Worked out this morning, had a stressful work day and then came home....same ole same ole here


                          Monday, July 30th

                          Hi All--It's Good to See You:l

                          Pops, I'm glad you have a little extra time; I'm sure you need it. It seems like you've been working a lot lately.

                          Congratulations on Day 44, KitKat! Lucky you to have it be your Friday, too. I hope you are enjoying it.

                          Arial, boy do I hear you about the procrastination. You'll get everything done though. A little anxiety (but not too much) is a great motivator. Good luck on getting everything done.

                          You're funny Breezy! Are you sure you don't want to go further south? The water on L.I. is a little too cold for my taste! Brrrrr. Unless, of course, you want to poke around some of the towns on the North Shore....wink, wink! At any rate, I hope you have a great time wherever you go. Everyone here sure misses you when you're gone. I'm glad you had some time with your DH today.

                          You're right Deter, life throws you enough curves without having to deal with them with a hangover. I hope you feel less tired soon. You've had a lot going on the last two weeks!

                          Good to see you, diamond!

                          Hey Lauralynn.:welcome: I'm glad you're here with your 7 days. Good job! Everyone here has supported me since day 1, and I'm sure you will find the same. I hope you will be here often. Great work on the boat and at the fair, too. 1000mg of L-glut will help with the cookies, too; at least it has for me!

                          DG, the new glasses sound great, espec. the fun ones! You make ABs sound like the most fun in the world. Good luck with your recipe. It sounds really good to me.

                          Lisa, even after a difficult day at work, you are still a ray of sunshine here! Thanks for always being a support. I so love your describing procrastination as an art form. And I just thought of it as a fault. I am going to wear my procrastinaton with pride from now on!

                          Anyway, I'm enjoying a nice Monday here. The only thing that's a pain is trying to get the finances straightened out for Maddy's schooling. Time is getting short, but everything will get done.


                          AF as of August 5th, 2012

